GrumpyCatFace wrote:I guess that's fine, if you don't want sports to exist as a thing anymore.
Let's play it out then: StC has opened up all PED rules in sports. It's an open field now. Here comes Pfizer and Merck to sell us The Ultimate Enhancer. New cola wars erupt in performance chemicals. Still not prescribed or anything, so people start jacking as much as they can, and more. A few months later, athletes' hearts begin exploding, and the world is mystified.
Regulation, not the wild west, god you're strawmanning faggot. Hearts will not explode, silly fearmonger who knows fuck all about PEDs.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:As the game goes on, the college-level athletes discover that they can get an advantage by jacking chemicals. Then the high-schoolers. Then youth leagues. Now everybody is on PEDs, just in case Timmy has a chance at the Big Leagues one day. Some sad losers don't get the best chemicals from their parents and wash out of the system.
Kids shouldn't be taking the stuff long term, doctors won't prescribe them the drugs to abuse like that, or they'll be out of a job, sued out the ass and imprisoned, if they are caught.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Now, athletes are routinely super-sized freaks, easily spotted among the general population, and eventually segregated out. They become show horses, or a gladiator class. Bred and caged for performance from childhood. Luckily, by now, we've reached the level of gene-editing technology to enable parents to breed top-level athletes from the womb. Training begins as toddlers, and continues until heart-explosion, or mental breakdown. The Great State is Glorified.
Or... we just ban the shit and do our best to limit it.
Super Drugs will turn people into mutants that aren't even human, yeah you sure know your stuff when it comes to PEDs.
Go home you're drunk, you don't know shit about PEDs, yet you think your opinion of them is so important that there should be a rule against them, fuck off sport killer. You are just par for the course when it comes to shitty PED arguments, you go to the same set of fallacies that they really on to make a case against these drugs, and it makes debate with y'all really quite predictable. I could fend y'all of with one arm tied behind my back without breaking a sweat, because y'all bring no good arguments to the table it requires almost no effort.