Fitness Thread

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Zero » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:12 pm

Finding time is my thing. How do those of you with tight schedules do it? And what time of day is best for you in terms of energy?
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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:17 pm

Zero wrote:Finding time is my thing. How do those of you with tight schedules do it? And what time of day is best for you in terms of energy?

Time is not my problem, but I think if I were constrained by time, I would focus FAR more on calisthenics and probably kettlebells. I would probably only spend about three days per week of actual training in the gym, and that would be 100% heavy weight training. The other days would be progressive calisthenics and kettlebells.

It depends on your recovery time, though. My recovery time is still really good for my age, so I can do a lot more than my peers. If it were lower, then maybe three days of heavy lifting per week would be enough?

For cardio, instead of running, you can just get a weighted jump rope.

Movement training I have come to find is actually really important. You can do that pretty much anywhere as well.

So if you have no time for the gym at all, just focus on progressive calisthenics (check out a book titled Convict Conditioning for some ideas there), kettlebells (check out that Pavel guy who has some video instructions on youtube), and for cardio just do about thirty minutes of jump rope. You can do those things at different times in the day.

All you would need for this would be a pull-up bar in your home somewhere, some kettlebells, and a jump rope. You could actually get pretty strong doing that. For movement training, try out something like GMB's elements to start. Check out things like monkey movement flow on youtube for ideas of where you can go with it. I have been doing it for about four months and am basically moving around like Tarzan now. It's actually a lot of fun.

Movement training plus kettlebells are a good combination of strength training and cardio as well. Movement training will greatly increase your mobility and flexibility. I don't do any kind of yoga or anything like that, but I can touch my toes now, which I could never do in my entire life until recently. That's just from moving around like a monkey four or five days per week.

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:25 pm

Try this type of thing if you are short on time and don't have any equipment:

It looks easy, but it can get much more difficult with more advanced progressions. The front-loading will slowly build up your shoulders and arms in ways that just lifting will never do. Depending upon the intensity you do it, you can burn quite a lot of calories as well.

Add to that progressive calisthenics. I would suggest either Convict Conditioning or Kavadlo's programs. For that, you will need a pull-up bar, or some roof overhang to do pull ups and hanging leg raises from.

I shit you not, in about six months you will be flying around the gym like a fucking gorilla, hopping up on boxes and whatnot. Your body has all that capability built into it, but you never learned to use it. It sounds silly but it's really fun.

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Ex-California » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:29 pm

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:34 pm

No legitimate Russian would use those.

Follow this spartan workout, comrade.

Maybe don't start with the 60lbs kettlebells, though.

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Zero » Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:46 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Zero wrote:Finding time is my thing. How do those of you with tight schedules do it? And what time of day is best for you in terms of energy?

Time is not my problem, but I think if I were constrained by time, I would focus FAR more on calisthenics and probably kettlebells. I would probably only spend about three days per week of actual training in the gym, and that would be 100% heavy weight training. The other days would be progressive calisthenics and kettlebells.

It depends on your recovery time, though. My recovery time is still really good for my age, so I can do a lot more than my peers. If it were lower, then maybe three days of heavy lifting per week would be enough?

For cardio, instead of running, you can just get a weighted jump rope.

Movement training I have come to find is actually really important. You can do that pretty much anywhere as well.

So if you have no time for the gym at all, just focus on progressive calisthenics (check out a book titled Convict Conditioning for some ideas there), kettlebells (check out that Pavel guy who has some video instructions on youtube), and for cardio just do about thirty minutes of jump rope. You can do those things at different times in the day.

All you would need for this would be a pull-up bar in your home somewhere, some kettlebells, and a jump rope. You could actually get pretty strong doing that. For movement training, try out something like GMB's elements to start. Check out things like monkey movement flow on youtube for ideas of where you can go with it. I have been doing it for about four months and am basically moving around like Tarzan now. It's actually a lot of fun.

Movement training plus kettlebells are a good combination of strength training and cardio as well. Movement training will greatly increase your mobility and flexibility. I don't do any kind of yoga or anything like that, but I can touch my toes now, which I could never do in my entire life until recently. That's just from moving around like a monkey four or five days per week.
Thanks man! That’s some good info, and is sure better than gym memberships. I know I need to get more serious about exercise because with teaching and grad school, I’m running on about 5-6 hours of sleep with almost no exercise and a shitty diet to boot. It’s starting to wear me down and I think that this might help.

Some of this I could maybe do at school on conferences even - just 15 minutes here or there until my schedule opens up. Either way, very doable at home.
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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by C-Mag » Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:22 pm

Drop your crossfit, your resistance training, your yoga and your animal movements, and just work.



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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by C-Mag » Mon Nov 20, 2017 7:15 pm

Doc, more info and personal experiences on these
I'd order some MK-677 and MK-2866 from a reputable source. Just saying. The first one will cause your brain to produce more growth hormone. That helps your body rapidly heal damaged tissue. The second one is mostly used to build muscle, but it has therapeutic effects on strained or damaged ligaments. Do your own research, but as long as you get good sources, those two drugs will cause your body to heal much more rapidly than you'd expect. That's why they are banned substances in sports.


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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Nov 20, 2017 7:23 pm

C-Mag wrote:Doc, more info and personal experiences on these
I'd order some MK-677 and MK-2866 from a reputable source. Just saying. The first one will cause your brain to produce more growth hormone. That helps your body rapidly heal damaged tissue. The second one is mostly used to build muscle, but it has therapeutic effects on strained or damaged ligaments. Do your own research, but as long as you get good sources, those two drugs will cause your body to heal much more rapidly than you'd expect. That's why they are banned substances in sports.

I have not yet used MK-677. I know people who have, though. MK-2866 (Ostarine) I have used before. It didn't have as good of results as some other SARMs, and the suppression was pretty high with that one. But it does help you heal hurting ligaments. I noticed that pretty fast.

My main experience is with LGD-4033 and S-4. I love both of those, but don't take them together since they basically do the same thing in different ways. I am kind of a contrarian and am right now on a low-dose cycle of LGD while I am cutting. I am taking Cardarine and another research chemical for actual cutting, but I cannot in good conscience recommend those. They come with some risk.

These drugs are not going to be crazy powerful like steroids or HGH, but you don't get all the crazy and dangerous side effects either. They are like little boosts. The therapeutic effects are undeniable in my experience, as I do struggle with a lot of pain (or did). I'd never have gotten to where I am today without them, though I wouldn't say the muscle gains I got from them were all that great either. You could still build the same amount of muscle with a little more time. I was mainly shooting for hitting minor issues with pain and recovery.

The last time I cycled LGD, I gained about 12 lbs of muscle, though. I am not sure how much of that was just normal gains or what. That was about two months.

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Re: Fitness Thread

Post by C-Mag » Mon Nov 20, 2017 7:32 pm

Thanks :D
I'm mainly concerned with maintaining muscle mass as I age, and staying fit.


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