International sports bar

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Re: International sports bar

Post by Montegriffo » Mon Aug 07, 2017 11:56 am

StCapps wrote: you're a faggot.

Ok I'm out if you can't debate in a civil manner.
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Re: International sports bar

Post by StCapps » Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:17 pm

When losing an argument, claim civility is all that matters. More faggotry, civility is irrelevant. If you can't handle being called a fag, without getting all butthurt about it, then get off the fucking internet. Insults are part of the fun in a virtual pub such as this, you just take them the wrong way because you're a Sensitive Sally. Good arguments and adding insult for added emphasis, that trump no arguments and no insults, any day of the week.

If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen, and keep pretending that pulling a Cartman is an argument winning mic drop, that will make you feel better about yourself.

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Re: International sports bar

Post by Montegriffo » Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:47 pm

Nah, not butthurt in the slightest. Just can't be bothered to debate with someone who thinks words like faggot belong in a debate.
Also I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay so not even a good insult to use on me.
Have a nice day....
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Re: International sports bar

Post by StCapps » Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:56 pm

More holier than thou virtue signaling garbage. Have a cookie, Captain Civility, what would we do without your boring lazy argumentation? Screw you guys, I'm going home, that's all you got.

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Re: International sports bar

Post by Montegriffo » Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:21 pm

For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: International sports bar

Post by Ex-California » Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:52 pm

StCapps wrote:
Montegriffo wrote:You want to harm yourself in your private life no problem. You want to damage the career of a rival sportsman and the sport itself by cheating then you don't get to keep your medal when you get caught and you deserve to be excluded from the sport.
Nope PEDs should not lead to life ban, you're a faggot. You want to virtue signal about sportmanship and impose draconian punishments to convince yourself you're helping level the playing field when you are doing the opposite, fuck off. PEDs can actually help the less athletically inclined from birth close the gap with the more athletically gifted, but you would rather have it so only the rich and the top athletes can afford the designer drugs that are designed to pass the drug screenings, while the small time guys still can't compete with them because they can't afford the drugs that best evade screening while their competition can. The drugs that give you best Performance Enhancing results aren't the most expensive PEDs, it's the ones that evade screenings that lead to the huge price tag.

You are making the playing field less level with your anti-PED witch hunt, not more level. That's because your ideas for fixing the issue of PEDs in sports are all based on ignorance of PEDs, it's no wonder you can't come up with effective counter measures to level the playing field, you don't care about actually doing anything about it, you just want to pretend to do something about it. You just want to "do something" no matter how ineffective your proposed strategy is, even if it's just a token measure that exacerbates the issue you are trying to fix, as long as you are too ignorant to know that it isn't working, you don't care, because the token measure makes you feel like you're doing your job, even when you're not.

Lifetime bans for taking PEDs, seriously go fuck yourself, people like you are ruining sports, not the athlete's taking the best supplements.
Monte, ignore the word "faggot" and respond to this.

If this is truly about leveling the playing field, what is wrong with StCapps' argument?
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Re: International sports bar

Post by Montegriffo » Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:23 pm

California wrote: Monte, ignore the word "faggot" and respond to this.

If this is truly about leveling the playing field, what is wrong with StCapps' argument?
I've never said it was about leveling the playing field, that's just a strawman invented to argue against because it's easier than addressing my points about accepting the rules of the governing bodies put in place to protect the health of the atheletes and the integrity of the sport.
No such thing as a level playing field due to genetics, talent, dedication, training facilities, money, parental support, altitude, race, age, sex, equipment, courage, nationality, resistance to pain etc etc .....
Whether Capps admits it or not many PEDs are bad for your health and legalising them in professional sports will lead to more people, especially young people, using them. It's a terrible example to give to children because rather than saying practice, train and work to become the best you can it says you can improve yourself through chemicals.
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Re: International sports bar

Post by Ex-California » Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:31 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
California wrote: Monte, ignore the word "faggot" and respond to this.

If this is truly about leveling the playing field, what is wrong with StCapps' argument?
I've never said it was about leveling the playing field, that's just a strawman invented to argue against because it's easier than addressing my points about accepting the rules of the governing bodies put in place to protect the health of the atheletes and the integrity of the sport.
No such thing as a level playing field due to genetics, talent, money, parental support, altitude, race, age, sex, equipment, courage, nationality, resistance to pain etc etc .....
Whether Capps admits it or not many PEDs are bad for your health and legalising them in professional sports will lead to more people, especially young people, using them. It's a terrible example to give to children because rather than saying practice, train and work to become the best you can it says you can improve yourself through chemicals.
Then why should it be categorically illegal? What's wrong with someone like me who is most likely never going to compete in anything again taking PEDs to get in better shape?

To do so right now I have to use drugs that the State views the same as heroin

And sanctioning bodies are not banning PEDs for heath reasons, they ban them because of the perception of unfairness, We've already demonstrated that there can never be a truly level playing field, yet PEDs that are taken under MD supervision are still banned. Why is this?
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Re: International sports bar

Post by Ex-California » Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:38 pm

Getting away from the PEDs for a minute and opening up a new discussion here

My son is playing AYSO again this year, and last year I could see some dumb shit like Silent Saturday going on but we didn't volunteer for anything and didn't have to see the true depths of depravity this organization is holding in order to pussify American children. My wife is going to be Team Manager so it required a couple online courses to take. When I read that making kids run laps because of misbehavior in practice is physical punishment I almost lost it. We are so far past common sense here I feel really sorry for the kids and their future

At least they get to keep score this year. That failed miserably in 6U soccer and Kinder football this last year as score wasn't supposed to be kept but the kids did it themselves.

I'm loving his BJJ training though, the coach routinely makes them do laps and pushups if they are misbehaving
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Re: International sports bar

Post by StCapps » Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:40 pm

PEDs are just supplements. Monte is fear mongering against good supplements because abusing them is possible and lead to negative side effects. Get an endocrinologist to check your blood work and shit, problem solved. Just because you need a prescription doesn't mean it will lead to more kids abusing it, the black market leads to more abuse than legalization and regulation. Idiot sports fans who know nothing of PEDs like to pretend they are saving the athletes from the themselves, but that is more hysteria they concoted because they don't have any good reason to ban the things, so they make up reasons.

The health benefits of many PEDs outweigh the side effects, Monte assumes the "experts" in the governing bodies of these sports know what they are talking about and have no political angle for their decisions, he again is talking out of his ass, he wishes that's the sporting world would only ban PEDs for good reasons, not dumb ones that are entirely politically motivated and have fuck all to do with "a level playing field" or "athlete safety", but he lives in Disney movie if he thinks that is the reality. He has been conned by idiotic sports pundits preaching about "the integrity of the game", none of these are good reasons for banning many PED's that are commonly illegal in sports, they are just the go-to straws for those with no argument against PED's to grasp at, like "it's cheating".

It obviously wouldn't be cheating if there wasn't an idiotic rule against certain supplements because political motivations, but none of these jokers has engaged in a conversation on the matter beyond the bubble that they live in that condemns PEDs because many sports fans don't like that, so they get stuck in repeating silly slogans that mean nothing because they never had more than a surface level of conversation about PEDs. They think there is no other side to argument than "it's cheating, and cheating is bad m'kay", well there is, and it's damn good one, unlike their side of the argument.