Martin Hash Cultural Revolution

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Martin Hash Cultural Revolution

Post by heydaralon » Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:33 pm

Like Mao's Great Leap Forward, the COVID-19 Leap Forward did not lead to complete socialist control and destruction of private property and freedoms.

Its time to take drastic measures.

We failed in getting everyone scared and willing to give up their rights. Since our attempts to tackle the economy and turn it into a state run welfare debacle failed, we need to address the other front.

A cultural Revolution.We will go after in the words of Mao: "capitalists" and "go it aloners." we need to update that dusty lexicon with "shekel cucks" and "Virus deniers." Onward Comrades, if we don't do this right, America could actually return to normal and people could work their jobs thus avoiding being larvae for gov't control. We must hurry. Make sure we emphasize the public health danger. We need to destroy the economy and civil liberties fast, Comrades! Now that we know this virus is a bullshit nonfactor, we must double down. Quickly now!

"Never Forget Class Struggle!"

Shikata ga nai