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Post by heydaralon » Tue Jun 20, 2017 8:56 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:
heydaralon wrote:Those sovereign citizens are goddamned hilarious. Its not just white people involved in that nonsense either. There was some black lady squatting in a house in memphis who using the sovereign citizen defense. There are some of those folks in Canada too. Those youtube videos are great though.
Thing is, if they is a sovereign and there is no Westphalia, then everything simply comes down to force, so if someone says "I am a sovereign, not bound by the laws of men, divine right of kings I claim", if they don't have an army standing behind them, then we should just go ahead and shoot them on the spot, my sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II, we are HM army, I'm not seeing your army about King Joe, bad idea to wander off without your praetorian escorts, so... *BLAM*
They basically want to live under the protection of another country utilize the benefits of its defense, infrastructure, and services, without paying into the system and abiding by its laws. When you think about, that type of mentality that much different than some of those jihadi refugees living in Europe.

I've read about the belief system, and its weird. A lot of them think that the US is a corporation and that by filling out their taxes and forms in a specific way, they can opt out of the corporation.
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Post by TheReal_ND » Tue Jun 20, 2017 9:00 pm

Its basically a scam and they are on the terrorist watchlist for some retarded shit they pulled. Not even thread worthy imo.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Tue Jun 20, 2017 9:04 pm

heydaralon wrote:They basically want to live under the protection of another country utilize the benefits of its defense, infrastructure, and services, without paying into the system and abiding by its laws. When you think about, that type of mentality that much different than some of those jihadi refugees living in Europe.
Well that's the thing, Queen Elizabeth II is not really the opressor in this land, she is the protector, if she was really opressive, we'd likely unhorse and unhead her, but even then, res publica, and even if you went to tribalism, well, pretty sure if the Comanche were not keen to use King Joe as one of their slaves, they'd probably skin him alive and let him die in the sun over a period of several days if not a couple weeks, just for sport of it.
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Post by Montegriffo » Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:41 am

Smitty-48 wrote:
heydaralon wrote:How bad was inflation for the UK in the 1970s?
Umm, fluctuating around 16-24% maybe?
22% at the time of the 1979 election IIRC.
Again not ALL Labour's fault. World wide recession caused by OPEC's oil embargo on the US and UK after the Yom Kippor war. Quadroupling of the oil price in 1973 and a further hike in 1979. Imagine what an oil price of $400 a barrel today would do to inflation.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:59 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:
heydaralon wrote:How bad was inflation for the UK in the 1970s?
Umm, fluctuating around 16-24% maybe?
22% at the time of the 1979 election IIRC.
Again not ALL Labour's fault. World wide recession caused by OPEC's oil embargo on the US and UK after the Yom Kippor war. Quadroupling of the oil price in 1973 and a further hike in 1979. Imagine what an oil price of $400 a barrel today would do to inflation.
Wasn't a question of fault for the oil crisis, the fault was they weren't prepared to take any hard decisions to steer the ship of state from the shoals, it wasn't just in the UK, it was the same in America, and in Canada, the whole Keynesian centrally planned overweaning public sector profit destroying economy had come a cropper, but the Left was too beholden to it, it was their constituency, so electorates all over, came to the same conclusion, which is that this all has to be freed up, we have break out of this spiral, and the Left is not going to overthrow their own regime, same thing in Canada too, Brian Mulroney won in 84' with the biggest landslide in Canadian history, still to this day it is.

The Left is just inherently opposed to freedom and markets and choice and mobiility, because the Left wants to run a walled off socialist centrally planned command economy, but those always blow themselves up in the end, the workers paradise turns into a crumbling prison camp, and if you don't have a dictatorship, the electorate will just overthrow the regime when they've had enough of the fail.

When the Left restricts freedom and markets and choice and mobility, and tries to prevent ownership and profiting from, nobody is invested in it, so no investment, so the snake starts to eat its own tail, eventually, everything is run down and falling apart, because nobody has ownership of it, and so nobody is invested in it, and the only ones on the hook, are the taxpayers, who, eventually at least, will simply revolt.
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Post by Montegriffo » Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:21 am

Well I'm not going to defend the Left on their handling of the economy or over powerful Unions. However cut public spending to the point where you have to bring in the Army because there aren't enough police in London is not the way to go either. Cuts which lead to regulations not being properly enforced and people die in tower block fires. Even the current chancellor accepts austerity has gone too far.... May of course disagrees but she's a dead man walking at this point.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:56 am

Montegriffo wrote:Well I'm not going to defend the Left on their handling of the economy or over powerful Unions. However cut public spending to the point where you have to bring in the Army because there aren't enough police in London is not the way to go either. Cuts which lead to regulations not being properly enforced and people die in tower block fires. Even the current chancellor accepts austerity has gone too far.... May of course disagrees but she's a dead man walking at this point.
This is what you Lefties always say, but the bulk of the public spending is siphoned off to politically connected entrenched interests, make work, and boondoggle, so it never gets to where it is needed, doesn't matter which party you elect, they're all bad, some are just worse than others.

The problem with you Lefties is that you think that there's some way to get the money to where it is needed, by just electing some Lefty who promises a public spending workers paradise, when in fact, it will never work, no matter who you elect. I don't like the UK Tories, they're fucking useless, problem is, the Left is simply worse, they'll make an even bigger hash of it, and there will be more riots not less, and more buildings burnt down not less.

At first there will be money for everybody, they'll go around spending, spending, spending, just like they always do, but as always, there will come a crash, and then things will be even worse, all that money spent, debt and deficits abound, but you'll end up worse off not better, after the crash. Been there done that, so many times already, but Lefties never learn, because it's a secular religion, all based on feelz.

I'm not saying, hey, elect the Tories, they'll give you a workers paradise, nor even hey, elect the Tories, they'll give me a right wing paradise, not at all, what I'm saying is, government cannot be fixed, it is inherently dysfunctional, corrupt and corrupted, as an institution. So when it comes to government; less is more. I could increase spending exponentially, but the Left would never be satisfied, there would always be another sob story requiring another handout, and ever more expansion of this dysfuntional corrupted public sector leviathan.

I don't vote for the Right thinking oh they're gonna fix things, not at all, merely the lesser of two evils, the greater evil, being the runaway public sector leviathan consuming everything in its path. Am I prepared to ultmately sacrifice people who are totally dependent on it? Yes, because this is war.

If you cannot live without this public sector leviathan upon our throats, then you leave me no choice, I'm not after you, I'm after the leviathan, but if you insist on throwing yourself in front of it, don't cry to me, I am absolutely impervious to sob stories, make no mistake.

There was plenty of money to replace Grenfell Towers, there's enough money to build those people a luxury tower, several times over, but it will never get to them, doesn't matter who you elect, they didn't die for lack of money, they died for lack of entrenched interest political connections, which they will never get, they will never have acess to that, because they are not an entrenched interest and never will be.

I didn't kill them, the government did, but if those who survived this government attrocity then say that the answer is even more of the same, stockholm syndrome for the government? Then they are the enemy, and so I shed not one tear for them, they got what they vote for, so let them burn in it. If they haven't learned their lesson after that, then yes, they are ultimately expendable.
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Post by Montegriffo » Wed Jun 21, 2017 7:59 am

Fuck that's harsh. Too harsh for me. I'm not prepared to leave people behind "cos all government is bad". If it costs money to fix tower blocks then find the money. Tax cuts can wait.
That's why I like moderate government, Liberals in the British meaning of the word. To far right fuck the poor, too far left fuck the economy. Somewhere in the middle gives a better chance of compromise.
Too little government hurts everybody in the end, either through being left behind with no opportunity or by having your stuff stolen by the have nots.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:26 am

Me? Nah, mate, I'm not the harsh one, I'm just acknowledging the crisis of liberal governance that is and the seriousness of it, the harsh ones are the fascists, but if you keep going down this dysfunctional path, you will end up with a fascist government eventually, and it won't be in a coup de tat, the people will vote them in.

If you're going to load up on poor immigrants, but then say that they can't take care of themselves, they require this massive bloated uttterly corrupt and dysfunctional government leviathan to run every aspect of their lives, and everybody else has to pay for it, don't come crying to me when the fascists take over, and don't expect Canader to send you any troops this time neither, been there, done that, not doing that again.

When I say it's a war, it's a war for civilization, wot? A war to bring this leviathan to heel, before it tips the apple cart, but if you don't fight this war now, don't come asking for Johnny Canuck to come over and bomb the fascists into the stone age for you, 100,000 killed, to defend the United Kingdom, our debts to the old country, is paid in full, many times over.
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