Bundy's making news again.

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Re: Bundy's making news again.

Post by C-Mag » Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:09 pm

Do you think there's a big party this weekend in Burns, OR...………. let's all go. :D


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Re: Bundy's making news again.

Post by GloryofGreece » Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:14 pm

C-Mag wrote:
Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:09 pm
Do you think there's a big party this weekend in Burns, OR...………. let's all go. :D
Shit If I was him or his kin I'd think there have to be. Its just a good thing, and it gives me hope (i don't know why) but it does.
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Re: Bundy's making news again.

Post by C-Mag » Thu Jul 12, 2018 10:19 pm

GloryofGreece wrote:
Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:14 pm
C-Mag wrote:
Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:09 pm
Do you think there's a big party this weekend in Burns, OR...………. let's all go. :D
Shit If I was him or his kin I'd think there have to be. Its just a good thing, and it gives me hope (i don't know why) but it does.
I know what you mean.

These simple agrarian folks stood against the full weight of the US Government and Press, and won.
It cost them Tarp man. But they've been proven to be on the right side.


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Re: Bundy's making news again.

Post by C-Mag » Fri Aug 03, 2018 10:15 am

LEO who shot Tarp Man in the back named

Media is concerned for the Oregon State Patrol Officers Safety :roll: ...………. what, are they afraid someone will shoot him in the back.

Before someone goes and hangs this guy, think of this for a minute; The threat assessment reports that this guy read and the information and all the briefings that this guy was required to listen to were all lies from the FBI and Washington DC. This guy was told that the people at the refuge were the most dangerous people in American history. We know that they used the threat assessment in Nevada to brief the agents in Oregon. We know that the threat assessment in Nevada were lies and were doctored to justify military like action on the Bundy family. The reports were crafted by people like Dan Love and Rand Stover from the BLM. They needed the threat assessment to look terrible so they could justify the amount of force they used at the Bundy ranch.
These same lies were told to people like this man, Casey Codding. Casey may be a skilled murderer that will not think for him self. He may enjoy killing the American people for his own gain, but is he really the most culpable one? Don’t get me wrong this man is a killer. He has killed several people and has climbed the ranks because of it. I thought his job was to protect and serve not kill. It seems to me the only ones they protect and service are themselves. He is guilty of murder but let us not forget who amped him up, who lied to him, who manipulated him to believe that ranchers and family men are the greatest enemy to his country.
I pray for him and hope he can see what he is doing. He is a brainwashed man who has been fed lies his entire adult life about what it really is to defend freedom. He doesn’t even know what freedom looks like. I pray for those who enter the police forces today; they are in a very precarious situation and they do not even know it. Those that are destroying the freedoms of this people have gotten control of the police forces and are using them to further there power and influence. These wicked men and women who have plotted, conspired and acted to overthrow this great people could not do what they are doing with out men like Casey Codding; the man who killed Lavoy Finicum and who killed two others including a teenager.
However, let us not forget Greg Bretzing head of the FBI, Governor Brown, and many, many more that would not listen to the cries of the people but instead supplied their hired killers with ammunition and then lied to them about the great threat these same people where.
You see, the media is actually working to protect the real criminals in all of this. They aren’t concerned that an innocent man was shot in the back and killed by an officer that they wish was unnamed. No, they are more concerned that that innocent man be branded a criminal and the officer be branded a hero all to save face in the light of a tyrannical government that has engaged for decades in unconstitutional land grabs and violation of the rights of the people they are supposed to serve.
~ Amon Bundy

http://themillenniumreport.com/2018/08/ ... -identity/
http://www.dcclothesline.com/2018/08/03 ... r-officer/


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Re: Bundy's making news again.

Post by Ph64 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 9:18 am

C-Mag wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 10:15 am
LEO who shot Tarp Man in the back named

Media is concerned for the Oregon State Patrol Officers Safety :roll: ...………. what, are they afraid someone will shoot him in the back.

Before someone goes and hangs this guy, think of this for a minute; The threat assessment reports that this guy read and the information and all the briefings that this guy was required to listen to were all lies from the FBI and Washington DC. This guy was told that the people at the refuge were the most dangerous people in American history. We know that they used the threat assessment in Nevada to brief the agents in Oregon. We know that the threat assessment in Nevada were lies and were doctored to justify military like action on the Bundy family. The reports were crafted by people like Dan Love and Rand Stover from the BLM. They needed the threat assessment to look terrible so they could justify the amount of force they used at the Bundy ranch.
These same lies were told to people like this man, Casey Codding. Casey may be a skilled murderer that will not think for him self. He may enjoy killing the American people for his own gain, but is he really the most culpable one? Don’t get me wrong this man is a killer. He has killed several people and has climbed the ranks because of it. I thought his job was to protect and serve not kill. It seems to me the only ones they protect and service are themselves. He is guilty of murder but let us not forget who amped him up, who lied to him, who manipulated him to believe that ranchers and family men are the greatest enemy to his country.
I pray for him and hope he can see what he is doing. He is a brainwashed man who has been fed lies his entire adult life about what it really is to defend freedom. He doesn’t even know what freedom looks like. I pray for those who enter the police forces today; they are in a very precarious situation and they do not even know it. Those that are destroying the freedoms of this people have gotten control of the police forces and are using them to further there power and influence. These wicked men and women who have plotted, conspired and acted to overthrow this great people could not do what they are doing with out men like Casey Codding; the man who killed Lavoy Finicum and who killed two others including a teenager.
However, let us not forget Greg Bretzing head of the FBI, Governor Brown, and many, many more that would not listen to the cries of the people but instead supplied their hired killers with ammunition and then lied to them about the great threat these same people where.
You see, the media is actually working to protect the real criminals in all of this. They aren’t concerned that an innocent man was shot in the back and killed by an officer that they wish was unnamed. No, they are more concerned that that innocent man be branded a criminal and the officer be branded a hero all to save face in the light of a tyrannical government that has engaged for decades in unconstitutional land grabs and violation of the rights of the people they are supposed to serve.
~ Amon Bundy

http://themillenniumreport.com/2018/08/ ... -identity/
http://www.dcclothesline.com/2018/08/03 ... r-officer/
He was "only following orders".

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Re: Bundy's making news again.

Post by C-Mag » Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:10 am

Good News folks. Federal Agents can still kill citizens and get away with it.

The LEOs fired 8 rounds. Only two of the 8 brass casings were found. An FBI Agent who shot his weapon, claimed he didn't know he shot his weapon.
FBI special agent Joseph Astarita was found not guilty after a three weeks trial in which he was accused of obstruction of justice and making false statements in the shooting of LaVoy Finicum on January 26, 2016.
“I had no indication I had fired. I didn’t hear it, feel it, see it that day,” Astarita told jurors this week.

And I really like this one.....
The verdict was seen as a victory for the rescue team whose members said they had felt besieged by the charges against Mr. Astarita.


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Re: Bundy's making news again.

Post by Zlaxer » Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:05 am

C-Mag wrote:
Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:10 am
Good News folks. Federal Agents can still kill citizens and get away with it.

The LEOs fired 8 rounds. Only two of the 8 brass casings were found. An FBI Agent who shot his weapon, claimed he didn't know he shot his weapon.
FBI special agent Joseph Astarita was found not guilty after a three weeks trial in which he was accused of obstruction of justice and making false statements in the shooting of LaVoy Finicum on January 26, 2016.
“I had no indication I had fired. I didn’t hear it, feel it, see it that day,” Astarita told jurors this week.

And I really like this one.....
The verdict was seen as a victory for the rescue team whose members said they had felt besieged by the charges against Mr. Astarita.
Your sarcasm has been duly noted prole....and it is not welcome....perhaps you need to spend some time in the Sander's Academy, which will available for online credits starting next fall.

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Re: Bundy's making news again.

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:37 am

Attention: Your Patriot Score has been adjusted downward. At this time, you will not be welcome on airlines or mass transit. There is no need to respond to this email. Have a Freedom day.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: Bundy's making news again.

Post by C-Mag » Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:02 am

Zlaxer wrote:
Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:05 am
C-Mag wrote:
Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:10 am

And I really like this one.....
The verdict was seen as a victory for the rescue team whose members said they had felt besieged by the charges against Mr. Astarita.
Your sarcasm has been duly noted prole....and it is not welcome....perhaps you need to spend some time in the Sander's Academy, which will available for online credits starting next fall.
Yeah, I probably need to be re-programmed.

I have no sympathy for officers who carry out an ambush and now 'feel' besieged. I don't like it when the cops do all the shooting, and then claim self defense................ that shit don't make sense to me.


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Re: Bundy's making news again.

Post by C-Mag » Thu Sep 13, 2018 9:52 am

Bundy's Challenging Federal Land Ownership
A civil lawsuit filed on behalf of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy in state district court asks the court to declare that the public land on which Bundy grazes his cattle is owned by Nevada and Clark County, not the federal government.

The chances of success are most likely slim and none, but the suit raises some salient points about the power of the federal bureaucracy to hold sway over more than 85 percent of the land in Nevada.

The civil lawsuit — drafted by Larry Klayman, often described as an activist right-wing lawyer and founder of Judicial Watch, and Craig Mueller, who earlier this year lost a primary bid for attorney general — cites court cases, U.S. and Nevada constitutional history, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in which Mexico ceded much of the West to the United States and legislative proclamations.
The suit notes the state Legislature has never consented to allow the U.S. government to own more than 85 percent of the land within the state’s borders.

When the Constitution was being drafted James Madison raised concerns about giving Congress too much power to purchase land in the states, saying “that this power might be made use of to enslave any particular state by buying up its territory, and that the strongholds proposed would be a means of awing the state into an undue obedience to the general government.”
http://www.elynews.com/2018/09/07/bundy ... ownership/

Go Bundy's.............. I personally think we would be better off with the bulk of these lands back under state and local control.


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