Automatic promotions still in effect,
09L, 11B, 11C, 12B, 12C, 12P, 12T, 13B, 13F, 13M, 13P, 14E, 14G, 14H, 14P, 15N, 15Y, 17C, 19D, 19K,
31D, 35G, 35L, 35Q, 35T, 46Q, 46R, 68B, 68C, 68F, 68U, 68Y, 74D, 88H, 88K, 88M, 88N, 91A, 91G, 91H,
91L, 91M, 91P, 92G, 92R, 92W, 92Y, 94A.
11C, 12B, 12C, 12D, 12M, 12P, 12T, 12Y, 13D, 13F, 13M, 13P, 13R, 14E, 14G, 14T, 15E, 15Q, 15T, 15U,
15W, 15Y, 17C, 19D, 25D, 25E, 35F, 35G, 68A, 68C, 68J, 68M, 68S, 68W, 68X, 79R, 79S, 89D, 91A, 91P,
91S, 94T.
NOTE: Soldiers holding a STAR MOS should be given a high priority for BLC attendance due to increased
promotion potential.