Draining the Swamp

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Re: Draining the Swamp

Post by JohnDonne » Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:08 pm

C-Mag wrote:Nunes fingers Hillary
https://truepundit.com/video-nunes-fing ... -campaign/

Congressman Devin Nunes is fingering Hillary Clinton for leaking and tampering in the investigation, using surrogates to infuse Intel to the State Department and FBI.

I read the article, doesn’t seem to fit the headline, because I couldn’t find any Nunes quote where he points to Hillary. Maybe I’m missing something but all I see are a bunch of anonymous sources.

The video doesn’t show him pointing to Hillary, he just says, “we don’t know.”

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Re: Draining the Swamp

Post by C-Mag » Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:47 pm

JohnDonne wrote:
C-Mag wrote:Nunes fingers Hillary
https://truepundit.com/video-nunes-fing ... -campaign/

Congressman Devin Nunes is fingering Hillary Clinton for leaking and tampering in the investigation, using surrogates to infuse Intel to the State Department and FBI.

I read the article, doesn’t seem to fit the headline, because I couldn’t find any Nunes quote where he points to Hillary. Maybe I’m missing something but all I see are a bunch of anonymous sources.

The video doesn’t show him pointing to Hillary, he just says, “we don’t know.”
I thought it was implied but not overt.............. However, the main reason I posted that one was exchange with Fife right above.


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Re: Draining the Swamp

Post by C-Mag » Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:31 am

High Level FBI and DOJ Officials are cooperating witnesses to the Anti-Trump Coup pending prosecution
The inner circle of James Comey and Andrew McCabe on the 7th Floor of FBI HQ has flipped, according to high level Justice Department officials.

The once-loyal cabal of FBI brass and leaders who reigned during the FBI tenures of Comey and McCabe have been testifying against their former bosses, DOJ sources confirm.

FBI Counterintelligence Head Bill Priestap is the biggest fish, federal law enforcement sources said. And he is a key player here. His cooperation spells trouble for McCabe and likely Comey too.

“Last guy I would have thought would cooperate is cooperating,” one high-ranking Justice official said about Priestap. “He knows about everything the IG is looking at because he was involved it it all.”

The Justice official called Priestap’s cooperation “devastating” especially to McCabe. The source would not elaborate.

McCabe realized this when he banked over $500K on a GoFundMe campaign for upcoming legal fees.

Priestap was Peter Strzok’s boss and Priestap answered directly to McCabe.

Strzok is now cooperating with the Inspector General as well as Lisa Page, the FBI lawyer and former right-hand associate of McCabe. She too is talking along with Strzok, sources confirm.

It would appear that the FBI’s house — built by Comey and McCabe — is coming down, one brick at a time. But flipping Priestap takes out a cornerstone, no doubt.

https://truepundit.com/doj-key-fbi-bras ... nd-juries/


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Re: Draining the Swamp

Post by C-Mag » Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:05 am

Sally Yates ordered McCabe to shutdown the Clinton Foundation Investigation.................. it was heated with screaming and yelling.

McCabe is singing
https://bigleaguepolitics.com/evidence- ... ion-probe/


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Re: Draining the Swamp

Post by C-Mag » Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:02 am

A very interesting article.

Did any of you know Grand Jurys had been empaneled for investigations into the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One ? With a 3rd gearing up right now for DOJ/FBI Corruption. :shock: I had No F'ing Idea that was going on. I'm glad we've gotten this far, but my standard is a bunch of these criminals doing the perp walk in free orange government clothing.

Anyway, it's really interesting and challenges everything I have been thinking about Sessions for the last year.

https://bigleaguepolitics.com/heres-jef ... 4-d-chess/


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Re: Draining the Swamp

Post by C-Mag » Fri Apr 27, 2018 8:36 am

House Intel: Clapper Leaked Trump Dossier Details to CNN’s Jake Tapper & Deep State Media, Later Was Hired by CNN

Clapper broke the law, and lied in front of Congress.
House Intel Report in the link
https://truepundit.com/house-intel-clap ... ed-by-cnn/

IMO, the POTUS, Congress and the DOJ are not doing enough to clean up DC. Congress should be holding the leaders of the DOJ and FBI in Contempt.


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Re: Draining the Swamp

Post by C-Mag » Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:35 am

John McCain Era coming to an end very soon.
White House Intel: John McCain Expected to Retire from U.S. Senate
White House officials are saying the administration expects John McCain to step down from the U.S. Senate in ‘the coming weeks.”
“A replacement is being negotiated now,” a White House insider said.
True Pundit reported on March 8 that McCain would be stepping down from the U.S. Senate, an exclusive that sent his wife Cindy over the edge. She claimed McCain was healthy, recovering from his cancer treatments and would return to the Beltway.
She referred to True Pundit as “crackpots.”
That was nearly two months ago and still, no sign of McCain in Washington, D.C.
He has not been to work since Dec. 17, 2017.

https://truepundit.com/white-house-inte ... -s-senate/
https://truepundit.com/as-criminal-scan ... roduction/


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Re: Draining the Swamp

Post by pineapplemike » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:07 am

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Re: Draining the Swamp

Post by C-Mag » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:39 am

Nice, hadn't seen that before.

Trump's not doing enough, he needs to get with it, get his people out there playing hardball like the Swamp. Get the US Marshalls, start raiding DOJ and FBI to get docs they refuse to turn over to congress. Send the US Marshalls on a pre-dawn raid to the houses of Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan................... all of them.

That's how Mueller is doing, they bring a knife, you bring a gun................. it's the Chicago Way.


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Re: Draining the Swamp

Post by C-Mag » Tue May 01, 2018 9:23 am

Congress has drafted Articles of Impeachment on Rod Rosenstein

Basically Congress is fed up with the DOJ obstructing Congress by not turning over documents and witnesses in a timely manner.
https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa ... n-n2476276

I like it, checks and balances and all that stuff.


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