First, you have accounts of MULTIPLE women stating basically the same story about one person then you have this conspiracy theory (which is where it is as of now, btw) with really no evidence, currently, to back up your claim(s). Sessions even said this and the guy is literally a Trump appointee and Trump's (current) AG.Ph64 wrote:Who the heck needs evidence? As long as their are multiple women with accusations of wrongdoing... #believewomen, you have no reason to question it. Evidence be damned.Penner wrote:Only after we spend taxpayers' money for the investigation and then start all over because the GOP is reaching for this one. Didn't even Session said that there is no evidence and/or not enough evidence of wrongdoing to even start an investigation?GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Ahhh... now, do we go nothingburger here, or pretend that we Hillary just sabotaged the entire balance of MAD?
I don't get it why do guys have this obsession with Clinton? Why not someone else and actually do something decent? When Benghazi came up you guys literally scuttled the investigation and started going after Clinton- it leads to nowhere. Which is where this is going.
Also, all those women with accusations really can't really force a criminal investigation on partisan matters nor any criminal charges in most of these cases, because of statute of limitations, and the ones that can are being investigated as we speak.