Coronavirus thread

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Re: Coronavirus thread

Post by DBTrek » Fri May 08, 2020 4:54 pm

In China, where they lie about numbers, jail dissidents, and vanish critics . . . their response was phenomenal.
Maybe all we need to expertly handle COVID-19 is communist tyranny.
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Re: Coronavirus thread

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri May 08, 2020 4:56 pm

China is in violation of the NAP. If that's how insectoids want to live I won't judge them if they want to do that over there. Here in America, if they try to weld me in to a trashcan someone is going to go to the hospital with bullet wounds. Heil Hitler press S to spit on commie fuckbois SSSSSSSSSS

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Re: Coronavirus thread

Post by DBTrek » Fri May 08, 2020 5:01 pm

Just sayin' ... If Monte wants to go down the "more control equals better results" road why not go all the way?
Control the media, the scientist, the citizens, and everything else . . . then COVID-19 isn't even a problem, unless you say it is.
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Re: Coronavirus thread

Post by TheReal_ND » Fri May 08, 2020 5:03 pm

DBTrek wrote:
Fri May 08, 2020 5:01 pm
Just sayin' ... If Monte wants to go down the "more control equals better results" road why not go all the way?
Control the media, the scientist, the citizens, and everything else . . . then COVID-19 isn't even a problem, unless you say it is.
Wow it's almost like someone should think of controlling the media, scientists, the citizens, and everything else. Oh wait

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Re: Coronavirus thread

Post by The Conservative » Fri May 08, 2020 6:02 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
Fri May 08, 2020 4:32 pm
Martin Hash wrote:
Fri May 08, 2020 3:39 pm
There won’t be a vaccine (eventually, maybe?), there won’t be a drug (never), lockdown actually weakens people’s immune systems, “flattening the curve” turned out to be bullshit (same rates in Sweden & Brazil without lockdowns). It’s all total sanctimonious posturing & Trump-hating.

p.s. Thx, DB, for having the patience to push back against the demagogue authoritarian-lovers; it gives other posters some room.
I know that you are averse to actually reading up on a subject before you make sweeping statements and overuse the word sanctimonious but in the case of Sweden, you should try to be better informed.
I know it is popular to claim that Sweden is carrying on as normal in order to make an argument that lockdowns don't work. It's not actually true though.
Colleges have been shut down, gatherings of over 50 people are banned as are visits to elderly care homes, non-essential travel has been vastly reduced. Social distancing recommendations are being observed, people are working from home where possible, the use of public transport has reduced significantly, bars may still be open but they are running at only 25% of normal trade and making losses.
The main difference is that most social distancing measures have been voluntary rather than enforced. They are actually being observed at higher rates than many countries which have made them mandatory. Up to 90% compliance with staying apart by more than a meter according to some polls.
Shops may be allowed to stay open but that doesn't mean people are using them as they normally would.
Yet, even allowing for the high rates of voluntary compliance with social distancing recommendations Sweden has higher rates of infection than their Scandinavian neighbours with stricter rules.
Sweden's death toll is 0.0303302% of it's population... with its herd immunity thought processes. With roughly 25,200 infected and 3040 dead, that is a 12% mortality rate to mirror Sweden.

For the US to obtain that we would have to see double the amount of people infected and nearly four times dead that we have now.

What most people are not realizing that is that herd immunity within the US, and the rest of the world we would have to have much more people tested to show infected.

If we take NY as a case study (which I hate doing) they say that 21% of all that were tested (69,300) already had antibodies...

the 330k is 1.7% of the entire population of NY, so, if we take that and use it to figure out how much on NY actually is infected already and has going through the virus and lived, it comes to be about 3,950,100 people.

if we use that same math, that means that 1,199,565 have died from COVID... but since we know that is not the case, we can only assume that all this math is bogus, and the rest of the fearmongering we have been lead to believe is also false...

Otherwise, NY's morgues are entirely full, over-flowing and we are burning bodies to keep the infection from spreading, and the skyline is filled with ash from the dead, as it lands around the population, children are forced to stay inside because the parents are afraid to tell their children that's not snow... and the US, as well as the rest of the world are not being told.

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Re: Coronavirus thread

Post by clubgop » Sat May 09, 2020 5:43 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Thu May 07, 2020 5:09 pm
clubgop wrote:
Thu May 07, 2020 5:02 pm
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Thu May 07, 2020 5:00 pm

Oh we are doing this again. Okay.

Are you disputing that the government has the authority to impose quarantines and social isolation measures, or are you now trying to create a vague straw man about how these are not real social isolation measures?
Both. They do the latter because even they know they can't get away with the former.
Strange that we implemented these exact same measures in 1918 and nobody noticed until now, no? Or that the guys who wrote the Constitution themselves imposed quarantines for yellow fever and small pox?
No we did not. No one jailed or threatened to jail people for attending a religious mass because they could just stream it over the internet. The founders certainly didn't shut down the whole country, they fought a revolution during one. You are losing, Florida courts don't think they have the authority, Texas doesn't think they have the authority. So you can rail on and on about the GOP this and the GOP that like you have been watching MSNBC all day but scoreboard, they are winning. You can scream about Georgia but not Colorado who is opening up the same way because their governor has a D next to his name, because you have been reduced down to a partisan hack bitch.

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Re: Coronavirus thread

Post by Zlaxer » Sat May 09, 2020 8:39 am

Leftist suck and hate freedom - that’s all there is to say about this - fucking facists. ... peech.html
The term Chinese virus has been labelled hate speech by San Antonio's city council.

The Texas city will now ask its citizens to 'report any such antisemitic, discriminatory or racist incidents to the proper authorities for investigation', according to San Antonio's WOAI-TV.

Not constitutional - I know - but they don’t care and will lock your ass up or fine you into poverty and silence.

Fucking virtue signaling leftists...they really are evil at their core.

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Re: Coronavirus thread

Post by Zlaxer » Sat May 09, 2020 9:26 am

Wtf is wrong with Texas - that shit wouldn’t even fly up here in the People’s Republic of Connecticut.

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Re: Coronavirus thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat May 09, 2020 9:38 am

clubgop wrote:
Sat May 09, 2020 5:43 am
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Thu May 07, 2020 5:09 pm
clubgop wrote:
Thu May 07, 2020 5:02 pm

Both. They do the latter because even they know they can't get away with the former.
Strange that we implemented these exact same measures in 1918 and nobody noticed until now, no? Or that the guys who wrote the Constitution themselves imposed quarantines for yellow fever and small pox?
No we did not. No one jailed or threatened to jail people for attending a religious mass..
I guess it must be alt-history day every day on the MHF.



Fucking nuts.

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Re: Coronavirus thread

Post by pineapplemike » Sat May 09, 2020 9:46 am
