Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:48 am

BjornP wrote:
Wed Aug 15, 2018 9:43 pm
Okeefenokee wrote:
Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:51 pm
BjornP wrote:
Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:08 pm

The only, single, thing Hungary's good for, is tough immigration laws. And that's it. Look into what's been happening in Hungary aside from immigration for once. North Korea has super tough immigration laws as well... doesn't make it a nation worth following, does it? ... 16/hungary ... 18/hungary
Electoral Process rating declined from 3.00 to 3.25 due to manipulation of the campaign environment and the State Audit Office’s decision to hand out arbitrary fines to opposition parties just months before the parliamentary election in April 2018.

Do you think they paid a british spy to collect intel from Russia so they could wiretap the opposition?
Do you think they used their tax agency to go after supporters of their opposition?

Independent Media rating declined from 4.25 to 4.50 due to the complete control and domination of the regional newspaper market and increasing verbal attacks on individual journalists.

Whoa, we can't have that can we?

Corruption rating declined from 4.50 to 4.75 due to large-scale and unpunished corruption involving not only government-friendly oligarchs but also high-ranking politicians and officials.

Large-scale and unpunished corruption? Say it ain't so.
It's really amazing how you constantly and so happily want to outdo Flounder in displaying your cluelessness and ignorance about the world.
We are trying to root out the exact same problems, that you sited as arguments against Hungary, here in our own government, and you are regularly here making excuses for them.

If the problems exist in Hungary, you're willing and ready to level criticism, but if anyone over here points out the same behavior going on, you're johnny on the spot with a pale, ready to carry their water.

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:20 am

Okeefenokee wrote:
Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:48 am
BjornP wrote:
Wed Aug 15, 2018 9:43 pm

It's really amazing how you constantly and so happily want to outdo Flounder in displaying your cluelessness and ignorance about the world.
We are trying to root out the exact same problems, that you sited as arguments against Hungary, here in our own government, and you are regularly here making excuses for them.

If the problems exist in Hungary, you're willing and ready to level criticism, but if anyone over here points out the same behavior going on, you're johnny on the spot with a pale, ready to carry their water.

No, what Hungary under Orban is doing, is not "what you're trying to do in the States". And definitely not the "excat same", unless you think the reason the Hungarian media critical of Orban is only critical of him for leftist, pro-immigration, pro-LGBT, pro-SJW, "Marxist" reasons. They're not. Not all media critical of the government are Marxists, are they, Okee?

It's not the same thing, not unless you're talking about immigration policy alone. And you may hate liberals, but I've seen you defend classically liberal values on several occasions. That's like pointing to Erdogan's Turkey and saying he's simply getting tough on fake news... when what he's done, is what Orban is currently trying to do (take over media critical of his government). Judging by how you rip into Monte on their government banning freedom of speech, you should cheer for Orban and Fidesz on matters immigration, sure, but also renounce them on what they're trying to do a Hungary that only recently became a free democracy. ... SKBN13V1FL

All other countries in the world are not the United States. Once more, for emphasis: All other countries in the world are not the United States. That means that their history is different, their culture is different, their politics is different and the scale of their problems vs. your own are also bound to be different. And if a foreign president says he considers a free press the enemy, there's a difference between that president being Iranian, Chinese, American or Hungarian. With the US, we all know it's just Trump throwing a hissy fit and that he's not likely to send in the spooks to break down journalist's doors or take over the NYT and install... Jared Kushner (?) as the new editor-in-chief. Iran, though? China? Already happening. Hungary... they're a young democracy, new to liberty. Hungary, Poland, Croatia, they are not alone when it comes to challenging some of the traditional "leaders" of the EU (France+Germany) on immigration. Atm, even Sweden is looking at nationalists potentially becoming the largest party in Sweden. But Hungary and Poland are the only ones currently their own democracies by introducing laws giving government more direct power over the courts - undermining the seperation of powers idea -, and by taking charge of critical media. So hopefully not what you want to see in the US.

I get that you see foreign politics through an American prism. That's natural and all... but just think about this:

Just because some foreign guys say it's excatly the same as your own fight, that those guys are totally the same as you and on your side, stop to think that maybe they're not. That they're simply saying that because they want allies. Fidesz is heaviliy promoting itself as the pro-tough immigration party and defenders of Christian values - and I get that you like the sound of that. Consider though, that you're being conned, that here's a party that is hiding some OTHER policies behind the lovely curtain saying "Christian Values", "Tradition", etc. on it? Consider it like you might consider your liberals: They'll moan about the poor latino illegals not being allowed into your country, citing humanity, compassion, etc... but all they really want is just cheap shit. Consider that the anti-immigration, pro-"values" thing is just a smoke screen and look at what else they want implemented.
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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:22 am

Or: In Tl;dr form:

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Always look into wether or not someone who seems to share your beliefs, is hiding or doing something you might not approve of.
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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:38 am

Do you really think I am going to give the time of day to anything that comes from your feeble little mind when you couldn't even bring yourself to admit that taking from someone else without their consent is theft?

Hungary is bad mkay. Like, look at the meddling in their elections, and the state of their media, oh and corruption.

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:37 am

Okeefenokee wrote:
Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:38 am
Do you really think I am going to give the time of day to anything that comes from your feeble little mind when you couldn't even bring yourself to admit that taking from someone else without their consent is theft?

Hungary is bad mkay. Like, look at the meddling in their elections, and the state of their media, oh and corruption.

So, let me get this straight, because you've been sobbing in your pillow this whole time because you can't handle being proven wrong in some other thread, you're going to stick your fingers in your ears and keep pretending that the only ones criticizing Orban and Fidesz are criticizing them simply because they're tough on immigration? :roll:

I've said this before, Okee, but... you need to drop out of college. It's shrivelling your brain, because you're thinking totally like a SJW. This guilt by association bullshit, and simply making shit up, is weak AF.

Because speaking of feeble minds, it's really sad that you still don't understand what I was trying very hard to make you understand in that other thread. Taking things without consent is theft... so does this mean police confiscating a drug lords earnings is theft? By your definition, it certainly is. By your definition, someone who doesn't want to pay their taxes, because they're pacifists who don't like war, are also being "robbed". Well, do you think they are? What if they declared: "We do not consent to paying taxes!"? Do you see the tiny, weeny, problem with your definition, now?

One citizen taking his neighbour's things without permission, sure, that's obviously theft. But as a general definition, there are so many examples of "taking something without consent" that are NOT theft, but legitimate despite not involving consent. Pretending that those examples don't exist is stupid beyond anything ever written on this board, ever. Among the 300+ million taxpayers, do you think they ALL "consented" to having their money sent your way, to pay for your gear, your ammo, your wages, when you served in Afghanistan (and Iraq, iirc)? Did you, or the government you were fighting for, rob those people?
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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:41 am

Dude, you're out of currency.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:57 am

And you've become an angry, navel-gazing, lying, thoroughly undignified version of your former self, indistinguishable from all the other victimhood culture warriors infecting the internet and western society. :| I can only hope you regain some dignity for the future.
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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:58 am

Insufficient funds.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Ph64 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:04 am

When banning guns leads to knife crime, you implement knife control...

When knife control leads to "motor vehicles of peace" running down people...?

Yes!! Ban vehicles! ... er-attack/
London mayor wants to ban cars in some areas after attack

Sadiq Khan says this would help keep people and buildings safe after car drives into cyclists and pedestrians.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan said Wednesday he wants to ban cars from certain areas of Parliament Square in response to a suspected terror attack on Tuesday.
Remember, ever address the causes of problems, if you successfully eliminate the cause you won't have a reason for bigger budgets and to justify your jobs. Instead only address the symptoms, that way new ones keep popping up for you to fix, justifying your increasing control.
Last edited by Ph64 on Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:06 am

Bjorn says it was a miscommunication.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.
