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Post by Smitty-48 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 2:53 am

The central fallacy of the liberal narrative about Vegas is that he "killed more" because "hi capacity" and "bump stock", but the reality is, he hit a lot of people, but killed less, because he used .223 at 500 yards, the fact that there were hundreds of hits and only dozens of kills, speaks to the whiffle ball nature of .223, whereas if he had fired many fewer rounds of .308, he would have killed way more with less rounds in the same amount of time, because .308 at 500 yards, that's delivering tens times the energy as the .223

If you got hit with that little 56gr .223 slug at 500 yards in the torso, you have very good chance of surviving that, but .308 at 500 yards in the torso, you're probably killed instantly, it's delivering as much energy at 500 yards as that .223 does at 50 yards, getting hit with a .308 at 500 yards, it like getting hit with a .223 at point blank basically.

If he had just fired off five mags of .308 repetition, he wouldn't have hit hundreds of people, but he would have killed 70 or 80.

Thing is, let's say he stacks fifty mags of .308 up in that room, and then pumps that into the crowd as fast as he can pull the trigger, which would be about 120 rounds per minute? Now you're talking more like 700-800 killed.

Seriously, the fact that the AR is so popular in America, including with the mass shooters, that's actually saving lives, if they ever switch to the M14, that would up the death toll exponentially.

It's like the kid we had here in Moncton who went mass shooter on the Mounties, he used the M14, he killed three Mounties, with three shots, he had illegal 20 round mags, but he didn't even need 20 rounds, one hit with a .308 dropped each Mountie dead in their tracks, at that's through their ballistic vests by the way, and at standoff range.
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Post by Ex-California » Sun Oct 08, 2017 5:41 am

I thought he had a .308 AR in there as well?
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Post by Fife » Sun Oct 08, 2017 6:45 am

PAGE 63 TL;DR >>>


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Post by Smitty-48 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 9:39 am

California wrote:I thought he had a .308 AR in there as well?
So they say, but so far I haven't seen it, all pictures I've seen so far are 5-5-6 AR's with big banana clips. Bear in mind, he overheated all these guns using that stupid bump stock, so he probably only got a couple mags off for each one before it went stoppage on him, so how many mags of .308 did he get off and how many of the 59 dead was caused by .308

Because one chick got hit in the heart, and she survived, and generally, you don't survive a .308 to the heart, thus, I'm getting the impression it was mosly 5-5-6.

They said he had an AK too, but in all the videos I havent heard an AK firing, so I don't know if he actually used all the guns he had.

He didn't actually have a machine gun, people throw the term "machine gun" around pretty loosely, but it's not like he was blasting away with an M240, rifles aren't designed for sustained automatic fire, so he was burning each rifle out pretty fast, using the bump stock. Even a machine gun can only fire 200 rounds before you have to change barrels, in addition to being belt fed, the quick change barrel is a defining characteristic of a machine gun, with an M240 and the like, you have two barrels and you have to alternate them every two hundred rounds, or the barrel will literally melt.

Thus it seems that this guy's solution was quick change gun instead of quick change barrel, because after a few mags of sustained auto, that rifle is jammed, it just overheats, so he tosses it away and picks up another one. Obviously he was getting his jollies off with automatic, he's an amateur so he thinks auto is the big kahuna, but it's actually not, if he had just slowed down and taken his time, with one .308 and a whole lotta mags, single aimed shots, he would have hit less people at random, but killed more by deliberate fire.

At 500 yards with a semi auto scoped .308, I can give you all headshots, even without a scope, I can give you all center of mass, so if you employ deliberate fire you can kill more people, by making sure 80-90% of the people you hit are killed, rather than just winging a bunch of people in a hail of randomly sprayed fire, most of which just wasted into the dirt, more noise, less kills.

Like I say, we had two mass shootings here which killed a total of seven Mounties, but that only required seven shots, because it was single aimed shots with an HK91 and an M14, 100% lethality, so, put 22,000 Mounties like fish in the barrel, pretty sure more than 59 are going to be killed by the likes of James Roszko.

Roszko may have been a kook, but he was smart, and he was tactical, and knew how to use a gun, and he picked the right gun, and so those Mounties never stood a chance, in the end, we had to send the army after him because the Mounties said "this guy's out of our league", they couldn't find him and they were too scared to go into the bush to look for him, so it fell to 1VP Recce Platoon from Edmonton to go in, with their sniper section.

If you rock the .308 semi, and just take your time, deliberate fire, single aimed shots, almost everybody you shoot is dead, and after a few minutes, you've racked up quite the body count, one at a time, one right after the next, slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
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Post by Ex-California » Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:29 am

Just like autocross, smooth is fast.

And the media doesn't know the difference between a .223 and .308, let alone the difference between "semiautomatic" and "machine gun"
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Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:31 am

It's those murder bullets again.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:39 am

And they obsess on auto as if it was the be all and end all, like recruits on day one in the army, thinking "wow, we got auto rifles yo", but beyond 25 meters in short bursts, what is it good for? Not much.

I've demonstrated to recruits on the range, just so they understood, me and another trained soldier, twenty falling plate targets, at a hundred meters, me semi, him auto, same amount of time, rapid fire window, he hit 6 targets, I hit 19.

Shanked that last one, shameful I know, but whatevs, nobody's perfect, not even me. Bear in mind tho, these are the little falling plates, smaller than a human head, so that was 19 headshots out of 20, and we're talking twenty second window, one second per target, which, if you go smooth, is actually plenty of time, one one thousand bang, two one thousand bang...

If you factor in magazine changes, and shanking a couple here and there, you're still talking at least 20 killed per minute, if not 40 in such a target rich environment, which, after ten minutes, you're talking 200-400 dead already.

There were literally thousands of people caught in the open, lying down in a field immobilized with fear, and he had all the time in the world to shoot fish in a barrel, he's spraying them with fully automatic fire, but he's not actually hitting that many of them by doing so, and he's only killing 10% of what he hits. Use deliberate fire, and suddenly the numbers are flipped, instead of 50 killed 500 wounded, it becomes 500 killed 50 wounded, you score more critical hits, and very few actually survive their wounds in the end.

Now, at 500 yards, .223 is not very accurate at all, it's slowed way down by then, the trajectory is not flat anymore, it's being blown by the wind as it drops, it's wobbling all over the place, and at that range, the energy has fallen off to around 200 lb-ft, so that's .22 territory, but with .308, you're still laser accurate at 500 yards, and the energy is like a 1000 lb-ft, so that's hitting almost as hard as .223 at point blank.

At shorter ranges, .223 gets the job done, but at 500 yards, .223 v .308, two totally different ballgames. You get hit with 56gr going 1000 ft/s at 200 lb-ft? Very survivable, just slightly hotter than a .22LR, at the very least, you have a good shot of making it to the ER surgeon with a fighting chance, but if you get hit with 168gr going 2000 ft/s at 1000 lb-ft? That's like getting hit by a truck, even center of mass, the hydrostatic shockwave alone would probably drop you dead in your tracks.

You get hit while running at 500 yards with the .223, you might just keep on running and not even realize that you've been hit, but with the .308, thwack, down you go, like a strings cut marionette, could be dead before you hit the ground.

In automotive terms, .223, that's like getting into a car accident with a toyota corolla, .308, that's like getting into car accident with a cement mixer, the airbag is not going to save you.
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Post by clubgop » Mon Oct 09, 2017 5:35 am

Smitty-48 wrote:
Montegriffo wrote:Good luck killing 60 with your bare hands.
Killing 60 with fallacious security theater liberal gun control tho; no problemo.

Gun control; M14 with a background check, two day safety course, and five round magazines?

60 people dead with eleven magazine changes instead of two, additional time taken to execute, 27 seconds.
A magazine is a metal box with a spring in it. You can 3d print the bitches. Try to pass that and they'll sell out before you can vote on it.

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Post by Fife » Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:28 am

Six reasons explained as to why there will be no negotiations.

No quarter.

http://thefederalist.com/2017/10/06/6-r ... mJ.twitter

1. We Rarely Get to Come to the Conversation in Good Faith
2. The ‘Blood on Their Hands’ Attacks Are Offensive
3. The Loudest Voices Are Often the Most Ignorant
4. The Most Prominent Policy Ideas Have Nothing to Do With the Tragedy
5. We Seriously Don’t Care About Gun Laws in Other Countries
6. We Really Do Consider Owning Firearms a Right

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Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:40 am

Oh please. Fronting like our politicians have a spine. The only reason they haven't cucked is because they literally can't.