2020 election

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Re: 2020 election

Post by StCapps » Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:29 pm

Biden fits the Mondale/Dole/Kerry/Romney mold.
Sanders and Harris fits the McGovern mold.

The Dems might go McGovern this time, but the usually go Mondale/Dole/Kerry/Romney. If they go McGovern, Trump wins in a landslide, if they go Mondale/Kerry then the worst Trump will do is coast to re-election.
Last edited by StCapps on Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2020 election

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:32 pm

The democrat primary is wide open right now. The presumed front runners, in my opinion, are weak as shit. Harris is the weakest of all of them. In particular, the democratic base is not going for an establishment candidate after 2016. Notgonnahappen.

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Re: 2020 election

Post by StCapps » Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:35 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:32 pm
The democrat primary is wide open right now. The presumed front runners, in my opinion, are weak as shit. Harris is the weakest of all of them. In particular, the democratic base is not going for an establishment candidate after 2016. Notgonnahappen.
The darkhorses are even weaker than the frontrunners though, so they'll pick a frontrunner. Biden most likely, Sanders second most likely, Harris third most likely, everyone else has a snowballs chance in hell of winning.
Last edited by StCapps on Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2020 election

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:36 pm

The liberal-cuckservative establishment is a dead man walking right now. The entire deep state is dead. They just don't know it yet. There is literally nothing they can do to maintain power now. The curtain was pulled back and Americans are not having it. If they keep stealing elections and subverting democracy, the entire government will become defunct. I think you will see this more so in places like the UK where the government is obviously out of control, but here to a lesser extent going into this election.

The NWO is coming apart at the seams everywhere.

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Re: 2020 election

Post by StCapps » Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:38 pm

More Democrats prefer it if the Democrats were more moderate and less liberal than in 2016. The more liberal crowd is actually just a vocal minority.

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Re: 2020 election

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:41 pm

Democrats are not going for establishment again. It's over. We are about to see happen to the democratic party what we saw happen to the republican party in 2016.

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Re: 2020 election

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:45 pm

Right now I am looking at Bernie or Tulsi being the nominee, but I am not really up on what some of the other more obscure names are doing.

If Beto can stop being such a beta, I'd put him in second, after Bernie, and before Tulsi. But I think he will implode.

The main problem with Tulsi is that she is too polite and friendly. She needs to stir shit up. Come debate time, she needs to get brutal with the deep state. Flat out tell the democrat normies these fuckers funded and armed ISIS. That the "good rebels" Obama was talking about were Al Nusra, who are Al Qeada. She has to just say it. Then when they try to call her a liar and "fact check" her, people will come out and point out that she was telling the truth.

Bernie has to stop playing the nice guy (which in real life I have no doubt is nothing more than an act for a KGB guy like him).

Beto should stop apologizing for his race and sex. Play the hacker thing to the hilt. Embrace it. Be the hacker candidate.
Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2020 election

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:54 pm

One interesting thing I have noticed about all the liberals over in Ashevegas is that they seem to carry a lot of envy for the Trump supporters. The anti-establishment thing, the movement, the comradery, etc. They hate it so much because they envy it. They desperately want that for themselves. They want the initiative in the meme wars. They want the momentum and the vision.

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Re: 2020 election

Post by StCapps » Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:59 pm

The far left lane is clogged, that provides the establishment the opportunity to win 2020. If the far left pick a horse and back it before Biden gains too much momentum like Romney did in 2020, then Sanders or Harris will win.

Tulsi has no shot, she's too centrist for the far lefties, she's not the right kind of intersectional for the identitarian left because Indians are a well off minority, and she has no chance of winning over the establishment, she's dead in the water. The anti-establishment vote is not big enough for her to win when she has no hope of gaining much ground with the three major voting blocks.

Also, like you said, she's too polite and the media hate her, which isn't a good thing for Democrats, because Democrats trust the media a lot more than Republicans.

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Re: 2020 election

Post by Hastur » Tue Mar 19, 2019 3:23 am

DBTrek wrote:
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:01 pm
Hate fake news? Yang has proposed the creation of a "news and information ombudsman," a kind of imperial fact-checker who would award media liars heavy fines instead of pinocchios.
That’s not creepy at all. Or hey, we could just become a direct Banana Republic under China and get communism and the state media censors without having to elect anyone.

They got this tho:
At present Yang's most vocal supporters seem to be young men who are what you might call "extremely online": the same meme-addicted 4chan weirdos who tended to favor Donald Trump in 2016. They call themselves the "Yang Gang."

https://theweek.com/articles/829377/and ... illennials
The Yang Gang are just Accelerationists, cheering him on ironically. "Let's burn it all down but get some bags while we do it." Once he looses the primary they will go back to Trump.

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