StCapps Not Even Allowed To Start Threads Anymore

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Re: StCapps Not Even Allowed To Start Threads Anymore

Post by K@th » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:31 pm

The Mosaics of Delos (nominated by PericlesofAthens) are a significant body of ancient Greek mosaic art. Most of the surviving mosaics from Delos, Greece, an island in the Cyclades, date to the last half of the 2nd century BC and early 1st century BC, during the Hellenistic period and beginning of the Roman period of Greece. Hellenistic mosaics were no longer produced after roughly 69 BC, due to warfare with the Kingdom of Pontus and subsequently abrupt decline of the island's population and position as a major trading center. Among Hellenistic Greek archaeological sites, Delos contains one of the highest concentrations of surviving mosaic artworks. Approximately half of all surviving tessellated Greek mosaics from the Hellenistic period come from Delos.
Anbe Sivam (nominated by Ssven2) is a 2003 Indian Tamil-language comedy-drama film directed and co-produced by Sundar C. The film tells the story of an unexpected journey from Bhubaneswar to Chennai undertaken by two men of contrasting personalities, Nallasivam and Anbarasu. Produced on a budget of ₹120 million, Anbe Sivam takes on several themes, including communism, atheism, and altruism, and depicts Haasan's views as a humanist. The film was released on 15 January 2003 to positive reviews from critics, but underperformed at the box office. Despite its failure, it gained recognition over the years through re-runs on television channels and is now regarded as a classic and a cult film in Tamil cinema.
Harry R. Truman (nominated by ceranthor) was a resident of the U.S. state of Washington who lived on Mount St. Helens. The owner and caretaker of Mount St. Helens Lodge at Spirit Lake, at the foot of the mountain, he came to brief fame as a folk hero in the months preceding the volcano's 1980 eruption after he stubbornly refused to leave his home despite evacuation orders. Truman was presumed to have been killed by a pyroclastic flow that overtook his lodge and buried the site under 150 feet (46 m) of volcanic debris.
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Re: StCapps Not Even Allowed To Start Threads Anymore

Post by K@th » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:31 pm

Business and economy
Economy of the European Union
Eurozone GDP rose by 2.5% in 2017, a pace not seen since 2007 and industrial production is up 5.2% year-on-year. The production of durable consumer goods is up 7.4% and capital goods, indicating investments, are up 7.6%. (Reuters via Arab News)
Law and crime
Crime in South Africa
The residence of the Gupta family is raided by the South African Police Service's elite Hawks unit and three people are arrested. (BBC)
2017–18 United States political sexual scandals
Michael D. Cohen, the private lawyer of President Donald Trump, claims that he did a "lawful" $130,000 payment to porn star Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels, from his own private funds. The statement to the New York Times comes after the Common Cause organization on 22 January 2018 filed a complaint about the payment with the Federal Election Commission. (ABC News)
Crime in Pakistan
Pakistan moves to ban two charities linked to terrorist Hafiz Muhammad Saeed. (Reuters)
November 2015 Paris attacks
After the first trial on the attacks, Jawad Bendaoud is acquitted. Bendaoud rented an apartment to two of the attackers but denied knowing what they planned. Mohamed Soumah is sentenced to 5 years for acting as an intermediary, Youssef Ait-Boulahcen to 3 years in jail for failing to inform authorities. (Digital Journal)
Crime in the United States
A shooting and break-in at the headquarters of the National Security Agency cause several injuries. Police do not believe the incident to be terror-related. (CBC)
Disappearance of Maëlys de Araujo
The remains of Maëlys de Araujo, a girl who disappeared in the early hours of 27 August 2017 at a wedding in France, are found after suspect Nordahl Lelandais guides investigators to the site. (
Politics and elections
Politics of the Netherlands
Ruud Lubbers, the longest-tenured and the youngest serving former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, who later served as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, dies at the age of 78. (NOS) (Politico)
Ukrainian crisis
Mikheil Saakashvili, leader of the opposition Movement of New Forces party, who was deported from Ukraine to Poland, relocates to the Netherlands. (NOS) (Xinhua)
Politics of Zimbabwe
Morgan Tsvangirai, the leader of Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai and the former Prime Minister of Zimbabwe from 2009 to 2013. dies at the age of 65. (BBC)
Concerns and controversies at the 2018 Winter Olympics
A man is caught impersonating Kim Jong-un after walking through North Korea's cheerleading squad. (Business Insider)
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Re: StCapps Not Even Allowed To Start Threads Anymore

Post by K@th » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:32 pm

Aktuelle begivenheder
Tour of Oman • Vinter-OL • Borgerkrigen i Syrien
RA-61704 A148(100V) Saratov Airlines DME UUDD 0 (33736247853).jpg
Saratov Airlines Flight 703 fra Saratov Airlines (billedet) forulykker kort efter starten fra Domodedovo Lufthavn, og 71 omkommer.
Sangeren Rasmussen vinder Dansk Melodi Grand Prix med sangen "Higher Ground".
Philadelphia Eagles vinder den 52. udgave af Super Bowl.
Sauli Niinistö genvælges som Finlands præsident.
Tennisspilleren Roger Federer vinder sin 20. Grand Slam-titel, da han vinder Australian Open-mesterskabet i herresingle.
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13 Noter
2018[redigér wikikode]
Februar[redigér wikikode]
Dansk Melodi Grand Prix • Dubai Tour • Borgerkrigen i Syrien • Irakiske borgerkrig

11. februar - Et Antonov An-148-fly fra Saratov Airlines forulykker kort efter starten fra Domodedovo Lufthavn, og 71 omkommer.
10. februar - Sangeren Rasmussen vinder Dansk Melodi Grand Prix med sangen "Higher Ground".
4. februar - Philadelphia Eagles vinder den 52. udgave af Super Bowl.
Januar[redigér wikikode]
28. januar - Sauli Niinistö genvælges som Finlands præsident.
28. januar - Tennisspilleren Roger Federer vinder sin 20. Grand Slam-titel, da han vinder Australian Open-mesterskabet i herresingle.
27. januar - Miloš Zeman vinder præsidentvalget i Tjekkiet.
27. januar - Tennisspilleren Caroline Wozniacki vinder Australian Open-mesterskabet i damesingle.
9. januar - Retten i Sønderborg dømte i Penissag fra Tinglev.
1. januar - Trøndelag blev et fylke ved sammenlægningen af Sør-Trøndelag og Nord-Trøndelag.
2017[redigér wikikode]
December[redigér wikikode]
28. december - Den tidligere fodboldspiller George Weah vinder præsidentvalget i Liberia
21. december - Ved regionalvalget i Catalonien får selvstændighedspartierne absolut flertal.
21. december - Aarhus Letbane kører for første gang med passagerer efter måneders forsinkelse.
18. december - Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) bliver leder af en koalitionsregering med FPÖ i Østrig.
18. december - Nordhavnsvej i København åbnes for biltrafik.
17. december - Frankrig vinder VM i håndbold for kvinder med en finalesejr over Norge.
6. december - SreyRam Kuy, USA's første kvindelige kirurg født i Cambodja, får tildelt hædersprisen L'Oréal Women of Worth for sit velgørenhedsarbejde.
6. december - #MeToo-bevægelsen udpeges til "Årets Person" af det amerikanske magasin TIME.
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Re: StCapps Not Even Allowed To Start Threads Anymore

Post by StCapps » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:32 pm

Don't censor Kath, Martin Hash, that would be lame. Off-topic wall of text should not be grounds for censorship.

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Re: StCapps Not Even Allowed To Start Threads Anymore

Post by K@th » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:32 pm

Oktober[redigér wikikode]
27. oktober - Catalonien erklærer sig selvstændig fra Spanien.
25. oktober - Københavns radikale beskæftigelses- og integrationsborgmester Anna Mee Allerslev meddeler, at hun trækker sig af private årsager.
19. oktober - New Zealands Labour danner koalisionsregering, og Jacinda Ardern tiltræder som landets nye premierminister.
5. oktober - Den tidligere franske kulturminister Audrey Azoulay bliver ny leder af UNESCO
5. oktober - Den japansk-britiske forfatter Kazuo Ishiguro modtager Nobelprisen i litteratur 2017.
2. oktober - Mindst 50 personer meldes dræbt efter et masseskyderi i Las Vegas.
2. oktober - Det britiske luftfartsselskab Monarch Airlines indgiver konkursbegæring og efterlader tusindevis af passagerer i udlandet.
1. oktober - Ved en folkeafstemning i Catalonien deltager 2,26 mio. vælgere i valget, der ender med, at 90% (2,02 mio.) stemmer for selvstændighed.
September[redigér wikikode]
27. september - Kriminalforsorgens Storstrøm Fængsel med plads til 250 indsatte indvies.
24. september - Ved Forbundsdagsvalget i Tyskland bliver partiet Alternative für Deutschland det tredjestørste parti.
15. september - Rumfartøjet Cassini afslutter sin knap 20 år lange rummission ved Saturn og styrter ned gennem planetens atmosfære.
14. september - Halimah Yacob indsættes som præsident i Singapore og bliver landet første kvinde i embedet.
13. september - Den Internationale Olympiske Komité vælger Paris og Los Angeles som værter for henholdsvis OL i 2024 og 2028.
8. september - Orkanen Irma rammer som en kategori 5-orkan Cuba, hvor den anretter betydelige skade.
2. september - Den amerikanske astronaut Peggy Whitson vender tilbage til Jorden efter at have tilbragt i alt 665 dage i rummet.
August[redigér wikikode]
27. august - Viktor Axelsen vinder finalen i herresingle ved VM i badminton.
25. august - Orkanen Harvey rammer kysten i Texas, hvor den anretter betydelig skade.
17. august - Ved to attentater i Barcelona og Cambrils omkommer mindst 14, og over 100 såres.
6. august - Holland vinder finalen med 4-2 over Danmark ved EM i fodbold for kvinder (billedet).
Juli[redigér wikikode]
23. juli - Cykelrytteren Chris Froome vinder Tour de France for 4. gang.
16. juli - Tennisspilleren Roger Federer vinder ved Wimbledon-mesterskaberne 2017 som den første nogensinde titlen i herresingle for 8. gang.
7. juli - Tysk Forbundsråd vedtager lov om homoseksuel ægteskab, stemt for og vedtaget af tysk Bundestag den 30. juni 2017.
2. juli - Tyskland vinder Confederations Cup med en finalesejr på 1-0 over Chile.
Juni[redigér wikikode]
30. juni - Tyskland vinder U/21-EM i fodbold for mænd med en finalesejr på 1-0 over Spanien.
17. juni - Den grønlandske bygd Nuugaatsiaq rammes af en tsunami og bygdens befolkning må evakueres.
14. juni - En brand i Grenfell Tower i Kensington i London resulterer i mindst 30 omkomne og 74 tilskadekomne.
12. juni - 11 personer fra ledelsen af den tidligere Amagerbank frifindes i en erstatningssag om 900 millioner kr.
11. juni - Cykelløbet Critérium du Dauphiné afsluttes med danskeren Jakob Fuglsang som vinder.
5. juni - Montenegro bliver medlem af Nato.
3. juni - Ved terrorangrebet i London 3. juni 2017 bliver 6 personer dræbt og mindst 20 skadet.
3. juni - Real Madrid vinder 4-1 over Juventus F.C. i finalen ved Champions League 2016-17
2. juni - Blasfemiparagraffen afskaffes i Danmark.
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Re: StCapps Not Even Allowed To Start Threads Anymore

Post by K@th » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:32 pm

LGBTQ wedding planning is hard. No matter your budget, personal style or guest count, there are a barrage of decisions you’ll need to make to pull off your perfect wedding vision. For LGBTQ couples, planning can be even more difficult as you need to source LGBTQ-friendly wedding vendors like a venue, photographer, wedding planner and officiant.

That’s why we created GayWeddings’ first LGBTQ Wedding Planning Guide. It’s 24 pages of beautiful inspiration from real gay and lesbian couples along with practical advice to jumpstart your wedding planning journey. Every photo features a real queer couple who has appeared on GayWeddings’ Real Weddings section. We also went beyond inspiration to be sure we helped you plan the wedding of your dreams.

Read the LGBTQ Wedding Planning Guide
Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect from the guide:

» How to create your perfect wedding vendor team: It takes a village to bring your wedding vision to life, so we break down a few of the important players in your wedding planning journey.

»Fun facts about LGBTQ couples: Much has changed since the Supreme Court of the United States recognized marriage equality on June 26, 2015, so we added some little-known facts about queer weddings.

»How to find your wedding style: Weddings are about expressing yourself and your love, so we’ll help you figure out which wedding style is right for you.

»A quick start checklist: Inspiration is great, but now it’s time to get started with your wedding planning. Our quick guide helps you prioritize so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.

And, much more! Flip through the LGBTQ Wedding Planning Guide here.
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Re: StCapps Not Even Allowed To Start Threads Anymore

Post by StCapps » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:33 pm

Do not censor.
That would be petty and lame.
Something Kath would do, because she's butthurt about scrolling past some posts.
Last edited by StCapps on Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: StCapps Not Even Allowed To Start Threads Anymore

Post by K@th » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:33 pm

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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v t e
The history of pizza begins in antiquity, when various ancient cultures produced flatbreads with toppings.

The precursor of pizza was probably the focaccia, a flat bread known to the Romans as panis focacius,[1] to which toppings were then added.[2] Modern pizza developed in Naples, when tomato was added to the focaccia in the late 18th century.

The word pizza was first documented in AD 997 in Gaeta[3] and successively in different parts of Central and Southern Italy. Pizza was mainly eaten in the country of Italy and by emigrants from there. This changed after World War II, when Allied troops stationed in Italy came to enjoy pizza along with other Italian foods.

Contents [hide]
1 Origins
2 Innovation
3 Pizza in Canada
4 Pizza in the United States
5 See also
6 References
7 Further reading
8 External links
Foods similar to pizza have been made since the neolithic age. Records of people adding other ingredients to bread to make it more flavorful can be found throughout ancient history.

In Sardinia, French and Italian archaeologists have found bread baked over 7,000 years ago. According to Professor Philippe Marinval, the local islanders leavened this bread.[4]
The Ancient Greeks had a flat bread called plakous (πλακοῦς, gen. πλακοῦντος—plakountos)[5] which was flavored with toppings like herbs, onion, and garlic.
In the 6th century BC, the soldiers in Persian King Darius I armies baked flatbreads with cheese and dates on top of their battle shields.[6][7]
An early reference to a pizza-like food occurs in the Aeneid (ca. 19 BC), when Celaeno, queen of the Harpies, foretells that the Trojans would not find peace until they are forced by hunger to eat their tables (Book III). In Book VII, Aeneas and his men are served a meal that includes round cakes (like pita bread) topped with cooked vegetables. When they eat the bread, they realize that these are the "tables" prophesied by Celaeno.[8]
Some commentators have suggested that the origins of modern pizza can be traced to pizzarelle, which were kosher for Passover cookies eaten by Roman Jews after returning from the synagogue on that holiday, though some also trace its origins to other Italian paschal breads.[9] Abba Eban has suggested that modern pizza "was first made more than 2000 years ago when Roman soldiers added cheese and olive oil to matzah".[10]

Other examples of flatbreads that survive to this day from the ancient Mediterranean world are focaccia (which may date back as far as the ancient Etruscans); Mankoucheh in Lebanon, coca (which has sweet and savory varieties) from Catalonia; Valencia and the Balearic Islands; the Greek Pita; Lepinja in the Balkans; or Piadina in the Romagna part of Emilia-Romagna in Italy.[11]

Foods similar to flatbreads in other parts of the world include Chinese bing (a wheat flour-based Chinese food with a flattened or disk-like shape); the Indian paratha (in which fat is incorporated); the Central and South Asian naan (leavened) and roti (unleavened); the Sardinian carasau, spianata, guttiau, pistoccu; and Finnish rieska. Also worth noting is that throughout Europe there are many similar pies based on the idea of covering flat pastry with cheese, meat, vegetables and seasoning such as the Alsatian flammkuchen, German zwiebelkuchen, and French quiche.

In 16th-century Naples, a galette flatbread was referred to as a pizza. Known as the dish for poor people, it was sold in the street and was not considered a kitchen recipe for a long time.[12] This was later replaced by oil, tomatoes (after Europeans came into contact with the Americas) or fish. In 1843, Alexandre Dumas, père, described the diversity of pizza toppings.[13] An often recounted story holds that on 11 June 1889, to honour the Queen consort of Italy, Margherita of Savoy, the Neapolitan pizzamaker Raffaele Esposito created the "Pizza Margherita", a pizza garnished with tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil, to represent the national colours of Italy as on the Italian flag.[14][15][16]

Pizza is now a type of bread and tomato dish, often served with cheese. However, until the late nineteenth or early twentieth century, the dish was sweet, not savory, and earlier versions which were savory more resembled the flat breads now known as schiacciata.[17] Pellegrino Artusi's classic early-twentieth-century cookbook, La Scienza in cucina e l'Arte di mangiar bene gives three recipes for pizza, all of which are sweet.[18] However, by 1927, Ada Boni's collection of regional cooking includes a recipe using tomatoes and mozzarella.[19]

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Re: StCapps Not Even Allowed To Start Threads Anymore

Post by K@th » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:36 pm

Pruning Citrus Trees

I sat down with one of our resident fruit tree experts, San Gabriel Valley Harvest Coordinator Gunther, to get his advice on pruning citrus trees. While Food Forward does not do any pruning, we can offer some advice to homeowners who wish to prune on their own.



Citrus trees require less pruning trees than most other fruit trees. Pruning on citrus trees is almost always done for the grower/person and not the tree.

A little bit of vocabulary:

Deadwood – These are easy to spot branches because they won’t have any green leaves on them and are usually very dry. If you bend them they should snap off because they are dry and no longer living.
Basal shoots – Basal shoots grow from a plant’s roots and can become autonomous from the parent plant. See photo (A) at the bottom.
Branch Collar – This is often visible swelling that forms at the base where it is attached to the parent plant or trunk. The wrinkling around this area is part of the tree’s defense mechanism against microorganisms. See photo (B) at the bottom.
Gourmands – Long, thick, very vigorous branches that seem to suddenly appear in the canopy.
Water Sprouts – Shoots that arise from the trunk of the tree (or older branches) from latent buds. Water sprouts are not as strong as natural tree growth and produce very little fruit, usually of poor quality. See photo (C) at the bottom
Suckers– Many citrus trees are grafted onto another tree species’ rootstock. The point where the rootstock and citrus tree stock are grafted is called the bud union. If any stems grow below the bud union or from the rootstock, they are called suckers. See photo (D) at the bottom

Why you would prune a citrus tree:

– Make it easier to harvest. Reducing a tree’s height through pruning will make it easier to pick the fruit. Sometimes citrus trees can get so tall that even with a ladder, there is still some fruit that is out of reach.

–Keep the tree within your personal space confines. Whether the tree is starting to hang over your roof, is now blocking a path or is blocking sunlight for other plants, sometimes you just want the tree to stay in its place.

–There is a lot of deadwood. You can prune these branches because it will make it easier to reach the fruit when picking.

–Growth of Basal Shoots or Suckers. These should be removed as soon as they appear on your citrus tree because they will not be productive and will take away the trees nutrients.

–Growth of Gourmands or Water Sprouts. These branches use large amounts of water and nutrients. If they ever do produce fruit it is often of poor quality. Gourmands contribute little to the tree and should be removed at their base.

–To skirt up the tree. This is the act of pruning the lowest hanging branches on a tree. Some citrus trees, including Satsuma mandarins, tend to have long branches that hang to the ground, known as skirt branches. Skirt branches can impede weeding, fertilizer and compost application, and provide pathways for ants. Fruit that touches the ground is also susceptible to soil borne pathogens. You can skirt up the tree until the bottom branches hang about two feet off the ground

What not to do:

-Over-prune! Citrus trees are “closed canopy trees” which means the outside of the tree should have foliage all the way around. Citrus bark is very susceptible to sunburn so it should have little to no direct sunlight exposure. This is especially important in SoCal’s hot sun.

-Pruning all of the low level branches beyond the ones touching the ground. This is where many citrus trees grow the best fruit so, by removing those branches, you are going to significantly reduce your fruit yield.



Secateurs or hand pruners
Loppers for branches larger than ½” diameter
Pruning Saw
A pole pruner may be useful for larger trees

About 6 inches from the branch collar, make the first cut from the bottom, about ⅓ of the way through the branch. Then move another inch or so along the branch and cut from the top down until the branch comes off. Make the third cut just after the branch collar. These first cuts are done so that a clean cut can be made at the branch collar and there is no tearing from the weight of the branch.


Time of Year to Prune:

Major pruning should take place after the risk of freeze has passed and before the summer heat (March-end of April in SoCal). Any winter maintenance should only be done on branches that are less than ¼” in diameter.


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Re: StCapps Not Even Allowed To Start Threads Anymore

Post by K@th » Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:37 pm


She’s got Kelly Kapoor’s personality in Kelly LeBrock’s body. The idea that she was created by two teenage boys with a computer program and an ’80s fitness Barbie is not far-fetched at this point. Never before have I seen someone who was so sure of their cleverness and been so completely wrong. Other people’s emotions confuse and infuriate her. She’s such a terrific reality-TV villain that I expect her to be offered a position in Trump’s Cabinet any minute as the secretary of Just Feeling So Attacked Right Now.

Let’s be real: Is there anything else worth discussing here other than Krystal’s manipulations and meltdowns? Let’s try to touch on everything else so I don’t just wax poetic about Krystal and her affectations and her bathrobe. Who am I kidding? I’m still going to talk about the bathrobe.

We’re off to sexy Fort Lauderdale! It’s just like Miami, for moms! We’re about halfway through this journey and it feels like we’ve been here for months. If you told me this was episode 12, I’d believe you. The first date of the week is Chelsea. Arie shows up at the ladytestants’ hotel suite to pick her up. Chelsea is excited to show him she’s not just a mom, but to show him she’s a hot mom. They get on a yacht named Paradise. Perhaps a nod to where she’s going to end up instead of walking down the aisle with Arie? She mentions “all of the amenities” on the yacht. Are any of these women capable of talking like real people and not a tourism brochure?

While Chelsea is on her date, Maquel returns and she’s still 23 years old.

The other ladytestants gather around a telescope and try to find Chelsea and Arie on their yacht and watch them make out. Everyone gets those wires that hold your eyes open and is forced to peer upon a middle-aged, washed-up race-car driver kiss a single mom. When it comes to the evening portion of the date, Chelsea and Arie head to a vintage car warehouse. They’re not even trying to pretend that they’re eating on these dates anymore. There is no kitchen in this warehouse. None of this is up to code. Arie tells Chelsea that he’s really impressed with her because he has no other way to relate to women than by communicating how much they please him. He also says in his in-the-moment interview that he has to treat Chelsea a different way because she’s a mom. I know what he’s trying to say, but this man is so inarticulate and unable to thoughtfully express emotion, it sounds like Chelsea is an exotic animal that is easily startled. Chelsea’s sight is based on movement and that makes her different than all the other women. Chelsea talks about her previous relationship with her child’s father and says that he was an older man who was successful and he tried to mold her into what he wanted. Chelsea?

You in trouble, girl.

After a performance from Tennis Arm, Chelsea gets a rose.

Back at the hotel, the next date card arrives and it’s a group date for Maquel, Krystal, Becca K., Bekah, Jenna, Seinne, Kendall, Ashley, Marikh, Jacqueline, and Lauren B., who are all heading to a bowling alley. When they arrive, Arie is doing a The Big Lebowski parody. He licks a bowling ball in a public bowling alley, which should be enough of a reason for the women to recoil, but the whole thing gets worse when you realize he’s imitating the John Turturro character. Jesus. The pedophile. If you watch The Big Lebowski, the second line spoken about Jesus is that he had to go door to door introducing himself as a registered sex offender. Not a good look for Arie right about now. Also, who is this for? Which fans of The Big Lebowski are they hoping to wrangle in with a Jesus reference? Is this supposed to impress the women in their early 20s by referencing such a cool vintage movie?

After a few warm-up rounds, Arie has the girls split up into two teams and bowl for his affection. The winners will get a cocktail party and the losers will go back to the hotel. After the team with Krystal wins, Arie suddenly changes his mind and sits all the women down and gives everyone a participation trophy.

There’s one shot of Krystal when Arie says that all the ladytestants get to go to a cocktail party and you can see the exact moment when her eyes go dark and the connections in her brain snap like so many rubber bands. This will not stand. This causes Krystal to lose her damn mind. She can’t believe that Arie would go back on his word like this. They all head back to the hotel to change for the cocktail party and Krystal just storms around in her bra, while all the women say in their in-the-moment interviews that Krystal was ranting and raving that Arie was a liar. All the other ladytestants are ready to go when Krystal emerges from her room in a bathrobe. Every great diva has an iconic moment in a bathrobe and, by God, this is Krystal’s Divas Live.

She’s going to be performing all the hits: “My Stuff Is Packed” and “He Was Disrespectful” and “I’m Not (Going Downstairs).”

Everyone just wants this bitch to go home and that’s a fantastic sign of a reality villain. ABC doesn’t give a single solitary fuck because they showed her in a promo for the next episode in the middle of this episode. I, for one, welcome our new overlord.

Arie sits down at the cocktail party for the group date and says, “We’re all here,” and the ladytestants have to tell him that they’re not. I hope someone told Krystal that Arie didn’t know she was missing. Arie heads down to Krystal’s hotel room to see her and comfort her. She’s still in her bathrobe. I hope she wears that thing to the rose ceremony. Krystal tries to explain that Arie’s changing his mind is the biggest sin he could have committed. Krystal is also making the classic villain mistake in thinking that the lead has to impress her. That’s not how this works, dear. The best part of this interaction is when Arie tries to comfort her by saying, “It’s just bowling,” and Krystal goes, “You know it’s not.” It’s never just bowling, Arie.

Arie heads back up to the cocktail party and while he’s spending some time with the other ladies, Krystal puts on her eye makeup and puts on a strapless dress because she cannot be stopped. She leaves before Arie manages to see her. It’s not about him. It’s about intimidation.

Lauren B. gets the group date rose.

Tia gets the second one-on-one date and they go on a country-themed date. So far, Tia’s personality is “from the South” and “has been frogging once.” They get on a fan boat and taunt some alligators. They also hang out at some old Everglades man’s house. Again, this is a moment where my black ass would have been out of there. They head to a nautical-themed antique store with no functional kitchen and have dinner. Tia tells Arie that she’s falling in love with him. She gets the rose.

It’s time for the rose ceremony and Krystal is ready to tell everyone that she’s been having a hard week and expects them all to deal with that. First example of White Lady Emotional Manipulation: Expect everyone to do your emotional labor. She offers to take everyone aside one by one and explain herself. Second example of WLEM: Isolate the people you’re harming. She ignores everyone else’s pain by focusing on her pain. Third example of WLEM: Center yourself in every conflict. And she deflects any criticism by saying that she was hurt. Fourth example of WLEM: Weaponize your emotions to silence critics. This bitch is good.

When she sits down with Arie, she says her reaction was because her mom worked in a bowling alley. I just. Y’all. I’m done. Everything has been taken from me and I’ve got nothing left.

Bekah, Seinne, Kendall, Becca K., Jacqueline, Jenna, and Krystal get roses. Imagine being Maquel and returning just to get cut. You could have told her not to come back after her grandfather’s funeral. She could be on vacation right now.

Krystal unhinges her jaw and eats her rose.
Account abandoned.