Minn. officer acquitted in shooting of Philando Castile

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Martin Hash
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Re: Minn. officer acquitted in shooting of Philando Castile

Post by Martin Hash » Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:13 am

The people who want to become police officers are the wrong ones to become police officers.

p.s. I know there are exceptions but that doesn't fit on one line.
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Re: Minn. officer acquitted in shooting of Philando Castile

Post by brewster » Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:34 am

Martin Hash wrote:The people who want to become police officers are the wrong ones to become police officers.
Following that line, are cops better if they come from a long line of cops and it's simply the family business, rather than someone who just chose to be a cop?

BTW I've heard that line before, but the job was President.
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Martin Hash
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Re: Minn. officer acquitted in shooting of Philando Castile

Post by Martin Hash » Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:28 am

brewster wrote:
Martin Hash wrote:The people who want to become police officers are the wrong ones to become police officers.
Following that line, are cops better if they come from a long line of cops and it's simply the family business, rather than someone who just chose to be a cop?
Probably. My association is as an attorney.
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Re: Minn. officer acquitted in shooting of Philando Castile

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:44 am

Police should have much higher compensation coupled with extremely discriminatory selection processes, sort of like the special forces in the military.

It's really a human factors and cognitive science problem in my estimation. We should catalog all of these events so that experts can pour over them, analyze them, and make conclusions about what went wrong and provide a set of alternative actions that could have averted or limited the negative outcome. From this they determine what kinds of skills and personality traits were lacking to form some idea of the ideal police candidate that can deal with most of the situations reasonably well. Add in the very strictest physical fitness requirements, marksmanship, and even legal knowledge. Require a degree if you have to.

Then from that create a selection process for new police recruits.

Slowly reduce the numbers of police personnel by eliminating their role as revenue collection for local governments.

In about twenty years, the previous substandard employees will have retired out and the police force will be a high-status occupation like a doctor.

Obviously it can't work in a major city, but those places are untenable and unsustainable as it is. We should let them continue to collapse in on themselves and refuse to bail them out in any way.

The problem with doing this elsewhere is that, if you remove all the revenue collection bullshit police now do, local governments will have to raise property taxes or trim their budgets since they can't fund themselves by preying on the poor any longer. The electorate will get pissed because they have to pay more taxes. The unions will go apeshit because it involves a massive reduction in police personnel. They will fight against it tooth and nail.

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Re: Minn. officer acquitted in shooting of Philando Castile

Post by DBTrek » Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:54 am

Deputize gang leaders, wild West style.

"Gang problem? Ain't no gang problems here. Just BloodDawg and his posse keeping the peace".
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Re: Minn. officer acquitted in shooting of Philando Castile

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:00 am

DBTrek wrote:Deputize gang leaders, wild West style.

"Gang problem? Ain't no gang problems here. Just BloodDawg and his posse keeping the peace".

So, like Chicago.

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Re: Minn. officer acquitted in shooting of Philando Castile

Post by DBTrek » Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:08 am

Speaker to Animals wrote: So, like Chicago.
Except with more accountability.

When a gang member shoots and kills someone it barely hits the news.
But a DEPUTY? Man, that's LAW ENFORCEMENT gunning down a civilian right there!
Someone alert the press, get Al Sharpton on the phone, notify Shaun King that it's time to write another blistering diatribe about "the system".


See how long the gangs can hold up under media scrutiny and leftist "social justice".

Chicago might be cleaner than Singapore in a year.
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Re: Minn. officer acquitted in shooting of Philando Castile

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:14 am

Okay, fair point. But Singapore is great because they publicly flog people with flayed canes for so much as keying somebody's car. Public flogging might work too.

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Re: Minn. officer acquitted in shooting of Philando Castile

Post by brewster » Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:42 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:Police should have much higher compensation
Like what? Put a number to it. Or a % of the local median wage. Or something. Just saying that begs the question. Around here in NJ cops are very well paid IMO. Do you disagree?

Ex NJ median personal income $50,781
NJ median police officer salary $90,672 ( not including bennies & OT)

http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2010/0 ... ighes.html
A Star-Ledger analysis shows the average municipal cop in New Jersey is paid 80 percent more than the average resident, and three of 10 made at least $100,000 last year. In addition, police tend to be paid the best in small towns with little crime.

Among the other findings:

• The median salary for the state’s 20,525 municipal officers was $90,672 last year, meaning half earned more and half earned less.

• A total of 6,198 municipal officers made at least $100,000 last year. Ninety-nine of 466 towns that pay police have six-figure median salaries. Most are in North Jersey, primarily Bergen County.

• Suburban cops are paid the best while city officers generally make less and rural cops make the least.
We are only accustomed to dealing with like twenty online personas at a time so when we only have about ten people some people have to be strawmanned in order to advance our same relative go nowhere nonsense positions. -TheReal_ND

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Re: Minn. officer acquitted in shooting of Philando Castile

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:49 am

brewster wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:Police should have much higher compensation
Like what? Put a number to it. Or a % of the local median wage. Or something. Just saying that begs the question. Around here in NJ cops are very well paid IMO. Do you disagree?

Ex NJ median personal income $50,781
NJ median police officer salary $90,672 ( not including bennies & OT)

http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2010/0 ... ighes.html
A Star-Ledger analysis shows the average municipal cop in New Jersey is paid 80 percent more than the average resident, and three of 10 made at least $100,000 last year. In addition, police tend to be paid the best in small towns with little crime.

Among the other findings:

• The median salary for the state’s 20,525 municipal officers was $90,672 last year, meaning half earned more and half earned less.

• A total of 6,198 municipal officers made at least $100,000 last year. Ninety-nine of 466 towns that pay police have six-figure median salaries. Most are in North Jersey, primarily Bergen County.

• Suburban cops are paid the best while city officers generally make less and rural cops make the least.

Supply and demand. If you restrict selective criteria such that only about 10% of the population can even qualify, then your salaries will have to increase correspondingly. I would try to keep it around that 1% mark of the population; people who could qualify for it (in that set of about 10% of the population) and who have the drive and ambition to do it. Similar to surgeons.

The more elite and high-status an occupation, the more high-performing males you will get there. That's just how we operate. We are doing the opposite of that by lowering standards to create equal representations of females in the police force, and you can well see the outcome. It's the completely wrong direction.

When you are talking about high-stakes occupations, high entry requirements are a must, and that means you have to pay people commensurate with those standards.