How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by TheReal_ND » Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:26 pm

Fife wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:
"Obviously, [Emanuel] and the president have some differing views on the best way to make health care affordable and accessible," Spicer told reporters afterwards. "But the president also strongly believes that the health and well-being of the American people shouldn't always be a partisan issue," he said, noting that Trump also has talked about drug prices with Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland.

In an interview on Sunday, Emanuel recalled how during the ACA's drafting, Democrats held ongoing discussions with shifting groups of Republican lawmakers, even though no GOP members of the House or Senate ultimately supported the legislation.
I mean which end of the aspergers spectrum to you want to attack this angle from? The relatively benign or the full blown autistic?
Let's go full-blown autistic.

WTF is Trump doing letting this asshole Emanuel within 10 miles of the WH?


Here's that motherfucker turning up in yesterday's Hit & Run blog:

Is the Quest to 'Solve Death' Selfishly Immoral?
Some bioethicists think that 75 years of life is enough for you.

The thanatophiles are out in the public square again arguing that the pursuit of radical life extension is immoral. One such is University of Pennsylvania bioethicist Ezekiel Emanuel who denounced in his review of three new books reporting on the search by various Silicon Valley moguls for technologies and treatments that could slow or even reverse aging. Recall that Emanuel is the man who at age 57 famously declared in 2014: "Seventy-five. That's how long I want to live: 75 years." Why? "By the time I reach 75, I will have lived a complete life," he asserted. So why hanker for death? Emanuel argued:

Living too long is also a loss. It renders many of us, if not disabled, then faltering and declining, a state that may not be worse than death but is nonetheless deprived. It robs us of our creativity and ability to contribute to work, society, the world. It transforms how people experience us, relate to us, and, most important, remember us. We are no longer remembered as vibrant and engaged but as feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic.
FULL REPEAL this bullshit, not invite this low life to Obamasplain his shit worldview to you in the WH.
He's not even wrong though. I'm probably going to blow my brains out before Maria the nurse gets the satisfaction of smothering me.

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by The Conservative » Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:12 am

SilverEagle wrote:
The Conservative wrote:
SilverEagle wrote:

So I countered your point with a Fact and a Question that boxed you into a corner and you completely ignored them just to regurgitate your misguided point. You are so hung up on Republican Good and Democrat Bad, its just silly really. Both parties fuck over the average American from a different angle but to they get to the same end goal. Bigger government and more money in their pockets.
Who was in the White House when the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act was passed into law?
Which party had the Majority of the House and Senate? Oh that's right it was the REPUBLICANS! Both parties are at fault because they are out for themselves and their Corporate donors! I hope you can see that. Oh and you still did not answer my question.

Remind me again... can the President Veto a bill if he doesn't like it? Also the Republicans didn't have a Veto-Proof majority... don't make this a Republican issue. Clinton signed it into law, it's his baby... the buck stops with the White House, as people keep telling me when Bush was in office... so why isn't this the same when Obama and Clinton were if office... oh yeah... they were Democrat fucktards.

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by SilverEagle » Wed Mar 29, 2017 8:15 am

The Conservative wrote:
SilverEagle wrote:
The Conservative wrote:
Who was in the White House when the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act was passed into law?
Which party had the Majority of the House and Senate? Oh that's right it was the REPUBLICANS! Both parties are at fault because they are out for themselves and their Corporate donors! I hope you can see that. Oh and you still did not answer my question.

Remind me again... can the President Veto a bill if he doesn't like it? Also the Republicans didn't have a Veto-Proof majority... don't make this a Republican issue. Clinton signed it into law, it's his baby... the buck stops with the White House, as people keep telling me when Bush was in office... so why isn't this the same when Obama and Clinton were if office... oh yeah... they were Democrat fucktards.
You're being retarded. You're smarter than this! Did I say it was different with Obama or Clinton was in office? NO! BTW The Dems had to have Republican help to get bills to Pres Clinton, which is my WHOLE FUCKING POINT! You want to put 100% of 2008 on Clinton and the Dems shoulders but Bush and Republicans are equally to blame. BOTH SIDES, THE Rs AND THE Ds WORK TOGETHER TO FUCK US OVER! BOTH PARTIES SUCK AND SUCK BIG TIME! Stop being a Republican Sheeple because until you do you're no better than the Democrat Sheeple!

Somebody please chime in here because I'm not sure that I can articulate this any better at this point.
There is a time for good men to do bad things.

For fuck sake, 1984 is NOT an instruction manual!

:character-bowser: __________ :character-mario: :character-luigi:

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by The Conservative » Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:40 am

SilverEagle wrote:
The Conservative wrote:
SilverEagle wrote:
Which party had the Majority of the House and Senate? Oh that's right it was the REPUBLICANS! Both parties are at fault because they are out for themselves and their Corporate donors! I hope you can see that. Oh and you still did not answer my question.

Remind me again... can the President Veto a bill if he doesn't like it? Also the Republicans didn't have a Veto-Proof majority... don't make this a Republican issue. Clinton signed it into law, it's his baby... the buck stops with the White House, as people keep telling me when Bush was in office... so why isn't this the same when Obama and Clinton were if office... oh yeah... they were Democrat fucktards.
You're being retarded. You're smarter than this! Did I say it was different with Obama or Clinton was in office? NO! BTW The Dems had to have Republican help to get bills to Pres Clinton, which is my WHOLE FUCKING POINT! You want to put 100% of 2008 on Clinton and the Dems shoulders but Bush and Republicans are equally to blame. BOTH SIDES, THE Rs AND THE Ds WORK TOGETHER TO FUCK US OVER! BOTH PARTIES SUCK AND SUCK BIG TIME! Stop being a Republican Sheeple because until you do you're no better than the Democrat Sheeple!

Somebody please chime in here because I'm not sure that I can articulate this any better at this point.
Ummm... look at the bill vote... you'll see it wasn't as clear cut as you let it out to be... and I'm not a Republican Sheep, I actually am registered as a Constitutionalist. That being said, just waiting for any party to show balls either way.

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by SilverEagle » Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:46 am

The Conservative wrote:
SilverEagle wrote:
The Conservative wrote:

Remind me again... can the President Veto a bill if he doesn't like it? Also the Republicans didn't have a Veto-Proof majority... don't make this a Republican issue. Clinton signed it into law, it's his baby... the buck stops with the White House, as people keep telling me when Bush was in office... so why isn't this the same when Obama and Clinton were if office... oh yeah... they were Democrat fucktards.
You're being retarded. You're smarter than this! Did I say it was different with Obama or Clinton was in office? NO! BTW The Dems had to have Republican help to get bills to Pres Clinton, which is my WHOLE FUCKING POINT! You want to put 100% of 2008 on Clinton and the Dems shoulders but Bush and Republicans are equally to blame. BOTH SIDES, THE Rs AND THE Ds WORK TOGETHER TO FUCK US OVER! BOTH PARTIES SUCK AND SUCK BIG TIME! Stop being a Republican Sheeple because until you do you're no better than the Democrat Sheeple!

Somebody please chime in here because I'm not sure that I can articulate this any better at this point.
Ummm... look at the bill vote... you'll see it wasn't as clear cut as you let it out to be... and I'm not a Republican Sheep, I actually am registered as a Constitutionalist. That being said, just waiting for any party to show balls either way.
Republican votes were needed. Plain and simple. Now STFU because you are completely wrong and are obviously trying to change your position instead of manning up and admitting that you were wrong.
There is a time for good men to do bad things.

For fuck sake, 1984 is NOT an instruction manual!

:character-bowser: __________ :character-mario: :character-luigi:

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by The Conservative » Wed Mar 29, 2017 10:42 am

SilverEagle wrote:
The Conservative wrote:
SilverEagle wrote:
You're being retarded. You're smarter than this! Did I say it was different with Obama or Clinton was in office? NO! BTW The Dems had to have Republican help to get bills to Pres Clinton, which is my WHOLE FUCKING POINT! You want to put 100% of 2008 on Clinton and the Dems shoulders but Bush and Republicans are equally to blame. BOTH SIDES, THE Rs AND THE Ds WORK TOGETHER TO FUCK US OVER! BOTH PARTIES SUCK AND SUCK BIG TIME! Stop being a Republican Sheeple because until you do you're no better than the Democrat Sheeple!

Somebody please chime in here because I'm not sure that I can articulate this any better at this point.
Ummm... look at the bill vote... you'll see it wasn't as clear cut as you let it out to be... and I'm not a Republican Sheep, I actually am registered as a Constitutionalist. That being said, just waiting for any party to show balls either way.
Republican votes were needed. Plain and simple. Now STFU because you are completely wrong and are obviously trying to change your position instead of manning up and admitting that you were wrong.
05/06/1999 - Passed the Senate with amendments Vote. 54-44. One Democrat voted for it.
07/20/1999 - Passed the House without objection.

It wasn't until it was changed and gutted did it get approval by the Democrats.

11/04/1999 - Senate 90-8
11/04/1999 - House - 362 - 57

If the bill went through as is, it never would have gotten veto-proof approval as it did. It got approval because some of the Democrat senators had their pockets in the banks and entities that dealt with loans, and bankruptcies. They made bank while the people suffered...

So lets be honest here... if people actually stood for what they were elected for, this bill never would have passed the first time.

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by SilverEagle » Wed Mar 29, 2017 10:54 am

The Conservative wrote:
SilverEagle wrote:
The Conservative wrote:
Ummm... look at the bill vote... you'll see it wasn't as clear cut as you let it out to be... and I'm not a Republican Sheep, I actually am registered as a Constitutionalist. That being said, just waiting for any party to show balls either way.
Republican votes were needed. Plain and simple. Now STFU because you are completely wrong and are obviously trying to change your position instead of manning up and admitting that you were wrong.
05/06/1999 - Passed the Senate with amendments Vote. 54-44. One Democrat voted for it.
07/20/1999 - Passed the House without objection.

It wasn't until it was changed and gutted did it get approval by the Democrats.

11/04/1999 - Senate 90-8
11/04/1999 - House - 362 - 57

If the bill went through as is, it never would have gotten veto-proof approval as it did. It got approval because some of the Democrat senators had their pockets in the banks and entities that dealt with loans, and bankruptcies. They made bank while the people suffered...

So lets be honest here... if people actually stood for what they were elected for, this bill never would have passed the first time.
OMG you're making my point for me! The Corporations run D.C., therefore the Rs and the Ds work for the same masters and still do! They work together to screw us over! :eusa-snooty:
There is a time for good men to do bad things.

For fuck sake, 1984 is NOT an instruction manual!

:character-bowser: __________ :character-mario: :character-luigi:

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Mar 29, 2017 11:07 am


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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Okeefenokee » Wed Mar 29, 2017 2:12 pm

TheReal_ND wrote::snooty:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:08 pm

Ann's plan:
This is how it works today:

ME: I’m perfectly healthy, but I’d like to buy health insurance for heart disease, broken bones, cancer, and everything else that a normal person would ever need, but no more.

INSURANCE COMPANY: That will be $700 a month, the deductible is $35,000, no decent hospital will take it, and you have to pay for doctor’s visits yourself. But your plan covers shrinks, infertility treatments, sex change operations, autism spectrum disorder treatment, drug rehab and 67 other things you will never need.

INSURANCE COMPANY UNDER ANN’S PLAN: That will be $50 a month, the deductible is $1,000, you can see any doctor you’d like, and you have full coverage for any important medical problems you could conceivably have in a million years.

Mine is a two-step plan (and you don’t have to do the second step, so it’s really a one-step plan).

STEP 1: Congress doesn’t repeal Obamacare! Instead, Congress passes a law, pursuant to its constitutional power to regulate interstate commerce, that says: “In America, it shall be legal to sell health insurance on the free market. This law supersedes all other laws, taxes, mandates, coverage requirements, regulations or prohibitions, state or federal.”

The end. Love, Ann. ... nderstand/