Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by C-Mag » Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:05 pm

Okeefenokee wrote:
C-Mag wrote:
Okeefenokee wrote:I got taped once in the army by NCOs who didn't know how tape worked, and it was funny watching them scratch their heads when the math said I had zero body fat.
ONCE.................... I graduated High School at 6' and 205 I got taped all the damn time. AR 600-9, if your fit it's pretty much a breeze. There are Mesomorphs with a square body that just are kind of fucked. Had a guy we called Shrek, same body, no 3 guys could out work him in a day, but the tape test eventually got him.
It's because the tape test is flawed. I wasn't supposed to be taped. I was five, ten. One hundred fifty pounds. The tape test said I had zero body fat, and the guys taping me didn't understand why. I thought it was funny.
It's seriously flawed. Simple solution. Make a tough standard PT Test and drop the stupid tape test, it's a proportion test.

I've always had trouble with male/female and age progression of the PT Test. PT test should be by the job you perform. What the fuck do I care if the guy doing my pay can run 2 miles in 16 minutes, I don't. But I definitely want the Infantry to be able to do it, and I don't care if they are male, female or 50 years old.


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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Okeefenokee » Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:14 pm

C-Mag wrote:
Okeefenokee wrote:
C-Mag wrote:
ONCE.................... I graduated High School at 6' and 205 I got taped all the damn time. AR 600-9, if your fit it's pretty much a breeze. There are Mesomorphs with a square body that just are kind of fucked. Had a guy we called Shrek, same body, no 3 guys could out work him in a day, but the tape test eventually got him.
It's because the tape test is flawed. I wasn't supposed to be taped. I was five, ten. One hundred fifty pounds. The tape test said I had zero body fat, and the guys taping me didn't understand why. I thought it was funny.
It's seriously flawed. Simple solution. Make a tough standard PT Test and drop the stupid tape test, it's a proportion test.

I've always had trouble with male/female and age progression of the PT Test. PT test should be by the job you perform. What the fuck do I care if the guy doing my pay can run 2 miles in 16 minutes, I don't. But I definitely want the Infantry to be able to do it, and I don't care if they are male, female or 50 years old.
That shit went out the window when they merged support ranks with combat ranks.

The minute the army decided that spoons could hold the same rank as grunts, everything was fucked.

I'll add this to the military thread,
New Pentagon rule bans ‘offensive jokes’ and harassing behavior

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, known for his own use of colorful language to inspire the troops, said a new Pentagon policy targeting offensive language and behavior should not be interpreted as a draconian end to military camaraderie.

“You have to adapt to your times,” Mattis said. “There’s a rough, good humor among soldiers. We all know that. But I have never seen rough good humor countenance or in any way frame something that’s disgusting, repellent or something like that.”

On Thursday the Pentagon released Department of Defense Instruction 1020.03, “Harassment Prevention and Response in the Armed Forces.” The 23-page instruction sets a common framework to guide each of the services’ policies to prevent all types of harassment, ranging from offensive jokes to sexual harassment.

According to the instruction, “harassment may include offensive jokes, epithets, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs,” as well as physical threats or racially-tinged interactions that “creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

“I don’t want to lose all sense of humor in the military,” Mattis said. “But I have never seen an ounce of belief in the military that you can denigrate someone.”

The services and DoD components are required to provide their implementation plans in the next 60 days, Pentagon Press Secretary Dana White said.

“We are doing this because we owe our all-volunteer force every protection,” White said.
Mattis is a pussy, and a pussy enabler. Is it any wonder that every soldier wants the fuck out of the military?
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by C-Mag » Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:43 pm

Okeefenokee wrote:
Mattis is a pussy, and a pussy enabler. Is it any wonder that every soldier wants the fuck out of the military?
Pretty much............ great rep, but not a lot where the rubber meets the road. I was on to HR Puff N Stuff early, Mattis plays it up hard.

The last really good general I've seen was Tommy Franks................. Carter Ham was pretty good, but he got Cucked because of Benghazi.


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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Okeefenokee » Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:52 pm

Shinseki spoke the truth and got shit canned.

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by JohnDonne » Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:58 pm

Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:
JohnDonne wrote:
Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:
If you want to rest your case on the idea that 'positive rights are incoherent' then, unless we are using the term very differently, you are arguing that it is morally incoherent to either permit or oblige any action by any sentient creature.

Very Zen, I suppose, but not particularly useful.

The whole positive/negative rights distinction has always struck me as tedious and basically meaningless though.
I'm not sure what you mean by permit or oblige any action. Negative rights imply obligations and permissions. But you think they're the same so whatever...

Diversionary tactics aside, I think I stated my position quite clearly and the honest reader does not need me to explain why equal ethical consideration does not necessarily result in equal treatment, just as different treatment is separate from double standards.

I have sharpened my arguments, you have made me stronger, for that you have my gratitude.
A negative right permits or obliges inaction, as in the right not to be compelled to do something. A positive right permits or obliges action. If you assert that positive rights are incoherent, then you assert permission or obligation to action is incoherent. Whence the vegans duty to protect the innocent chickens of the world then?
You know what, you might be right.

Do over.
You suggested that the standard of treatment should be what a sentient being likes, not I. Why would you prioritize what another animal would like over what I would like?
The standard of treatment is to not unnecessarily infringe on an ethical value's well-being. Sometimes this involves treating an animal as we think it would like to be treated.

In this case the chicken's life is its well-being and it takes priority over your well-being of eating it, since you don't need to eat it to live.

Not sure what I was getting at before. Sometimes the obvious answer is the right one.

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by JohnDonne » Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:12 am

Martin Hash wrote:There wouldn't even be a problem except every time somebody gets "morals," they want to force them on everyone else. When White Nationalists do it, it's baaaaaad, but when twits do it, it's sanctimonious.
Aren't you foisting your morals on others when you demand liberty at the expense of societal well being? I only demand for others the liberty you demand, freedom brother.

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Martin Hash » Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:19 am

JohnDonne wrote:
Martin Hash wrote:There wouldn't even be a problem except every time somebody gets "morals," they want to force them on everyone else. When White Nationalists do it, it's baaaaaad, but when twits do it, it's sanctimonious.
Aren't you foisting your morals on others when you demand liberty at the expense of societal well being? I only demand for others the liberty you demand, freedom brother.
"Morals are for churches, and ethics are for professional organizations." - me

I have no morals. It's an Oral Illusion to insist a lack of something is something. Even if someone did have morals, their morals end where other's morals begin: that's liberty. Collectivist morals is what you're talking about, but the Religious Right is also anti-liberty, because they want their morals imposed on everyone too. This is a very similar situation to the discussion in my book, "The Center," which focuses on Most-Liberty-to-Most-People but that would also imply most morals to most people. You, of course, would be on the most morals to one person end, where you're the one person.
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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by JohnDonne » Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:31 pm

If demanding liberty isn’t a moral argument then I’m not forcing my morals on anyone since I demand liberty for cows. Rather I am railing against the humanist-chauvinist-against-pigs moralists.

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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Martin Hash » Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:11 pm

JohnDonne wrote:If demanding liberty isn’t a moral argument then I’m not forcing my morals on anyone since I demand liberty for cows. Rather I am railing against the humanist-chauvinist-against-pigs moralists.
You could buy the cow then give it "liberty," I'm okay with that.
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Re: Europe, Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:36 pm

C-Mag wrote:Okee, Doc, party in the Olympics thread, pour a drink and join us.

Oh, and Doc............ awesome on the 10% that's ridiculous for a guy who was in the Army Air Corps, now pour a drink, Whiskey has ZERO Carbs.

I am not there yet. It's still a good 10-15 lbs to go if I just maintain my current muscle mass (guesstimating).