Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:43 pm

"While I condemn what this man did, I think the more important conversation we need to be having right now is the circumstances in which this man found himself and drove him to this act of violence. It makes no sense to pull this act from the context in which it was committed. We need to have a national conversation about the factors in our society that drove this man over the edge."

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:00 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:What the hell do you think happens when you dump millions of third worlders onto an a group of people? Are you globalist faggots really this stupid?
Ignoring the hypocrisy of your name calling (which you spent so much time admonishing DB for....
What I think is that the vast majority of them do no harm and contribute to society where they are given the opportunity but far right nationalists exploit any examples of criminality to demonise them as a whole.
The suspect for the murder of an Italian girl is already in custody so this random attack on anyone with black skin is a prime example of this.

Your society has become a great deal more dangerous and fractured as a direct result of the idiotic ideology you are now espousing. It's really stunning that you would include more examples of the violent outcomes of mass migration, thinking it somehow bolsters your defense of said mass migration by totally alien and incompatible peoples.

And then your retort was even more asinine. You keep attacking guns for violence too, and yet one could argue the same thing: the vast majority of guns are not used to murder. Do you not see the fallacy in that argument or the hypocrisy of your using it when you mistakenly believe it suits you?

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:08 pm

It would be like throwing a chimpanzee into the gorilla exhibit, and then declaring the subsequent bloodbath is not the fault of your no-border zoo exhibit philosophy but, rather, the fault of the "xenophobic" silverback who killed the chimpanzee.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:23 pm

My heart goes out to those of Italian ethnicity on this day. I'm concerned that Italians will be unfairly persecuted in public by racist foreign invaders. If you see an Italian on the bus alone, sit next to him. Let him know that he is accepted in modern society. We all stand behind Italians despite what the racist media says.


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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Montegriffo » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:26 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Montegriffo wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:What the hell do you think happens when you dump millions of third worlders onto an a group of people? Are you globalist faggots really this stupid?
Ignoring the hypocrisy of your name calling (which you spent so much time admonishing DB for....
What I think is that the vast majority of them do no harm and contribute to society where they are given the opportunity but far right nationalists exploit any examples of criminality to demonise them as a whole.
The suspect for the murder of an Italian girl is already in custody so this random attack on anyone with black skin is a prime example of this.

Your society has become a great deal more dangerous and fractured as a direct result of the idiotic ideology you are now espousing. It's really stunning that you would include more examples of the violent outcomes of mass migration, thinking it somehow bolsters your defense of said mass migration by totally alien and incompatible peoples.

And then your retort was even more asinine. You keep attacking guns for violence too, and yet one could argue the same thing: the vast majority of guns are not used to murder. Do you not see the fallacy in that argument or the hypocrisy of your using it when you mistakenly believe it suits you?
''...a great deal more dangerous'' is at best an exageration and at worst a deliberate distortion. I included this example to highlight the dangers in demonising a whole community based on the actions of one man. The only link between the victims of this act of terrorism and the murderer of the girl is skin colour. They looked like immigrants.

I don't attack guns for violence, I attack them for making the outcomes of violence more fatal.
The hypocrisy I see demonstrated is you endlessly searching for examples of violence from immigrants and then using them to call attacks on immigrants ''understandable'' which, let's be honest, is code for ''justifiable''.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by BjornP » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:32 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
BjornP wrote: How do you stop suicidal terrorists? You stop them from wanting to be suicidal terrorists by not wanting them to be suicidal terrorists.
I don't want them to be suicidal terrorists, unfortunately this seems to have no effect.
Limiting the rights of hate preachers to encourage them to be suicidal terrorists seems like a reasonable infringement of the right to free speech.
Of course, ending discrimination, alienation and demonisation against them may also help.
In court this week the judge concluded that the man found guilty of driving into a crowd of worshipers at the Finsbury Mosque was radicalised by reading hate filled far right literature from the likes of Britain first and direct communication from Tommy Robinson so it works both ways.
Even in the US there is no absolute right to freedom of speech, there are many things you can't say without being prosecuted. If I were to stand on a street corner calling for people to kill all Muslims I would be breaking the law. I see the banning of hate speech as a natural extension of that prohibition.
I may be wrong, but I'm fairly certain than even in the US, outright inciting people to commit murder is a crime. Here's the thing with the line between incitement to murder and outlawing the more generalized term of "hate speech": You speak of ending discrimination, alienation and demonization as a solution to ending radicalization. I agree. Let's call it showing respect of people's differences. If you ban a hate preacher down at the local mosque for calling Jews blood sucking Christkillers who murder innocent Muslim children during dark kabbalistic rituals, you're definitely alienation him and all Muslims who, if not hate Jews, at least strongly dislike them. The natural extension of banning incitement to murder-laws, is not another law, it is to get those who engage in hate speech to discuss openly , and with you, their beliefs and through that, you can persuade everyone listening in - and potentially even the "hate speakers" themselves, that they're wrong.

It should be the law's duty to punish those who harm others, but it should be society's duty to prevent people from harming and wanting to harm others. A polite society is a society that freely wants to be polite, not a society that is only polite because the law tells you to, or because a stranger might shoot in the face for not saying "please".
Fame is not flattery. Respect is not agreement.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:36 pm

Furthermore, I find it appalling that all right wingers are being branded with this "extremist" label now. 99.99% of right wingers are peaceful. Right wing ideologies are the politics of peace.


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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:45 pm

Montegriffo wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:
Montegriffo wrote: Ignoring the hypocrisy of your name calling (which you spent so much time admonishing DB for....
What I think is that the vast majority of them do no harm and contribute to society where they are given the opportunity but far right nationalists exploit any examples of criminality to demonise them as a whole.
The suspect for the murder of an Italian girl is already in custody so this random attack on anyone with black skin is a prime example of this.

Your society has become a great deal more dangerous and fractured as a direct result of the idiotic ideology you are now espousing. It's really stunning that you would include more examples of the violent outcomes of mass migration, thinking it somehow bolsters your defense of said mass migration by totally alien and incompatible peoples.

And then your retort was even more asinine. You keep attacking guns for violence too, and yet one could argue the same thing: the vast majority of guns are not used to murder. Do you not see the fallacy in that argument or the hypocrisy of your using it when you mistakenly believe it suits you?
''...a great deal more dangerous'' is at best an exageration and at worst a deliberate distortion. I included this example to highlight the dangers in demonising a whole community based on the actions of one man. The only link between the victims of this act of terrorism and the murderer of the girl is skin colour. They looked like immigrants.

I don't attack guns for violence, I attack them for making the outcomes of violence more fatal.
The hypocrisy I see demonstrated is you endlessly searching for examples of violence from immigrants and then using them to call attacks on immigrants ''understandable'' which, let's be honest, is code for ''justifiable''.

Here is where you fucked up:

I don't search for examples of migrants inflicting violence in order to throw them in your face. I just wait for examples of any kind of violence stemming from your radical no-borders ideology, which includes indigenous people lashing out as well, and post them as yet more examples of how your ideology is a complete and utter failure. But you automatically think in terms of it being the poor, oppressed minorities versus the evil white people, and therefore you never stopped and considered the fact that you placed your own people on the "them" side of the scale when you post shit like this as some kind of "gotcha".

The only way your ideology can be redeemed is if the violence stops. The fact that you just lump all the whites who lash out at being genocided as "right wing extremists" shows how intellectually bankrupted your entire side truly is.

The very last thing you should be doing is highlighting more violence resulting from the ethnic divisions imposed on Europe by people who carry out your ideology.


It's understandable, not justifiable. Saying something is understandable doesn't imply you support it. I understand why your pet Muslims want to throw homosexuals off the roof: the Koran forbids the practice and sees the execution of sodomites as the only way those sodomites can be redeemed, so it's actually doing them a favor if you believe in Islam. This is another reason these people are totally incompatible with western society. That I understand it doesn't mean I agree with it, genius.

The Aztecs believed they were doing the sacrificial victims a favor by cutting out their hearts and eating them. They believed the souls would go reside with the Aztec god. We all can understand why Aztecs might do this, but that doesn't mean we'd want those motherfuckers mass migrating into our cities to carry out their understandable objectives, to which we object on moral grounds. Think it through, Monty. You aren't making any damned sense.
Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:49 pm

And I don't need to remind everyone of all the inventions we take for granted that Italians are responsible for. The fascis, global dominion, the Maniple, the Emporator, roads.

Italians are an important people that make our society stronger and diverse.


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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:50 pm

And then this nonsense:
I don't attack guns for violence, I attack them for making the outcomes of violence more fatal.
I can say the same thing about Muslims! You still don't see the problem with your dumb argument, do you?