Well, you are more politically savvy than I. That said, the democrats have nothing going on. I see the meltdown continuing on FB, numerous times a day. If they want a chance, they need to start presenting themselves as something other than, "not Trump."
On my other forum, where I get accused of being both a loony liberal and a tRump lover, several times a day, each, the liberals are just non-stop, whack-a-doodle-do on our president, for all hurts, real and imagined.
I still have no idea what they mean when they type, "tRump," yet they go out of their way to type this, all day, every day. It's some sort of badge of honor, like a secret code, to show their solidarity, or whatever.
Should this trend continue, and Nancy's meltdown seems to be working on the middle, I'll go out of my way to fill in the scan tron bubble for Trump, and I haven't filled in a circle for the red or blue team since 2008. I'll have to wear a symbolic clothespin on my nose, though.
Do you really believe the middle would support Nancy's temper tantrum? What if they run Hillary again?