Public School Education System Thread

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Mar 02, 2017 9:30 pm

MilSpecs wrote:The public schools reflect their communities. If your public schools suck, then get involved. It's irritating hearing the public schools bashed like the parents have nothing to do with it.
That's a feature, not a bug. They don't want parents involved. If parents were allowed to be involved, they might just take their children to a better school.

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by skankhunt42 » Thu Mar 02, 2017 9:59 pm

MilSpecs wrote:
apeman wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:How much worse can government schools get, really?
That's where I am.
In my kid's graduation ceremony we had an admiral and two other brass speak - one kid got accepted to Annapolis and two to the Coast Guard academies. Every year this happens. There are so many kids going to highly competitive colleges and Ivies that they don't list them. They just announce what the total scholarship haul for each graduating class is.

Maybe it's not the public schools but the communities they serve. The next county over has a school system that is primarily Indian and their scores are so high that they make our wealthier kids look like slackers, so it's not economics at work.

Explain how this can be, since the public schools suck.
Some Public schools don't suck. Public or private, certain communities culturally value education. They succeed. They focus on family. They focus on education. They have an expectation that you will be a success. Certain communities do not. They are culturally failures. Government doesn't have an answer, they just throw money at the problem. Something else needs to be tried, and I don't have the answer outside of jobs and a massive Apollo type program to be honest which each other. White, Black, whatever, stop having kids you can't afford. If you do have them, fucking raise them. That's a start.
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by clubgop » Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:17 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
You don't have 50 little governments trying to redefine what 'science' means, serving corporate masters, and arguing to implement their religious shit into biology class. We kind of need it, sadly.

I'm interested in alternative ideas, though. Do tell.
Nothing "alternative" about; education is not a role for a federal government, by the very definition of federal in the first place, no way in hell we would let the federal government run our provincial schools here, they have to cough up the cash, but the provincial legislatures decide the curriculum and how it will be spent, inposing a Federal Minisitry of Truth on a Confederation, is cray-cray, provinces are entitled to their provicincial jurisdictions, since 1759 in fact, Federal Minsitry of Truth was a bridge too far, for even the House of Hanover, never mind the American republic.
So how many of your high-school graduates are taught that evolution doesn't exist, and fracking is good for you?
Let the record show the next time GCF wants to go on and on and on about how the people know nothing GCF is chief among them. The Dept. of Education had almost nothing to do with curricula and even if they did the smallest of Federal departments with 5000 employees couldn't even enforce standards on the school districts of one large state. The biggest argument against Betsy Devos was she is not an educator no experience. The rest of the Department has no experience we are talking about a bunch of accountants and lawyers. The only one bereft of education and scientific evidence based argument is you, the only one showing hatred for people they can't even begin to understand is you, the only retard is you.
I believe you'll find that TX, NE, and a few other Bible Belt states have been reaching for similar measures. The DoE is the ONLY institution holding back the tide of Stupid in large portions of the nation (so far as I'm aware, feel free to correct me).
Yes the department created in the 70's was there just in time for the Scopes Monkey Trial. Thank the almighty, the DoE has people like you defending it, what would they ever do without you. :clap:
You have been corrected, you are indeed a stupid retarded cowardly bitch.
Last edited by clubgop on Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by clubgop » Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:24 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:Again, provincial jurisdictions, the provinces acreddit, the provinces decide how the money is spent, if the provincial legislatures of Canada are more focussed on education than Americans are, just more proof that your Federal Ministry of Truth is a fool's errand.

All your DoE amounts to, is another Cultural Marxist cudgel with which to beat your religious folk over the head with, read Grumpy's posts; it's all about attacking the Christians in America, not even subtle.
He is wrong about that. They don't even do that. The dirty little secret about the DoE has very little to do with K-12. It is mostly classical rent seeking in the forms of grants and scholarships for colleges and universities. It's not that liberals are ignorant they just know so much that isn't so.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:51 pm

clubgop wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:
Nothing "alternative" about; education is not a role for a federal government, by the very definition of federal in the first place, no way in hell we would let the federal government run our provincial schools here, they have to cough up the cash, but the provincial legislatures decide the curriculum and how it will be spent, inposing a Federal Minisitry of Truth on a Confederation, is cray-cray, provinces are entitled to their provicincial jurisdictions, since 1759 in fact, Federal Minsitry of Truth was a bridge too far, for even the House of Hanover, never mind the American republic.
So how many of your high-school graduates are taught that evolution doesn't exist, and fracking is good for you?
Let the record show the next time GCF wants to go on and on and on about how the people know nothing GCF is chief among them. The Dept. of Education had almost nothing to do with curricula and even if they did the smallest of Federal departments with 5000 employees couldn't even enforce standards on the school districts of one large state. The biggest argument against Betsy Devos was she is not an educator no experience. The rest of the Department has no experience we are talking about a bunch of accountants and lawyers. The only one bereft of education and scientific evidence based argument is you, the only one showing hatred for people they can't even begin to understand is you, the only retard is you.
I believe you'll find that TX, NE, and a few other Bible Belt states have been reaching for similar measures. The DoE is the ONLY institution holding back the tide of Stupid in large portions of the nation (so far as I'm aware, feel free to correct me).
You have been corrected, you are indeed a stupid retarded cowardly bitch.
Wow, you had to dig pretty deep into the thread, to shit on that part of the conversation. You must really love me. :dance:
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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by clubgop » Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:54 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
clubgop wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
So how many of your high-school graduates are taught that evolution doesn't exist, and fracking is good for you?
Let the record show the next time GCF wants to go on and on and on about how the people know nothing GCF is chief among them. The Dept. of Education had almost nothing to do with curricula and even if they did the smallest of Federal departments with 5000 employees couldn't even enforce standards on the school districts of one large state. The biggest argument against Betsy Devos was she is not an educator no experience. The rest of the Department has no experience we are talking about a bunch of accountants and lawyers. The only one bereft of education and scientific evidence based argument is you, the only one showing hatred for people they can't even begin to understand is you, the only retard is you.
I believe you'll find that TX, NE, and a few other Bible Belt states have been reaching for similar measures. The DoE is the ONLY institution holding back the tide of Stupid in large portions of the nation (so far as I'm aware, feel free to correct me).
You have been corrected, you are indeed a stupid retarded cowardly bitch.
Wow, you had to dig pretty deep into the thread, to shit on that part of the conversation. You must really love me. :dance:
I love how smart you think you are that you think you can get away with lying and when caught all you have is a stale one liner drenched in your ignorant undeserved vanity.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:06 pm

clubgop wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
clubgop wrote:
Let the record show the next time GCF wants to go on and on and on about how the people know nothing GCF is chief among them. The Dept. of Education had almost nothing to do with curricula and even if they did the smallest of Federal departments with 5000 employees couldn't even enforce standards on the school districts of one large state. The biggest argument against Betsy Devos was she is not an educator no experience. The rest of the Department has no experience we are talking about a bunch of accountants and lawyers. The only one bereft of education and scientific evidence based argument is you, the only one showing hatred for people they can't even begin to understand is you, the only retard is you.

You have been corrected, you are indeed a stupid retarded cowardly bitch.
Wow, you had to dig pretty deep into the thread, to shit on that part of the conversation. You must really love me. :dance:
I love how smart you think you are that you think you can get away with lying and when caught all you have is a stale one liner drenched in your ignorant undeserved vanity.
One might note the caveats that I inserted into my argument, facilitating civil discourse, which was had with Smitty on this topic. If the DoE does not, in fact, determine educational standards, then I suppose you're correct, and I was not.

However, since you chose to leap upon this as some sort of ploy or deception by me, effectively leaping into the middle of a dinner party, shitting in the punch bowl, and slapping my wife with your dick, one-liners are all that you deserve.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by clubgop » Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:31 am

then I suppose you're correct, and I was not.
This is the name of the game. I don't get this without this.
However, since you chose to leap upon this as some sort of ploy or deception by me, effectively leaping into the middle of a dinner party, shitting in the punch bowl, and slapping my wife with your dick, one-liners are all that you deserve.
At least when I do that your wife wont need a regimen of ampicilian. Maybe a new punch bowl but you should wash that anyway.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by Xenophon » Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:05 am

clubgop wrote:
then I suppose you're correct, and I was not.
This is the name of the game. I don't get this without this.
However, since you chose to leap upon this as some sort of ploy or deception by me, effectively leaping into the middle of a dinner party, shitting in the punch bowl, and slapping my wife with your dick, one-liners are all that you deserve.
At least when I do that your wife wont need a regimen of ampicilian. Maybe a new punch bowl but you should wash that anyway.

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Re: Public School Education System Thread

Post by clubgop » Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:28 pm

However, since you chose to leap upon this as some sort of ploy or deception by me, effectively leaping into the middle of a dinner party, shitting in the punch bowl, and slapping my wife with your dick, one-liners are all that you deserve
I heartily approve of this characterization.

Stone Club 3:16 says "I just debated your ass."