Degenerate Faggots Starting Civil War2.0

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Alexander PhiAlipson
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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Alexander PhiAlipson » Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:16 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:You people just don't get it. You have no idea what you broke last night in that riot. The time for argument is over. You have no argument to defend, so you physically attack the rest of us instead. You guys screamed "this is war" while you beat people unconscious and lit a college campus on fire because you don't like somebody's argument. We get the message.

This is war.

Play your hippie videos all you want. Next time on the battlefield, you are going down if you try this again. You guys have been calling for violent actions for a month now. Your leaders have been fomenting violence through the national media. You have been attacking your fellow Americans for over a year now. This, I think, was the last straw. You might not believe it right now, but I am telling you right here and now, your fellow Americans are ready to bury you at this point. You wanted war and you just might get it.

Try this shit outside your own playground next time.
Hmmmm... what would Dan say?
He'd say, you'd be playing into their hands.
He'd say, think about it rather than act out of emotion.
He'd say, you will only create more unrest and violence.
In other words, he'd say that we're dealing with terrorists here, and that any reaction would make it worse.
The hatred, the hatred, the hatred!
"She had yellow hair and she walked funny and she made a noise like... O my God, please don't kill me! "

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:18 pm

Alexander PhiAlipson wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:You people just don't get it. You have no idea what you broke last night in that riot. The time for argument is over. You have no argument to defend, so you physically attack the rest of us instead. You guys screamed "this is war" while you beat people unconscious and lit a college campus on fire because you don't like somebody's argument. We get the message.

This is war.

Play your hippie videos all you want. Next time on the battlefield, you are going down if you try this again. You guys have been calling for violent actions for a month now. Your leaders have been fomenting violence through the national media. You have been attacking your fellow Americans for over a year now. This, I think, was the last straw. You might not believe it right now, but I am telling you right here and now, your fellow Americans are ready to bury you at this point. You wanted war and you just might get it.

Try this shit outside your own playground next time.
Hmmmm... what would Dan say?
He'd say, you'd be playing into their hands.
He'd say, think about it rather than act out of emotion.
He'd say, you will only create more unrest and violence.
In other words, he'd say that we're dealing with terrorists here, and that any reaction would make it worse.
The hatred, the hatred, the hatred!
Yeah, well, at this point, I want the violence. We didn't start the fire, but we are going to napalm these faggots into oblivion.


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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by TheReal_ND » Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:22 pm

Lets go to twitter and find out...nothing!

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:22 pm

de officiis wrote:
The Free Speech Movement is dead. Last night, the Berkeley College Republicans’ constitutional right to free speech was silenced by criminals and thugs seeking to cancel Milo Yiannopoulos' tour. Their success is a defeat for civilized society and the free exchange of ideas on college campuses across America. We would like to thank UCPD and the university administration for doing all they could to ensure the safety of everyone involved. It is tragic that the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement is also its final resting place.
- Statement, UC Berkeley College Republican Club
What are they thanking the cops for?
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:23 pm

Yeah. I mean when I think of all those poor innocent right-wing media types, just trying to protect their country....

Fucking stop you are so ridiculous when you're scared.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

Formerly GrumpyCatFace

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Kazmyr » Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:25 pm

Apparently McInnes got pepper sprayed tonight...

Protests and Attacks Cut Gavin McInnes’s Speech Short


I think, as people have said in this thread (I believe), that there's a large portion of these dopes are just LARP'ing as protester-turned-rioter. I don't think they're actually prepared for the consequences of their actions (to this point, there haven't been any of significance). They're just happily dancing along with the fucking Antifa/Black Bloc goons, who are happy to escalate, especially when police don't intervene. At some point, it's going to get way too real for all of them.
Last edited by Kazmyr on Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Martin Hash wrote:Liberty allows people to get their jollies any way they want. Just don't expect to masturbate with my lotion.

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by de officiis » Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:27 pm

Okeefenokee wrote:
de officiis wrote:
The Free Speech Movement is dead. Last night, the Berkeley College Republicans’ constitutional right to free speech was silenced by criminals and thugs seeking to cancel Milo Yiannopoulos' tour. Their success is a defeat for civilized society and the free exchange of ideas on college campuses across America. We would like to thank UCPD and the university administration for doing all they could to ensure the safety of everyone involved. It is tragic that the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement is also its final resting place.
- Statement, UC Berkeley College Republican Club
What are they thanking the cops for?
Well, I'm not sure to be honest. These are students attending the school, so it seems natural to think that their perspective regarding the actions of the police might be different than yours. Here is what the university said:
The masked agitators came to campus eastbound on Bancroft Way, and fire damage and other destruction to the Stiles Hall construction site, where a new residence hall is planned, was reported. The group entered campus and immediately began throwing rocks at officers. In an effort to avoid injuries to innocent members of the surrounding crowd who might have been caught in the middle, police officers exercised restraint and did not respond with force.

Agitators also attacked some members of the crowd who were rescued by police. UCPD reported no major injuries and about a half dozen minor injuries. Mutual aid officers from the city of Oakland and from Alameda County arrived at Berkeley around 7:45 p.m. to assist UCPD and Berkeley city police.

No arrests had been made by UCPD as of 9:30 p.m.

Campus officials said they condemn in the strongest possible terms the violence and unlawful behavior that was on display and deeply regret that those tactics now overshadow the efforts of the majority to engage in legitimate and lawful protest against the performer’s presence at Berkeley and his perspectives.

UC Berkeley officials and UCPD went to extraordinary lengths to plan for this event, working closely with the Berkeley College Republicans and putting the appropriate resources in place to maintain security. Officials were in contact with other university campuses where Yiannopoulos had been asked to speak, and they paid close attention to lessons learned. Dozens of additional police officers were on duty for Wednesday’s scheduled event, and multiple methods of crowd control were in place. Ultimately, and unfortunately, however, it was impossible to maintain order given the level of threat, disruption and organized violence. ... -canceled/

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Okeefenokee » Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:41 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by pineapplemike » Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:59 pm

Following the violent anti-free-speech protests in Berkeley, California last night - sparked by cal's special snowflakes hurt feelings at the potential words that would come out of Milo Yiannopoulos' mouth during a sold-out event - it appears America's curiousity has been piqued.

Sales of Milo's book have increased 12,740% overnight sending it rocketing from 642nd to 5th ranked best-seller on Amazon. Pretty impressive considering the book is not even released until March 14th 2017. ... -overnight
It's currently at #4 on the Best Sellers list, I just bought my copy :dance:

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Re: Dangerous Faggots Starting Civil War

Post by Speaker to Animals » Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:01 pm

Okeefenokee wrote:

Yep. That's what I am arguing right now.

I don't think a reasonable person can disagree after last night.