I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:10 am

Smitty-48 wrote:It's called a strawman, dude, I've already addressed those as being fallacies besides the point, move on to an actually cogent point relevant to the case already.
You haven't addressed any of it.

You've run for cover every time I've asked it.




The CIA kept the black man down?

What about the black men the CIA didn't keep down?

The CIA created the situations in the black community that kept them down?

What about those same situations keeping people down outside of the US? Did the CIA do that too?

No, idiot. It's only your ivory tower bolshie leanings, that you pretend not to entertain, that are on display here.

Black americans who don't follow self destructive tendencies achieve success, and there's no secret CIA plot to stop them, because none of the problems of the black community are the product of some kooky spook program.

It's just lefty bolshies like you making excuses for people who made the wrong choices, like listening to Malcolm, when the should have listened to Martin.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:16 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Smitty-48 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:19 am

Okeefenokee wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:It's called a strawman, dude, I've already addressed those as being fallacies besides the point, move on to an actually cogent point relevant to the case already.
You haven't addressed any of it.

You've run for cover every time I've asked it.




The CIA kept the black man down?

What about the black men the CIA didn't keep down?

The CIA created the situations in the black community that kept them down?

What about those same situations keeping people down outside of the US? Did the CIA do that too?

No, idiot. It's only your ivory tower bolshie leanings, that you pretend not to entertain, that are on display here.

Black americans who don't follow self destructive tendencies achieve success, and there's no secret CIA plot to stop them, because none of the problems of the black community are the product of some kooky spook program.

It's just lefty bolshies like you making excuses for people who made the wrong choices, like listening to Malcolm, when the should have listened to Martin.
Whatever, dude, I'm just shooting the breeze, you can take it or leave it, as to all your butt hurt talk rage bile spewing, it's of no consequence, you can lose your shit over it as you like, spin yourself up into a tizzy, knock yourself out, it's mildly amusing to see how easy it is to yank your chain and make you whelp, but otherwise a pointless exercise.

Go ahead and post another ten pages of piss your pants meltdowns, it's not like it's any skin off my teeth, you're getting played like a violin here, chump, so came at bro, by all means. lol.
Nec Aspera Terrent

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:31 am

No one in a melt down around here.

Just you failing to answer any questions for about a dozen posts now.

Still waiting.

Tick tock.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Smitty-48 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:37 am

This is not court, I'm not on trial, some cornpone American Trumptard rube is calling me names on the internet, whoopie fuckin' do, you're lower than whaleshit where I come from, you got no juice with me, boy, like I fuckin' care, I'm just hanging out and yanking your chain, you keep coming to the chop little bitchin' like clockwork, go ahead, knock yourself out.
Nec Aspera Terrent

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:43 am

Them damn CIA spooks. Look what they have wrought!

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:43 am

Smitty-48 wrote:This is not court, I'm not on trial, some cornpone American Trumptard rube is calling me names on the internet, whoopie fuckin' do, you're lower than whaleshit where I come from, you got no juice with me, boy, like I fuckin' care, I'm just hanging out and yanking your chain, you keep coming to the chop little bitchin' like clockwork, go ahead, knock yourself out.
Are you still squawking?
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Smitty-48 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:49 am

Okeefenokee wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:This is not court, I'm not on trial, some cornpone American Trumptard rube is calling me names on the internet, whoopie fuckin' do, you're lower than whaleshit where I come from, you got no juice with me, boy, like I fuckin' care, I'm just hanging out and yanking your chain, you keep coming to the chop little bitchin' like clockwork, go ahead, knock yourself out.
Are you still squawking?
I've already said my peace on it, if you wanna cry some more about it, go ahead, you haven't mounted a cogent good faith argument, all you're doing is spewing talk rage and ad hom bile, your chain got yanked and you came a runnin' like a little bitch, if you're done with that, then be done with it already.

Are you done, boy, or do you got some more blubberin' to do?
Nec Aspera Terrent

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Okeefenokee » Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:57 am

Did I miss the point where you answered any of my questions?


You just kept squawking?


Squawk away I guess.

Seems to be the canadian way.

Lemme know if you come up with any answers for the wholes in your, "the CIA did everything," story.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


Posts: 36399
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Smitty-48 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 2:01 am

Ask a cogent question actually relevant to the point, maybe I'll answer it, fallacies which ignore the point ain't worth wasting time on.

I don't report to you, I'll answer the questions which are interesting and relevant, and ignore what isn't, go ahead ask me a question, and I'll decide if its actually worth answering.

A question which is a fallacious canard is rightly ignored, I'm not wasting my time on chaff, gimme some wheat or move on already.
Nec Aspera Terrent