Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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The Conservative
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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by The Conservative » Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:40 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Just avoid the cities, and let the idiocy burn itself out. There's no other cure.
Yeah, except with fire there is always damage not expected...

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:57 am
The German rail operator Deutsche Bahn (DB) has defended its decision to name a high-speed train after the world-famous Holocaust victim Anne Frank.

But DB spokesperson Antje Neubauer said the girl was a symbol of tolerance.

DB is state-owned and the successor of the Deutsche Reichsbahn, which deported millions of Jews and other victims of the Nazis.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by TheReal_ND » Sat Nov 04, 2017 6:03 pm

Last weekend marked 500 years since Luther nailed the list to the doors.

Germany Marks 500th Anniversary of Church’s Reformation
>German leaders on Tuesday marked the 500th anniversary since the day Martin Luther is said to have nailed his theses challenging the Catholic Church to a church door, a starting point of the Reformation.

To celebrate, presumably leftists chose to destroy a church.

Image ... 78526.html


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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sat Nov 04, 2017 7:19 pm

Extremist Catholics, no doubt Deus Vulting around Germany.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

Formerly GrumpyCatFace

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:01 pm

Fucking ridiculously pozzed British coppers, man. If they spent half as much effort going after Muslim jihadists and rape gangs as they do harassing whites who commit "thought crimes", maybe there'd be some young kids still alive today in Manchester.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:06 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Extremist Catholics, no doubt Deus Vulting around Germany.

When that day comes, we are starting with our own organs, and we will destroy them along with those boomer vintage guitars.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Montegriffo » Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:15 pm

Ooops, StA conned by fake news blogger, ... -revealed/
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:24 pm

Montegriffo wrote:Ooops, StA conned by fake news blogger, ... -revealed/


So one of your far-left sites managed to doxx him so that Antifa thugs could attack him. We've seen them do this for some time now. Big whoop. How does that make his reports that British "hate crime" police are fucking with his family somehow 'fake news'?

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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Montegriffo » Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:25 pm

Ladies and gentlemen, Peter the Swede...
Appendix 1: Selected public statements by Peter Imanuelsen
On Nazis

“Im not a nazi, but they sure managed to keep rapefugees out of germany…”

2016-08-09, Twitter

On Jews

“The claim that 6 million jews were gassed seems highly unprobable. The concentration camps didnt have the facilities for that.”

2016-05-13, Twitter

“the antichrist spoken of in Revelations and Daniel is going to be a jew”

2016-03-24, Twitter

“Read Martin Luthers “On The Jews And Their Lies” You can see they had a problem with jews using usury back then too.”

2016-06-30, Twitter

“If you read Martin Luthers book (who a knew alot about the jews) you will be surprised at how bad they are.”

2016-07-01, Twitter

“imainge scrapping the privatly Rothschild owned Bank Of England ? That would definitly trigger #WW3by the jewish elite.”

2016-05-29, Twitter

“Can you explain why almost every single bankster are jewish zionists, Rothschild, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan etc etc.?”

2016-05-31, Twitter

“Not being anti semitic, but most money & banking systems are controlled by jews, that is a fact.”

2016-04-14, Twitter

“Not being anti semitic, but the illuminati was founded by a jew – and financed by Rothschild…”

2016-04-14, Twitter

“Not being anti semitic, but Ukraines new PM is jewish. Is this a communist take over like Lenin on it’s way?”

2016-04-14, Twitter

“you’ve got many shall we say suspicious figures that for some reason seem to be jewish. Like marx, lenin kissinger etc.”

2016-05-31, Twitter

“for some strange reason jews seem to be in control of most banks & much media…”

2016-06-30, Twitter

“they have som twisted ideas of controlling the world. Notice i’m not agaisnt the jewish people, but their culture/religion”

2016-05-13, Twitter

“Never support a muslim, never support a jew : )”

2016-07-01, Twitter

“So im not anti jewish race, im anti jewish culture / religion. Same way im anti islam.”

2016-05-13, Twitter

On Muslims

“Islam is a totally false religion.”

2016-03-24, Twitter

“muslim = terrorist”

2016-03-22, Twitter

“I would probably say about 90% of muslims are savages…”

2016-03-24, Twitter

“Hahaha. Dumping pigs on muslims.”

2016-04-01, Twitter

“How about we do that with all muslims now [strip them of citizenship].”

2016-04-24, Twitter

“North Korea is good at one thing and one thing only. Keeping muslim invaders out !”

2016-06-12, Twitter

“Build the wall – deport all muslims.”

2016-07-14, Twitter

“Now it is time to ACT. DEPORT muslims now !!!”

2016-07-22, Twitter

“DEPORT BUTTON NOW !!! Otherwise there will be a civil war – between nationalists & muslims.”

2016-07-22, Twitter

“in general middle eastern countries have a culture of being uncivilized. Just look at how they treat women”

2016-03-23, Twitter

On women

“Wives, submit to your husbands!”

2016-05-27, Twitter

“Jesus wants women to submit to their husbands”

2016-07-19, Twitter

“Women should stay in the kitchen…”

2016-03-10, Twitter

“Women please don’t go to nightclubs”

2016-03-14, Twitter

“abortion = murder”

2016-04-04, Twitter

“Equality is bullshit.”

2016-09-05, Twitter

“I think a woman needs to have some basic principles right, the rest can be fixe with a good man leading the way.”

2016-06-04, Twitter


“No gay degeneracy = no orlando shooting. Don’t #PrayForOrlando “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life”

2016-0612, Twitter

“If they are against homos then thats a good thing [to execute homosexuals].”

2016-04-06, Twitter

“DEGENERATES !!! Deport them. This is what marxism has done to the world.”

2016-08-13, Twitter

“If 30% [of people] were gay then it would be REALLY bad !”

2016-04-04, Twitter

“#Whyimissbeingalittlekid Because back then this LGBT degeneracy wasnt publically accepted.”

2016-07-03, Twitter

“i’ve already seen 2 gay couples holding hands in the street…disgusting !”

2016-06-12, Twitter

“Homosexuality is a sin & saying it is justified because it is a fact.”

2016-06-12, Twitter

“The homo feelings that they feel are demons.”

160505, Twitter

“They are homo without you even knowing ! There are so many of them now it is insane”

160505, Twitter

“Londonistan / homoistan”

2016-08-13, Twitter

“Engaging in homosexuality is not love, it is hate. It destroys civilization & encourages depopulation.”

160817, Twitter

“Using the word “homophobic” doesnt work anymore. Right wing nationalism is winning – get used to it.”

160707, Twitter

Conspiracy theories

“Avoid pepsi and their brands. They put aborted babies in their drink as flavoring.”

2016-04-04, Twitter

“Global warming does not exist, hasn’t been any warmer since 1997 !”

2016-03-09, Twitter

“Moon landing most definitely fake. Flat earth…perhaps… ; )”

2016-04-10, Twitter

“Yes, like the US didn’t have anything to do with 9/11 either…”

2016-03-10, Twitter

“9/11 is a inside job & bilderberg exists”

2016-06-30, Twitter

“It is pretty obious that the towers came down with controlled demolition, not by the planes Especially tower 7.”

2016-03-26, Twitter

“there are lots of masons in the police in the UK”

2016-03-16, Twitter

“I think the elite are bringing in the immigrants to start a civil war…”

2016-03-12, Twitter

“Soros&Co are behind the migrant invasion. 1. Deport Soros. 2. Deport muslim invaders. 3. Peaceful europe”

2016-08-14, Twitter

On race

“the physical charecteristics of blacks, arabs are probably because of Adam sinning & destroying Gods perfect creation.”

2016-08-08, Twitter

“Adam was more or less white. Blacks, arabs i think have become corrupted because of adams sin & whites least corrupted.”

2016-08-08, Twitter

“Swedes are NOT black!”

2016-06-09, Twitter

“yes, some people are superior to others. Whites have higher IQ, more civilized etc. Blacks are quicker runners”

2017-08-07, Twitter

“Black boys are good at breaking young womens virginity…”

2016-06-11, Twitter

“White culture is better than others.”

2016-08-07, Twitter

“Basically most pagan religions stem from one guy – nimrod (black guy) & and his wife semiramis. I have researched this a lot.”

2016-08-08, Twitter

“Black lives dont matter. #Alllivesmatter”

2016-07-07, Twitter

“black lives matter is a racist black supremacist terror organisation.”

2016-07-08, Twitter

“HAHAHAHA. Calling people racist doesnt work anymore. The only racists here are black lives matter scumbags.”

2016-07-19, Twitter

“I think some people might not want to give rooms to black people because they tend to give them more ahem costs ?”

2016-09-09, Twitter

“I know blacks have on average lower IQ, but this isnt hard to understand…”

2016-07-08, Twitter

“actually, there were more irish slaves than black slaves in the US at first.”

2016-09-13, Twitter

“I think you will find that whites were the first to abolish slavery. When will black people thank them for that ?”

2016-09-10, Twitter

For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Speaker to Animals
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Re: Europe, boring until it's not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:27 pm

Montegriffo wrote:Ladies and gentlemen, Peter the Swede...
Appendix 1: Selected public statements by Peter Imanuelsen
On Nazis

“Im not a nazi, but they sure managed to keep rapefugees out of germany…”

2016-08-09, Twitter

On Jews

“The claim that 6 million jews were gassed seems highly unprobable. The concentration camps didnt have the facilities for that.”

2016-05-13, Twitter

“the antichrist spoken of in Revelations and Daniel is going to be a jew”

2016-03-24, Twitter

“Read Martin Luthers “On The Jews And Their Lies” You can see they had a problem with jews using usury back then too.”

2016-06-30, Twitter

“If you read Martin Luthers book (who a knew alot about the jews) you will be surprised at how bad they are.”

2016-07-01, Twitter

“imainge scrapping the privatly Rothschild owned Bank Of England ? That would definitly trigger #WW3by the jewish elite.”

2016-05-29, Twitter

“Can you explain why almost every single bankster are jewish zionists, Rothschild, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan etc etc.?”

2016-05-31, Twitter

“Not being anti semitic, but most money & banking systems are controlled by jews, that is a fact.”

2016-04-14, Twitter

“Not being anti semitic, but the illuminati was founded by a jew – and financed by Rothschild…”

2016-04-14, Twitter

“Not being anti semitic, but Ukraines new PM is jewish. Is this a communist take over like Lenin on it’s way?”

2016-04-14, Twitter

“you’ve got many shall we say suspicious figures that for some reason seem to be jewish. Like marx, lenin kissinger etc.”

2016-05-31, Twitter

“for some strange reason jews seem to be in control of most banks & much media…”

2016-06-30, Twitter

“they have som twisted ideas of controlling the world. Notice i’m not agaisnt the jewish people, but their culture/religion”

2016-05-13, Twitter

“Never support a muslim, never support a jew : )”

2016-07-01, Twitter

“So im not anti jewish race, im anti jewish culture / religion. Same way im anti islam.”

2016-05-13, Twitter

On Muslims

“Islam is a totally false religion.”

2016-03-24, Twitter

“muslim = terrorist”

2016-03-22, Twitter

“I would probably say about 90% of muslims are savages…”

2016-03-24, Twitter

“Hahaha. Dumping pigs on muslims.”

2016-04-01, Twitter

“How about we do that with all muslims now [strip them of citizenship].”

2016-04-24, Twitter

“North Korea is good at one thing and one thing only. Keeping muslim invaders out !”

2016-06-12, Twitter

“Build the wall – deport all muslims.”

2016-07-14, Twitter

“Now it is time to ACT. DEPORT muslims now !!!”

2016-07-22, Twitter

“DEPORT BUTTON NOW !!! Otherwise there will be a civil war – between nationalists & muslims.”

2016-07-22, Twitter

“in general middle eastern countries have a culture of being uncivilized. Just look at how they treat women”

2016-03-23, Twitter

On women

“Wives, submit to your husbands!”

2016-05-27, Twitter

“Jesus wants women to submit to their husbands”

2016-07-19, Twitter

“Women should stay in the kitchen…”

2016-03-10, Twitter

“Women please don’t go to nightclubs”

2016-03-14, Twitter

“abortion = murder”

2016-04-04, Twitter

“Equality is bullshit.”

2016-09-05, Twitter

“I think a woman needs to have some basic principles right, the rest can be fixe with a good man leading the way.”

2016-06-04, Twitter


“No gay degeneracy = no orlando shooting. Don’t #PrayForOrlando “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life”

2016-0612, Twitter

“If they are against homos then thats a good thing [to execute homosexuals].”

2016-04-06, Twitter

“DEGENERATES !!! Deport them. This is what marxism has done to the world.”

2016-08-13, Twitter

“If 30% [of people] were gay then it would be REALLY bad !”

2016-04-04, Twitter

“#Whyimissbeingalittlekid Because back then this LGBT degeneracy wasnt publically accepted.”

2016-07-03, Twitter

“i’ve already seen 2 gay couples holding hands in the street…disgusting !”

2016-06-12, Twitter

“Homosexuality is a sin & saying it is justified because it is a fact.”

2016-06-12, Twitter

“The homo feelings that they feel are demons.”

160505, Twitter

“They are homo without you even knowing ! There are so many of them now it is insane”

160505, Twitter

“Londonistan / homoistan”

2016-08-13, Twitter

“Engaging in homosexuality is not love, it is hate. It destroys civilization & encourages depopulation.”

160817, Twitter

“Using the word “homophobic” doesnt work anymore. Right wing nationalism is winning – get used to it.”

160707, Twitter

Conspiracy theories

“Avoid pepsi and their brands. They put aborted babies in their drink as flavoring.”

2016-04-04, Twitter

“Global warming does not exist, hasn’t been any warmer since 1997 !”

2016-03-09, Twitter

“Moon landing most definitely fake. Flat earth…perhaps… ; )”

2016-04-10, Twitter

“Yes, like the US didn’t have anything to do with 9/11 either…”

2016-03-10, Twitter

“9/11 is a inside job & bilderberg exists”

2016-06-30, Twitter

“It is pretty obious that the towers came down with controlled demolition, not by the planes Especially tower 7.”

2016-03-26, Twitter

“there are lots of masons in the police in the UK”

2016-03-16, Twitter

“I think the elite are bringing in the immigrants to start a civil war…”

2016-03-12, Twitter

“Soros&Co are behind the migrant invasion. 1. Deport Soros. 2. Deport muslim invaders. 3. Peaceful europe”

2016-08-14, Twitter

On race

“the physical charecteristics of blacks, arabs are probably because of Adam sinning & destroying Gods perfect creation.”

2016-08-08, Twitter

“Adam was more or less white. Blacks, arabs i think have become corrupted because of adams sin & whites least corrupted.”

2016-08-08, Twitter

“Swedes are NOT black!”

2016-06-09, Twitter

“yes, some people are superior to others. Whites have higher IQ, more civilized etc. Blacks are quicker runners”

2017-08-07, Twitter

“Black boys are good at breaking young womens virginity…”

2016-06-11, Twitter

“White culture is better than others.”

2016-08-07, Twitter

“Basically most pagan religions stem from one guy – nimrod (black guy) & and his wife semiramis. I have researched this a lot.”

2016-08-08, Twitter

“Black lives dont matter. #Alllivesmatter”

2016-07-07, Twitter

“black lives matter is a racist black supremacist terror organisation.”

2016-07-08, Twitter

“HAHAHAHA. Calling people racist doesnt work anymore. The only racists here are black lives matter scumbags.”

2016-07-19, Twitter

“I think some people might not want to give rooms to black people because they tend to give them more ahem costs ?”

2016-09-09, Twitter

“I know blacks have on average lower IQ, but this isnt hard to understand…”

2016-07-08, Twitter

“actually, there were more irish slaves than black slaves in the US at first.”

2016-09-13, Twitter

“I think you will find that whites were the first to abolish slavery. When will black people thank them for that ?”

2016-09-10, Twitter

So.. you're point is he deserves to be threatened with violence because he has a different political view than your own?

Maybe it's you who deserves to get doxxed and threatened out of your country. You yourself are a perfect example of why that continent has become a turd spinning down the toilet drain.