Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:49 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:I doubted it, but have no way of reading Swedish news to confirm or refute it.

The fact that, at this point, something like this seems plausible should concern folks.

The veteran angle really is immaterial. What makes the meme effective is that it symbolizes the Swedish people getting slowly extinguished by an uncaring government who would rather give their homes to Muslims.
You just had it explained to you why it wasn't in fact plausible. Breitbart does a huge disservice to precisely the Swedish people that it, and its readers, claim to care for. You don't tell truths with ridiculously easy-to-refute lies because it taints the truths you want to tell. You do actual investigative journalism, instead, and then you report why Swedes indeed are tired of the refugee burden. It ought to be so simple even CNN could figure it out. It's not like Breitbart's not making money from all of those clicks they get especially post-US election, so they should be able to afford someone actually researching stories instead of that fake news shit.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Zlaxer » Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:50 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Zlaxer wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:The muslims won't give up (this really is a war to many of them), and it will escalate to sectarian violence from there.

If that happens, the Muzzies will be wiped out - their track record against the West (in modern times) is not good - even 3k dead on 911 is nothing compared to what western people (if it really comes to full blown war) would do to the Muzzies....

Think 1930's Europe - Islam will be wiped out if it does not unfuck itself.


Sometimes I wonder if their more educated imams realize this. They have to see this coming?
I don't think they care - most educated Muzzies stand to profit by having lots of ignorant foot soldiers....less competition in their home if the West goes full Hitler and wipes out 20-30 Million - what's it to them?

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:51 am

BjornP wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:I doubted it, but have no way of reading Swedish news to confirm or refute it.

The fact that, at this point, something like this seems plausible should concern folks.

The veteran angle really is immaterial. What makes the meme effective is that it symbolizes the Swedish people getting slowly extinguished by an uncaring government who would rather give their homes to Muslims.
You just had it explained to you why it wasn't in fact plausible. Breitbart does a huge disservice to precisely the Swedish people that it, and its readers, claim to care for. You don't tell truths with ridiculously easy-to-refute lies because it taints the truths you want to tell. You do actual investigative journalism, instead, and then you report why Swedes indeed are tired of the refugee burden. It ought to be so simple even CNN could figure it out. It's not like Breitbart's not making money from all of those clicks they get especially post-US election, so they should be able to afford someone actually researching stories instead of that fake news shit.

This wasn't from Breitbart. I saw it on reddit.

It sure as shit seems plausible to me based on all the crazy shit I see coming from Sweden..

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Hastur » Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:53 am

BjornP wrote:
Hastur wrote: The EUP is powerless. It's basically a glorified drinking club. They don't propose or decide any legislation. That is done by the unelected Council and the equally unelected Commission. It's just window dressing.
Won't get any arguments from me that the Commission needs to go. Especially given that certain members of the Commission being vocal about USE being the only "solution" for Europe. I'm just not 100% sold on the notion that the EU is too broken yet (as in too many bureaucrat and national leaders pushing for a USE, making it the inevitable destination of "european integration"). National governments still call the shots, and it's them on the Council. While there are openly federalist PM's in Europe (Italy's Renzi) I think most countries are not willing to give up national sovereignty. But we're way overdue for our elected leaders clearly telling the federalist factions that.
The problem with the EU is that it was never set up to be democratic in the first place. It has it's origins as a mechanism for peace. In that way it has more in common with the Concert of Europe as envisioned by Klemens von Metternich. It is an immune reaction by the European body to the ideas of Liberalism and Nationalism. It's a way to transfer power from the people to the Eurocrats all in the name of preserving peace or the BOP. I'm not surprised the Brits want out. They got rid of the ideas of absolutist rulers so long ago it has no appeal there whatsoever. Same goes for Norway and Switzerland. It's not in their DNA. I'm beginning to think we should also GTFO while we still have a chance.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:53 am

And even a brief search on the internet confirms that this did indeed happen last year.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:11 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:

This wasn't from Breitbart. I saw it on reddit.

It sure as shit seems plausible to me based on all the crazy shit I see coming from Sweden..
Obviously. But it seemed ridiculous to someone who knew just the slightest about real Sweden. Meaning, if one wants to convince Swedes of the error of their immigration policies, one should probably put the tiniest amount of journalistic effort into stories that might persuade them their multiculti-progressives ideas were off. Instead of, you know, giving the progressive opposition the ammo that lets them point to stories like that and say: "Well, we know that those stories about immigration being a socio-economic problem, is really no more than fake news... *holds up Breitbart story.
Audience erupts into fits of laughter*
StA wrote:And even a brief search on the internet confirms that this did indeed happen last year.
ssu posted the story earlier. From Jan 11th 2016: ... -sjukhuset

Man found dead outside hospital

A man in his 60's, who reportedly did not have a home, was found early Wednesday morning in the (?) outside the hospital in Nynäshamn. The man was spotted by a guard at two o´clock, on the night between Tuesday and Wednesday. When the guard drove past some hours later, at 6''ish, the man was lifeless. It was very cold in the night. Police are not investigating the incident as a crime.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:16 am

BjornP wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:

This wasn't from Breitbart. I saw it on reddit.

It sure as shit seems plausible to me based on all the crazy shit I see coming from Sweden..
Obviously. But it seemed ridiculous to someone who knew just the slightest about real Sweden. Meaning, if one wants to convince Swedes of the error of their immigration policies, one should probably put the tiniest amount of journalistic effort into stories that might persuade them their multiculti-progressives ideas were off. Instead of, you know, giving the progressive opposition the ammo that lets them point to stories like that and say: "Well, we know that those stories about immigration being a socio-economic problem, is really no more than fake news... *holds up Breitbart story.
Audience erupts into fits of laughter*
StA wrote:And even a brief search on the internet confirms that this did indeed happen last year.
ssu posted the story earlier. From Jan 11th 2016: ... -sjukhuset

Man found dead outside hospital

A man in his 60's, who reportedly did not have a home, was found early Wednesday morning in the (?) outside the hospital in Nynäshamn. The man was spotted by a guard at two o´clock, on the night between Tuesday and Wednesday. When the guard drove past some hours later, at 6''ish, the man was lifeless. It was very cold in the night. Police are not investigating the incident as a crime.
Uh.. yeah.. and the rest of the story if you do the search yourself will show that he was kicked out of his home, had nowhere to go, and he froze to death. Meanwhile, what is the Swedish government giving to people from across the Muslim world??

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:25 am

Hastur wrote: The problem with the EU is that it was never set up to be democratic in the first place. It has it's origins as a mechanism for peace. In that way it has more in common with the Concert of Europe as envisioned by Klemens von Metternich. It is an immune reaction by the European body to the ideas of Liberalism and Nationalism. It's a way to transfer power from the people to the Eurocrats all in the name of preserving peace or the BOP. I'm not surprised the Brits want out. They got rid of the ideas of absolutist rulers so long ago it has no appeal there whatsoever. Same goes for Norway and Switzerland. It's not in their DNA. I'm beginning to think we should also GTFO while we still have a chance.
I am still holding out hope for reform. It's a small hope, but I'm banking on the national governments not wanting to give up sovereignty. That something is utter shit from top to bottom, doesn't mean it can't be cleaned, broken down, rebuilt and made to follow different guidelines. The EU as is, was the dream of idealistic dreamers traumatized by generations of European wars, who thought that the solution to nationalism in Europe, was to create the identity of a European "nation", and create a super-state across Europe to house it. They still trot out that as the "best" reason for the USE, and I have no doubt that they believe it. A Danish openly federalist MEP from the Social Liberal party here, recently said as much.

All politicians from left to right, need to counter that idealistic, pan-nationalistic romanticist drivel and the premonitions of doom if we don't unite into one state that go along with it. They have to do in a way that is compelling to all, no matter if they're Green, Social Democrat, Liberal or Conservative. But that requires them actually tackling in public, and in detail, what the purpose of the EU should actually be.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Hastur » Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:38 am

BjornP wrote:
Hastur wrote: The problem with the EU is that it was never set up to be democratic in the first place. It has it's origins as a mechanism for peace. In that way it has more in common with the Concert of Europe as envisioned by Klemens von Metternich. It is an immune reaction by the European body to the ideas of Liberalism and Nationalism. It's a way to transfer power from the people to the Eurocrats all in the name of preserving peace or the BOP. I'm not surprised the Brits want out. They got rid of the ideas of absolutist rulers so long ago it has no appeal there whatsoever. Same goes for Norway and Switzerland. It's not in their DNA. I'm beginning to think we should also GTFO while we still have a chance.
I am still holding out hope for reform. It's a small hope, but I'm banking on the national governments not wanting to give up sovereignty. That something is utter shit from top to bottom, doesn't mean it can't be cleaned, broken down, rebuilt and made to follow different guidelines. The EU as is, was the dream of idealistic dreamers traumatized by generations of European wars, who thought that the solution to nationalism in Europe, was to create the identity of a European "nation", and create a super-state across Europe to house it. They still trot out that as the "best" reason for the USE, and I have no doubt that they believe it. A Danish openly federalist MEP from the Social Liberal party here, recently said as much.

All politicians from left to right, need to counter that idealistic, pan-nationalistic romanticist drivel and the premonitions of doom if we don't unite into one state that go along with it. They have to do in a way that is compelling to all, no matter if they're Green, Social Democrat, Liberal or Conservative. But that requires them actually tackling in public, and in detail, what the purpose of the EU should actually be.
The only purpose right now is to take money from functioning economies in the north and sending it to corrupt regimes in the south and east. Unless we can somehow threat to stop paying in exchange for reform nothing will change. The UK's excuse for staying in was always influence. A simple invention showed it hadn't worked. The UK has been consistently voted down on everything they tried to put their weight behind. The fact that they are a big net contributor to the budget didn't matter the least. Exact same thing goes for Sweden. We get nothing for our money.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:39 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Uh.. yeah.. and the rest of the story if you do the search yourself will show that he was kicked out of his home, had nowhere to go, and he froze to death. Meanwhile, what is the Swedish government giving to people from across the Muslim world??
You do realize that Sweden has taken in alot of Christian Syrians, as well, right? Anyway, he was homeless. Homeless people are at risk of dying from exposure anywhere, refugees or no refugees. He may also have been a junkie, a drunk or had mental troubles that made him decline housing or shelters.

You could link to another story with evidence that he, specifically and individually, lost housing because of Muslim refugees, but you know.... your previous article lied, so why should I believe such an article even if I wanted to? That's the trouble with the sort of news sources you're using, StA.
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