Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:57 am

Aside from the absurdity of a " Swedish veteran in his 60's", take a closer look at the face in the photo. If the story was reall, and he's in his 60's and his name is Sture, he's likely to be adopted. As per StA's standards, the guy in the photo fits the bill of "immigrant" better.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Hastur » Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:28 am

ssu wrote:
Hastur wrote:Why do you even bother?
Because there aren't so many on this site. And StA did say "if this is true...", so I guess he didn't take at face value.

But you are right about that the "vet" part shows that this fakenews is for an audience who doesn't know Sweden or hasn't been anywhere close to Sweden.

I guess this fakenews found it's wings from, a site labelled as a racist hate site for some, a beacon of truth for others (especially among the Sweden Democrats). There is the story of the "Sture" and how this person isn't accepted into the hospital. And it refers to the non-existent information in the local paper. Naturally the "alternative-media" does not refer to this site, but the local newspaper (which didn't have anything as described).

It is interesting just how it is Sweden so much in the crosshairs, not Norway...
To be honest it's somewhat deserved. Sweden's been chest thumping for decades, calling itself a "moral superpower", pointing fingers and bragging about our amazing integration programs. At the same time the rot has spread inside. Integration and inclusion has ground to a standstill after we started importing ever increasing numbers of people from more alien cultures. Anny opposition has been met with shouts of racism and whatever-phobia.
The bubble finally burst a couple of years ago when some very respectable economists pointed out that the mass immigration was a net cost for the country, not a gain, as advertised. This means most average Joes in Sweden are awake now but the PC police in the establishment still cling to the old narrative of inclusion, open borders, our duty towards caring and helping.
The election next year will be entertaining. My guess is that the MSM, totally marinated in the Cultural Marxist teachings, will try a Last Hurrah to keep the old narrative alive. It will be a spectacular failure.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:24 am

I get the impression that Sweden's somehow embraced most of the American progressive agenda, and I see the pathological "need" by the Swedish left to show how tolerant they are by accepting more and more third-world immigration, as them wanting Sweden to be like a (idealized, progressive) version of the US. Sweden as New York, if you will. While Americanization is generally prevalent across Scandinavia, as well as Britain, I get the impression it spans greater parts of society in Sweden. This article (in Swedish) postulates that it's due to an old Swedish cultural idea of the US as the land of "modernity":

I believe it follows from that, that people who look to the US as the land of everything modern, and who count themselves as progressives, would treat trends coming out of the US as "progress" no matter how retarded they are. We get the same with our own progressives here. In Denmark, the progressive newspaper "Politiken" has been the daily trying to normalize the use of "white privilege" here the most, and generally trying to talk of "Danish people" as "white people". The narratives, the language, the terms... all borrowed from the US (progressives), references from US society, comparing native Danes to American whites and immigrants to American black slave descendents.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Ex-California » Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:43 am

This was a good insight into Sweden for me

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by de officiis » Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:50 am

BjornP wrote:I get the impression that Sweden's somehow embraced most of the American progressive agenda, and I see the pathological "need" by the Swedish left to show how tolerant they are by accepting more and more third-world immigration, as them wanting Sweden to be like a (idealized, progressive) version of the US. Sweden as New York, if you will. While Americanization is generally prevalent across Scandinavia, as well as Britain, I get the impression it spans greater parts of society in Sweden. This article (in Swedish) postulates that it's due to an old Swedish cultural idea of the US as the land of "modernity":

I believe it follows from that, that people who look to the US as the land of everything modern, and who count themselves as progressives, would treat trends coming out of the US as "progress" no matter how retarded they are. We get the same with our own progressives here. In Denmark, the progressive newspaper "Politiken" has been the daily trying to normalize the use of "white privilege" here the most, and generally trying to talk of "Danish people" as "white people". The narratives, the language, the terms... all borrowed from the US (progressives), references from US society, comparing native Danes to American whites and immigrants to American black slave descendents.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Hastur » Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:53 am

BjornP wrote:I get the impression that Sweden's somehow embraced most of the American progressive agenda, and I see the pathological "need" by the Swedish left to show how tolerant they are by accepting more and more third-world immigration, as them wanting Sweden to be like a (idealized, progressive) version of the US. Sweden as New York, if you will. While Americanization is generally prevalent across Scandinavia, as well as Britain, I get the impression it spans greater parts of society in Sweden. This article (in Swedish) postulates that it's due to an old Swedish cultural idea of the US as the land of "modernity":

I believe it follows from that, that people who look to the US as the land of everything modern, and who count themselves as progressives, would treat trends coming out of the US as "progress" no matter how retarded they are. We get the same with our own progressives here. In Denmark, the progressive newspaper "Politiken" has been the daily trying to normalize the use of "white privilege" here the most, and generally trying to talk of "Danish people" as "white people". The narratives, the language, the terms... all borrowed from the US (progressives), references from US society, comparing native Danes to American whites and immigrants to American black slave descendents.
This is a good analysis and it is often pointed out here as well. Sweden is the most "modern" country in the world. We also tend to go all in when we adopt some new philosophy. When I tell someone from America how deregulated our schools are they can't understand. And seeing tourists try to grapple with an unregulated Taxi market here in Stockholm can be fascinating. Both of those are remnants of the deregulation fad in the '90s.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by ssu » Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:01 am

Hastur wrote:To be honest it's somewhat deserved. Sweden's been chest thumping for decades, calling itself a "moral superpower", pointing fingers and bragging about our amazing integration programs. At the same time the rot has spread inside. Integration and inclusion has ground to a standstill after we started importing ever increasing numbers of people from more alien cultures. Anny opposition has been met with shouts of racism and whatever-phobia.
The bubble finally burst a couple of years ago when some very respectable economists pointed out that the mass immigration was a net cost for the country, not a gain, as advertised. This means most average Joes in Sweden are awake now but the PC police in the establishment still cling to the old narrative of inclusion, open borders, our duty towards caring and helping.
The election next year will be entertaining. My guess is that the MSM, totally marinated in the Cultural Marxist teachings, will try a Last Hurrah to keep the old narrative alive. It will be a spectacular failure.
There's plenty of ways to make criticism with real facts, not with made up stories. Immigration worked well for the growth of the Swedish economy earlier, but not anymore.

Yet the power of the PC Police in the media shouldn't be overestimated. What the basic problem is that things like the negative effects of immigration or criticism of the EU simply is left to, well... idiots. Even more appalling is the idiotic division of "yes" or "no" to some absurd question like the EU. If the only choice is like to be in the EU or not, that choice is stupendously stupid. Anyway, this creates a huge vacuum as a lot of people are critical of immigration and basically the way things are going, yet aren't supporters of the extreme right. The extreme right (or left) naturally have a very small following, hence there is something very wrong when some extremists are left to be only supporters of issues which have popular support.

I think the Swedish parties have done themselves a disservice by totally rejecting the Sweden Democrats and not changing their rhetoric. And naturally the Swedish democrats have some bizarre policies, like why give a damn about the Sami people and their priviledges? They are a few and nobody lives in the North anyway.

In Finland btw we had quite a show on the political front with the present administration nearly resigning (the prime minister was flying with a letter of resignation to the president, but on the last moment turned back). It was the populist "True Finns" party that broke in two: the party nominated an anti-immigration hard liner with whom (just like in Sweden) the other parties wouldn't work with, yet the majority of the parties members of parliament including all those with minister positions simply walked away from the new leadership and formed a new coalition. So that's the end of the "True Finns" as of now.

Anyway, looking at the Swedish Democrats now in Parliament, nearly all of them are young men, who likely would just crave for a ministerial position and I presume likely would be quite tame if in the government. Not many women and not many of them who are of immigrant background (like Finnish last names). Shrewd move would be to get some aboard.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by ssu » Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:13 am

Hastur wrote: This is a good analysis and it is often pointed out here as well. Sweden is the most "modern" country in the world. We also tend to go all in when we adopt some new philosophy. When I tell someone from America how deregulated our schools are they can't understand. And seeing tourists try to grapple with an unregulated Taxi market here in Stockholm can be fascinating. Both of those are remnants of the deregulation fad in the '90s.
I allways remember meeting Cuban in 1989, who was visiting my parents workplace (the National Institute of Health). A communist party member and a devote supporter of Castro, we had an interesting debate about politics (the first time he actually had talked about politics abroad, even if he had lived in East Germany). His view was that the objective, the goal for socialist Cuba was someday to become a country like.... Sweden.

Yes, Sweden.

The country that has immersed itself in socialdemocracy in such a profound way, that even the conservatives in Sweden don't realize how leftist they are.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Hastur » Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:15 am

ssu wrote:
Hastur wrote:To be honest it's somewhat deserved. Sweden's been chest thumping for decades, calling itself a "moral superpower", pointing fingers and bragging about our amazing integration programs. At the same time the rot has spread inside. Integration and inclusion has ground to a standstill after we started importing ever increasing numbers of people from more alien cultures. Anny opposition has been met with shouts of racism and whatever-phobia.
The bubble finally burst a couple of years ago when some very respectable economists pointed out that the mass immigration was a net cost for the country, not a gain, as advertised. This means most average Joes in Sweden are awake now but the PC police in the establishment still cling to the old narrative of inclusion, open borders, our duty towards caring and helping.
The election next year will be entertaining. My guess is that the MSM, totally marinated in the Cultural Marxist teachings, will try a Last Hurrah to keep the old narrative alive. It will be a spectacular failure.
There's plenty of ways to make criticism with real facts, not with made up stories. Immigration worked well for the growth of the Swedish economy earlier, but not anymore.

Yet the power of the PC Police in the media shouldn't be overestimated. What the basic problem is that things like the negative effects of immigration or criticism of the EU simply is left to, well... idiots. Even more appalling is the idiotic division of "yes" or "no" to some absurd question like the EU. If the only choice is like to be in the EU or not, that choice is stupendously stupid. Anyway, this creates a huge vacuum as a lot of people are critical of immigration and basically the way things are going, yet aren't supporters of the extreme right. The extreme right (or left) naturally have a very small following, hence there is something very wrong when some extremists are left to be only supporters of issues which have popular support.

I think the Swedish parties have done themselves a disservice by totally rejecting the Sweden Democrats and not changing their rhetoric. And naturally the Swedish democrats have some bizarre policies, like why give a damn about the Sami people and their priviledges? They are a few and nobody lives in the North anyway.

In Finland btw we had quite a show on the political front with the present administration nearly resigning (the prime minister was flying with a letter of resignation to the president, but on the last moment turned back). It was the populist "True Finns" party that broke in two: the party nominated an anti-immigration hard liner with whom (just like in Sweden) the other parties wouldn't work with, yet the majority of the parties members of parliament including all those with minister positions simply walked away from the new leadership and formed a new coalition. So that's the end of the "True Finns" as of now.

Anyway, looking at the Swedish Democrats now in Parliament, nearly all of them are young men, who likely would just crave for a ministerial position and I presume likely would be quite tame if in the government. Not many women and not many of them who are of immigrant background (like Finnish last names). Shrewd move would be to get some aboard.
A lot of people will never get over the Neo nazi, skinhead, white power background of the Sweden Democrats. Almost all of their leaders comes from that background or the small leftover remnants of the real nazi movement from the '30s kept alive by informal comrade groups of Swedish former SS or Wehrmacht veterans. When they open their mouth most of them sound like a half drunk football hooligan. UKIP wanted nothing to do with them. The UK equivalent of the SD is The National Front, not UKIP. Watch those videos from the Rubin Report above. Aron Flam agrees with me on this.

The Swedish Democrats are not a solution to anything. They are nostalgic nationalistic socialists that uses racism and segregation as a lever. Does that remind you of anything?

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:43 am

ssu wrote: Even more appalling is the idiotic division of "yes" or "no" to some absurd question like the EU. If the only choice is like to be in the EU or not, that choice is stupendously stupid. Anyway, this creates a huge vacuum as a lot of people are critical of immigration and basically the way things are going, yet aren't supporters of the extreme right. The extreme right (or left) naturally have a very small following, hence there is something very wrong when some extremists are left to be only supporters of issues which have popular support.

It's been 25 years since the forming of the EU, and 45 years since we joined the EEC, yet our media still insists on talking about "EU-opponents" and "EU-supporters", or "the Yes-side" and the "No-side", when describing any debate about the EU.
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