Another School Shooting

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 3:56 pm

I mean, some guys get dropped at Arlington, some guys don't, there's plenty of guys who are genuine war heroes who end up with no gun salute at all and just a few fellers from local VFW and their buddies standing there touching caps, pulling the stops out for some kid who never done nothing but was in the wrong place at the wrong time, is going overboard, calm down.
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by clubgop » Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:12 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:
clubgop wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:Just fyi for the low infiormation public, FMH does not honor the circumstances of your death, it honors the full depth and breadth of your entire career, you could be awarded the MoH and not get FMH, FMH is like a lifetime achievement award so to say.

This is not to say that a cadet cannot have a military burial, flagged draped drop with honor guard of his peers, ain't nothing wrong with dat.

But the Old Guard, Caisson, and Riderless Horse symbolizing the death of a War Chief? I mean, ca'mon, America, get a grip.

The kid got shot in school, he didn't serve in World War Two, tragic does not FMH make, there's millions of guys who served in World War Two who never got FMH.
I don't think they are going all out like that. This could be a mission for the JROTC to learn about that particular part of drill and ceremony. Taps, flag, 21 gun salute, yeah, no problem. This was written by civilians they don't know what they are talking about give them a little of the D&C, it won't be no state function.
21 gun salute? Dial it back, son, he's not Audie frikkin' Murphy, a flag draped casket and the JROTC honor guard is fine, guy's killed in Iraqistan don't get 21 gun salutes.
While not a 21 gun salute, a three volley salute is standard 7 man detail firing 3 times, 21 times. Civilians don't know the difference.

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:18 pm

clubgop wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:
clubgop wrote:
I don't think they are going all out like that. This could be a mission for the JROTC to learn about that particular part of drill and ceremony. Taps, flag, 21 gun salute, yeah, no problem. This was written by civilians they don't know what they are talking about give them a little of the D&C, it won't be no state function.
21 gun salute? Dial it back, son, he's not Audie frikkin' Murphy, a flag draped casket and the JROTC honor guard is fine, guy's killed in Iraqistan don't get 21 gun salutes.
While not a 21 gun salute, a three volley salute is standard 7 man detail firing 3 times, 21 times. Civilians don't know the difference.
He doesn't rate it, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he acquitted himself well, but your know what? I expect that from any American, that's not above and beyond, that's just the American way, and he wasn't really in the military, it's JROTC, but that ain't the real deal, it's not my place to tell Americans how to hand out their military honours, but where I come from, you're either bound by oath to the Commander-in-Chief unto death as necessary, or you're not, there is no middle ground.
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:30 pm

And this is not a slight against the kid, he just wasn't a soldier, I have no issue with an honour guard of his cadet peers, but standard military honours are reserved for the standard military, full military honours are reserved for a fallen war chief, and you don't get there until you're there, there's a bright line, between the the thin red line and the rest, and rightly so.
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by DrYouth » Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:34 pm

clubgop wrote:It is not the same and you know it.
I do know it.

But the monkeys keep typing.
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:38 pm

Like, this kid was me, he was gung ho for the military before he was in the military, but as such, you don't ask for nor desire what you aspire to when you have not yet attained it. When I was a kid wanting to be a soldier, I was so gung ho, that to have handed me honours undeserved, would have horrified me, would have just made a mockery of that which I worshiped.

If I win the Stanley Cup, you put my name on it, but since I have never won a Stanley Cup, when it was there right in front of me, I would not even touch it.
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by DrYouth » Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:43 pm

GloryofGreece wrote:That would require effort and what would be the stick to force people to have better families exactly? Health awareness and antibullying campaigns are one thing but enforcing cultural change is essentially tyrannical at this point.
No stick will lead to improved mental health... obviously...

Any investment would be in voluntary community resources that actually bring people together to form communities.

Not state run facilities... not experts preaching "strategies"... not drugs... all of this has actually led to problems getting worse... as that book you cited claims.

Actual real communities... that support one another, out of genuine mutual respect.
We have almost no idea how to do this any more... and whenever the State gets involved it wants control and it wants to implant it's "experts".
So communities are going to have to figure this out one community at a time.
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Fife » Mon Feb 19, 2018 5:04 pm


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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by clubgop » Mon Feb 19, 2018 5:05 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:And this is not a slight against the kid, he just wasn't a soldier, I have no issue with an honour guard of his cadet peers, but standard military honours are reserved for the standard military, full military honours are reserved for a fallen war chief, and you don't get there until you're there, there's a bright line, between the the thin red line and the rest, and rightly so.
His cadet peers can do the detail including three volley salute, just a little nudge to the gun grabbers. If that's what this kid wanted and parents want. I say do it. I have been to VFW funerals many. They get a detail of reservist and they do the whole thing or a bunch of old guys in VFW gear do it.

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 5:06 pm

clubgop wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:And this is not a slight against the kid, he just wasn't a soldier, I have no issue with an honour guard of his cadet peers, but standard military honours are reserved for the standard military, full military honours are reserved for a fallen war chief, and you don't get there until you're there, there's a bright line, between the the thin red line and the rest, and rightly so.
His cadet peers can do the detail including three volley salute, just a little nudge to the gun grabbers. If that's what this kid wanted and parents want. I say do it. I have been to VFW funerals many. They get a detail of reservist and they do the whole thing or a bunch of old guys in VFW gear do it.
It's your army, I'll defer to your preference, I've said my peace on it, but it's not my call.
Nec Aspera Terrent