skankhunt42 wrote:It's not a major problem here in the states. Sure it happens in isolated places. Jesus man, take some more hyberpole pills to make whatever point it is you're trying to make. Apparently Flint, Michigan represents the entire United States. Cool story. Hey...Guess what kind style of Gov rules that shit hole?jbird4049 wrote:Lead is a major problem here in the States but as it usually just poisons poor people it's all good.skankhunt42 wrote:
It would be great if I was being hyperbolic, but sorry. Do some research. It's not as horrible as it was, but only fairly bad.
As to the government, do you mean the Republican Governor, the Republican control Legislature, the governor appointed Republican Special Manager that was running Flint.
He cancelled the water contract for clean water from the Detroit water department for cheap acidic water from the Flint River requiring the refurbishment, and reopening, of the old water treatment plant. Then ordered the necessary chemicals for treating the water to save money. The chemicals did cost several hundred dollars per day.
Or do you mean the also craptastic Democratic city government that was not running the city?