Speaker to Animals wrote:That's not really true.
It is true that people can start with a prescription for real pain, but they have that addictive personality and it takes over.
I took narcotics as prescribed for over ten years. When they stopped working, I tapered off. I had physical dependency, but not an addiction. A lot of people don't seem to understand the difference. Physical withdrawal sucks balls, but it's not going to make you run out and rob people for drugs. It just makes you more focused on getting through the process. It's when people have that psychological addiction that shit goes wrong fast.
Also, when you are in pain, and you take the drug as advertised, that feeling of euphoria goes away after a few weeks. It's not really a factor in anything unless you chase by taking more and more pills that you are not supposed to take.
You're also an adult. Teenagers do not possess that level of self control, or awareness.
This is a pretty common topic here in OH - at the heart of the heroin epidemic. It starts almost universally with a legit prescription, then progresses to pill dependency, and a transition to the needle. It's happened to people I know, and it's happening across the country. This is not in question, moral judgements, notwithstanding.