Thousands of Westerners each year take their holidays to the UAE, particularly Dubai. They don't give a shit about their human rights violations, or that their serving staff are little more than slaves, so why should anybody care if they, too, become victims of the same sort of treatment? Sweet. Fucking. Karma. Hopefully it could lead to people waking up and not booking themselves a holiday to Dubai, but the odds of that happening are really 1 in 10, I think. People want cheap shit, cheap service, cheap holidays.
Just like there exist no "Christian culture", there exists no "Muslim culture". Kinda goes with the territory of having followers in the billions, spread throughout several continents, across different ethnicities, language groups, each with their own history, and denomination. And that's just speaking about Christianity. Just like there's a cultural difference between a Welsh Protestant and an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian, you're going to see a cultural difference between a Bosniak Sunni Muslim and a Uyghur Sunni Muslim. Doesn't mean both Muslims aren't practising a morally inferior, religiously inferior, civilizationally inferior and in all aspects, deplorable religion... just that it is logically absurd to speak of a homogenous culture among a religion numbering in the billions.And people wonder why Americans are concerned about the spread of Muslim culture...a pregnant woman turned in to the police by her own doctor.
So, "spread of Muslim immigrants" or "spread of Muslim influence" in your post would be the more rational choice. Other than that, your post makes sense. People who believe that a 1% Muslims (immigrants or citizens) can turn the remaining 99% of the US into a Sharia state simply by being in the country, are understandably going to be upset.