Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Wed May 03, 2017 7:22 am

I'm a bit of a purist.. I want to purchase a wolf pup, and raise it as my own.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Ph64 » Wed May 03, 2017 9:50 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
heydaralon wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
If they throw acid on their own family members face, we have DCF for that, and I expect the law to be upheld.

I don't believe there are any instances of forced FGM on strangers, but I agree that that would also be frowned upon.
I'm not saying they perform it on strangers, I'm just saying that I consider it to be a form of child abuse. There is no medical or hygienic benefit (in fact the opposite), it facilitates the spread of disease, and is generally fucked up as it permanently numbs that entire area. There is no point at all to doing this to a child. I'm not arguing we go to the Middle East and tell them to stop doing it in their own countries, but I sure as fuck don't want things like that gaining any sort of foothold in the west. We have enough bad shit here as is.
I agree. Thank goodness we have laws concerning child abuse.

If you spot a muslim group agitating for legalized FGM in the United States, then let me know, and we'll go punch them in the face. :dance:
Too late. ... -here.html ... 004-304773
Last edited by Ph64 on Wed May 03, 2017 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by heydaralon » Wed May 03, 2017 9:51 am

I tried getting into the West Wing, and I was shocked at how awful everything was about it. Sorkin writes some shit dialogue. God he sucks. I don't know which Sorkin show is worse: SnoozeRoom or Shit Wing.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by BjornP » Wed May 03, 2017 9:52 am

heydaralon wrote:
I know that the Chechens and Uyghurs are not immigrants, but they still always stir up shit. I'm not even arguing that they are always the aggressors. All I'm pointing out is that muslims make for some poor neighbors wherever they live. [
People who want to regain or create their own, native country tend to "stir up shit", regardless of wether they're Muslim or not. Basque, Irish, Jews, Tamils. You do know that Chechens aren't the only, or even the largest, Muslim native minority in the Russian Federation, right? It's the Tartars. Who, like the Chechens, have their own state within the Russian federation. And they haven't rebelled.
I don't read Breitbart or any of those dogshit sites, but it gets utterly ridiculous when I see articles from the center left or mainstream papers aggresively acting like there is no correlation between Islamic demographics and violence. I saw a Slate article today that said: It is ridiculous to link Female Genital Mutilation with Islam. While muslims are not the only group that practices this, a simple google search will show that many of these muslim countries perform this on over 70% of their women. If you are a girl in a muslim country, your vagina is getting hacked. Lets get real here.
Alot of, especially African Muslims (and Christians and African pagans) practise FGM, yes. I'd point out that in my country, most Danes - even the ones who are most immigrant-friendly - also oppose the genital mutilation of boys (circumcision) to the extent that alot want it legally abolished. Which would effectively force Jews and Muslims to either leave, or conduct their rituals illegally, either within the country or by having it done abroad. FGM, though, is especially abhorrent in those, primarily, African countries where the adolescent girls get clitorectimies without any sort of pain killers. In Egypt, though, before they (very recently) made it illegal, Muslim and Coptic Egyptian girls had it done at the doctor with full anaesthetic. The fundamental wrong is the lack of choice for the girl, though. I've heard that it's cut away because of the notion that the "purpose" of women was simply having and raising children. It's an extreme act of control.

As for violence.... I'm guessing you're referring to criminal violence, i.e. violence we shouldn't tolerate? Yes, in Europe they account for more criminal violence, pr. capita, than the native population. Does Islam tell them to become involved with drug trade, human trafficking rings, prostitution and robberies? Does it tell them to get high themselves, drop out of school and mimick American gangster rappers? I'm guessing a big, fat "No" on that.

A site like Slate is notoriously lazy in its research, if they do it at all. I hate almost all of their European coverage. Would they ignore problems with integrating Muslims in Europe or the US? Yes. They have a "let them eat cake mentality" when it comes to the issues regarding integration at best. A stick their heads in the sand, at worst. But their stupidity, blindness, selective memory, hysteria, and devotion to virtue signalling over actually solving problems does not correlate to the other extreme, the ones who claim that Islam will take over Europe, that Muslims can't and don't want to adopt Western values, that Muslims - all Muslims - want to kill every last one of us.

The problem with your leftists - generally not ours, Danish Social Democrats f.ex. aren't like their Swedish counterparts at all - is that whenever anyone presents a solution to integration that involves making demands of culturally or religiously different minorities, you will get these hyper-PC types claiming that it's "intolerance", racist, or culturally chauvanist. This effectively kills any cultural integration process.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed May 03, 2017 10:01 am

Get out.

Maybe there are some heretics somewhere that mutilate their daughters' vaginas, but in Christianity you are not supposed to fuck with your body (or those of anybody else) in such a way that you remove function for no immediate health reason. The Church is not even cool with women getting hysterectomies outside of extreme medical cases.

Most of the Christians in Africa are Catholic.

A brief search shows the only group who does this are the Copts, probably because they live in a crazy Muslim country. They don't even get a choice in male circumcision from what I have read, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Dr. Ahmed just automatically removes the

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by heydaralon » Wed May 03, 2017 10:03 am

BjornP: One thing that I have noticed about Europe is that they do not seem to place quite as high a premium on free speech as the United States. There are historical reasons for this I guess, such as the holocaust, but it is kind of worrying when you see a high trust society, that does puts many asterisks on freedom of expression, letting in large numbers of people who have minimal interest in this freedom anyway. I think this will also lead to problems for you guys.

The merkel journalist incident is well known, but I have read numerous articles where people will be arrested in the UK for making fun of the dead on twitter, or "hate speech." Holocaust denial is illegal in Germany and possibly some other Euro Countries which ironically might interfere with muslims
free speech rights. You live in Europe. Do you see a scenario where saying anything critical about Islam will fall under the umbrella of "Hate Speech?" I realize that this issue is more nuanced than I'm making it out to be, but I think this will be nothing but trouble.
Also, what is your opinion on Geert Wilders?
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by heydaralon » Wed May 03, 2017 10:06 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:Get out.

Maybe there are some heretics somewhere that mutilate their daughters' vaginas, but in Christianity you are not supposed to fuck with your body (or those of anybody else) in such a way that you remove function for no immediate health reason. The Church is not even cool with women getting hysterectomies outside of extreme medical cases.

Most of the Christians in Africa are Catholic.

A brief search shows the only group who does this are the Copts, probably because they live in a crazy Muslim country. They don't even get a choice in male circumcision from what I have read, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Dr. Ahmed just automatically removes the
I'd be very hesitant to call anyone who performs that procedure a doctor, since the procedure causes harm and nothing else, and is completely against the Hippocratic oath. Though muslims are not known for their medicine...
Shikata ga nai

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed May 03, 2017 10:11 am

The holocaust denial laws really come off as asinine to an American. Who gives a shit if some guy denies the holocaust?

This is why I think we are heading into some new kind of dark age. Our governments are implementing what amount to inquisitions to punish heresy. Universities are teaching pseudoscience instead of real academics. Our ability to innovate is being undermined.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by heydaralon » Wed May 03, 2017 10:15 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:The holocaust denial laws really come off as asinine to an American. Who gives a shit if some guy denies the holocaust?

This is why I think we are heading into some new kind of dark age. Our governments are implementing what amount to inquisitions to punish heresy. Universities are teaching pseudoscience instead of real academics. Our ability to innovate is being undermined.
I agree. If anything, it gives muslim "intellectuals" a soapbox and turns them into martyrs when they point to how their speech is being stifled by the government.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Wed May 03, 2017 10:46 am

Ph64 wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
heydaralon wrote:
I'm not saying they perform it on strangers, I'm just saying that I consider it to be a form of child abuse. There is no medical or hygienic benefit (in fact the opposite), it facilitates the spread of disease, and is generally fucked up as it permanently numbs that entire area. There is no point at all to doing this to a child. I'm not arguing we go to the Middle East and tell them to stop doing it in their own countries, but I sure as fuck don't want things like that gaining any sort of foothold in the west. We have enough bad shit here as is.
I agree. Thank goodness we have laws concerning child abuse.

If you spot a muslim group agitating for legalized FGM in the United States, then let me know, and we'll go punch them in the face. :dance:
Too late. ... -here.html ... 004-304773
Seems the doctors were promptly arrested. ... ation.html

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