Europe, Boring Until it's Not

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by heydaralon » Tue May 02, 2017 10:13 pm

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Okeefenokee » Tue May 02, 2017 10:17 pm

heydaralon wrote: ... _Americans

I've been looking into this and performing some research. I'm really enjoying the section titled: "The Firewater Myth"

I would probably drink like a fish too if my entire civilization was brought down by Yosemite Sam...
It only applies to those living on BIA land.

Those not granted those bennies do fine.

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by heydaralon » Tue May 02, 2017 10:22 pm

I have no doubt that the government money produces perverse incentives, but my impression driving through those reservations is that there are no fucking jobs on them. If you go to a reservation, you will be shocked by the amount of fireworks stores there. Or at Four Corners in the Southeast, the entire perimeter is set up with flea market booths with Native Americans peddling shitty looking dream catchers and tacky art. Its like an even more depressing version of a company town or one of those prison towns in North Florida, except replace Prison with Casino. I wonder what their birthrates are like, and if they are naturally just gonna die out like the Tasmanians.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Hastur » Tue May 02, 2017 11:38 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Hastur wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:That map perfectly illustrates how these marxists see the world. We might as well trying to be arguing with people from another planet.
If I'm not totally wrong that looks like a map I recently read about that was produced by a Japanese mathematician who tried to reduce the distorted proportions caused by the usual Mercator projections.
Yeah, it's showing both poles. I think you're right.

Or it could just be a dastardly Marxist plot, designed to trigger StA into suicide. Anyone's guess really.
Found it. He's an architect, not a mathematician. Hajime Narukawa. The projection recently won the 2016 good design grand award in Japan, an awards evening founded in 1957 by the Japanese ministry of international trade and industry, so not much to do with Social Justice.

I think what MH and StA is afraid of was something they saw on The West Wing. (a fictional TV series)


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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Hastur » Wed May 03, 2017 1:14 am

California wrote:Poodle mixes are great dogs
Did you just assume my dogs race? :lol: He's not a poodle mix but a purebred Lagotto Romagnolo.

I agree that poodle mixes are nice but I don't like the hype. They a sold as some kinds of new races with fancy names like Goldendoodle, Labradoodle, Cockapoo, Cavoodle or Maltipoo. Prices are as high as purebreds.

They are not new races but unregulated crossbreeds. It's getting out of hand quickly.

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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Wed May 03, 2017 5:58 am

heydaralon wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
heydaralon wrote:
How familiar are you with this practice? Couldn't you make the same argument for a lassiez faire policy toward acid attacks that happen in the west? Well, if those muslims want to live in Western society and throw acid on a woman's face that's fine. As long as its not my daughter. By the way, FGM has about as much medical value as an acid attack.
If they throw acid on their own family members face, we have DCF for that, and I expect the law to be upheld.

I don't believe there are any instances of forced FGM on strangers, but I agree that that would also be frowned upon.
I'm not saying they perform it on strangers, I'm just saying that I consider it to be a form of child abuse. There is no medical or hygienic benefit (in fact the opposite), it facilitates the spread of disease, and is generally fucked up as it permanently numbs that entire area. There is no point at all to doing this to a child. I'm not arguing we go to the Middle East and tell them to stop doing it in their own countries, but I sure as fuck don't want things like that gaining any sort of foothold in the west. We have enough bad shit here as is.
I agree. Thank goodness we have laws concerning child abuse.

If you spot a muslim group agitating for legalized FGM in the United States, then let me know, and we'll go punch them in the face. :dance:
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Wed May 03, 2017 5:59 am

Hastur wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Hastur wrote: If I'm not totally wrong that looks like a map I recently read about that was produced by a Japanese mathematician who tried to reduce the distorted proportions caused by the usual Mercator projections.
Yeah, it's showing both poles. I think you're right.

Or it could just be a dastardly Marxist plot, designed to trigger StA into suicide. Anyone's guess really.
Found it. He's an architect, not a mathematician. Hajime Narukawa. The projection recently won the 2016 good design grand award in Japan, an awards evening founded in 1957 by the Japanese ministry of international trade and industry, so not much to do with Social Justice.

I think what MH and StA is afraid of was something they saw on The West Wing. (a fictional TV series)

Oh, how I miss that show... So good.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Wed May 03, 2017 6:03 am

Okeefenokee wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:I'm curious how you see Muslim countries hacking up their citizens as a problem for their neighbors...but not that curious.

It occurs to me that we'd be speaking exactly the same way about native Americans or aboriginals, if they'd somehow been left in the Stone Age, and maintained their own territories all this time. If only Sitting Bull could have found some black gold, he'd still be scalping whites that ventured into his land, and massacring the other tribes over which animal truly represents the Great Spirit...
Once again you show your abject lack of knowledge in all things history.

You think if native tribes had gold on their territories that they would have been left alone to carry on in their ways.

Newsflash, they had gold.

I know it's a shocker to someone completely ignorant of history. Sorry no one got to you sooner.

Sitting Bull wasn't sitting on black gold in the nineteenth century. He was sitting on gold gold, and his stone age tribe gave it up to move to Canada. We didn't make a treaty allowing his tribe to raid and rape on the condition that he keep the gold flowing.

Of course this is all news to you, ignorant ass libtard that you are. But in the world of GCF, if a backwards ass society of wagon burners had something valuable under their feet, surely the evil Americans must have decided to prop them up for mutual gain. There was never a time when Americans drove their asses off that land.

No, that would be too much like the present day where Americans have the backwards ass muslims in a death grip, fully intent on driving their backwards ass ways off the planet. Western culture is eating them. Every positive example of islam is one that has rejected the ways of the caliphate.

GCF has to throw himself prostrate in the defense of their doomed culture.
It's getting increasingly ridiculous, trying to hold a conversation with you. Eat some fucking food.

I posed a hypothetical scenario, in which natives somehow WEREN'T massacred and imprisoned. Then I imagined that they would probably be acting in "incompatible ways" with the Western world, because their culture was from the Stone Age - similar to muslims - instead of drinking themselves into oblivion.

I'm actually kind of backing up your point, but you can't stop shitting yourself at the chance to "get me" on something, then faceplanting all over the damn thread.

Eat. Some Fucking. Food. You look like an imbecile.
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Ex-California » Wed May 03, 2017 6:47 am

Hastur wrote:
California wrote:Poodle mixes are great dogs
Did you just assume my dogs race? :lol: He's not a poodle mix but a purebred Lagotto Romagnolo.

I agree that poodle mixes are nice but I don't like the hype. They a sold as some kinds of new races with fancy names like Goldendoodle, Labradoodle, Cockapoo, Cavoodle or Maltipoo. Prices are as high as purebreds.

They are not new races but unregulated crossbreeds. It's getting out of hand quickly.
Lagottos' are cool dogs. But yeah, I totally understand the designer dog thing.

My dog is a poodle crossed with something else we don't know and he's a medium size dog about 35 lbs. We got him from some rural people in the San Diego mountains where the daughter had her female poodle bred so she could earn money for softball and college. Good, classic stuff like you should get a dog from. Anyway, he was $200, and when I had other family get dogs like Cockapoos back in the 80s they were considered mutts that were either free or very cheap

We've had all kinds of people come up and ask where our "mini goldendoodle" was bred and then they proceed to tell me that they paid between $2500-3000 for theirs
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Re: Europe Boring Until it's Not

Post by Hastur » Wed May 03, 2017 7:17 am

California wrote:
Hastur wrote:
California wrote:Poodle mixes are great dogs
Did you just assume my dogs race? :lol: He's not a poodle mix but a purebred Lagotto Romagnolo.

I agree that poodle mixes are nice but I don't like the hype. They a sold as some kinds of new races with fancy names like Goldendoodle, Labradoodle, Cockapoo, Cavoodle or Maltipoo. Prices are as high as purebreds.

They are not new races but unregulated crossbreeds. It's getting out of hand quickly.
Lagottos' are cool dogs. But yeah, I totally understand the designer dog thing.

My dog is a poodle crossed with something else we don't know and he's a medium size dog about 35 lbs. We got him from some rural people in the San Diego mountains where the daughter had her female poodle bred so she could earn money for softball and college. Good, classic stuff like you should get a dog from. Anyway, he was $200, and when I had other family get dogs like Cockapoos back in the 80s they were considered mutts that were either free or very cheap

We've had all kinds of people come up and ask where our "mini goldendoodle" was bred and then they proceed to tell me that they paid between $2500-3000 for theirs
It's weird how trends like that go global these days. That is exactly how it is here in Sweden as well. The prices are similar. At least once a week people ask what kind of doodle Teddy is. A lot of people in my neighbourhood choose to get one of those "hybrids" despite the jacked up prices.

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