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Post by SuburbanFarmer » Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:31 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:You refuted nothing. You said that there exists no racial predisposition to violence amongst African peoples. If that is so, then surely there exists a large population of Africans somewhere that do not exhibit the higher rates of violence. I can think of no such place anywhere. The violence remains independent of culture, legal system, government, etc. It's apparent in Africa where they literally eat one another and are now about to genocide the remaining whites in South Africa. It happens even in London where black violence and gang warfare remains rampant.

We even have a large island in the Carribean that is divided in half, with Africans on one end and Latinos on the other end, and the African side is one of the worst living conditions in the world.

Maybe it's not "America" that makes black people murder and burn down cities?

It kind of reminds me of what our own ancestors were like when they burned down the western half of the Roman Empire, quite honestly. These things take centuries to breed out.
So then, in your opinion, a few hundred years of genetic evolution changed us from Germanic hordes and Vikings, to the Great Civilized People that we are now? What stimulates that change in our coding?

Don’t go Cathy Newman. That’s honestly what your position sounds like.

Culture and civilization are environmental variables in evolution too. They determine sexual selection just as much as any other environmental factor.
So then, somewhere around the 15th century, women decided to select for more gentile and less aggressive males. But they aren’t doing that now.

SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:49 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
So then, in your opinion, a few hundred years of genetic evolution changed us from Germanic hordes and Vikings, to the Great Civilized People that we are now? What stimulates that change in our coding?

Don’t go Cathy Newman. That’s honestly what your position sounds like.

Culture and civilization are environmental variables in evolution too. They determine sexual selection just as much as any other environmental factor.
So then, somewhere around the 15th century, women decided to select for more gentle and less aggressive males. But they aren’t doing that now.


I think it was more like the 11th century that it began.

The best description of the event I have read was by Nicholas Wade in which he posited (really expounded on the theory postulated by others) that the civilization of the northern European race happened as a result of the cyclical nature of the rise and fall of societies due to the Malthusian trap, and the internecine violence that, during such periods of decline, resulted in many of the aristocracy losing status and inter-marrying with the merchant classes in the cities.

Think of it like this: for going on a thousand years, our society was feudal. Feudal dynasties would thrive or perish based upon their ability to plan for the future (delayed gratification for future reward) and their predisposition to sacrifice happiness in their own life for the sake of their children. Sound familiar? Those are also what we call middle class values, which arose from the middling class of the late medieval period.

As times prospered, the population grew. But we would always hit that Malthusian limit. When that happens, famines occur, populations decline, and the early medieval civilization we had budding would also decline, resulting in increased conflict between aristocracies over dwindling resources and power. Eventually many of them would lose their patents and end up demoted to merchants and whatnot in the cities. They would marry the daughters of wealthy merchants, businessmen, etc., and start new family lines in the merchant classes (and sometimes even farmers). The genetics that were selected through constant aristocratic violence in all those previous generations were carried on, but rather than in the context of aristocracies, it went to business, farming, etc. The middling class emerged. They put more resources towards the advancement of their children than they would towards their own personal happiness. They were future planners as opposed to present-moment types (i.e. our working classes, or what we in America call democrats). Because they were able to plan ahead, they were able to mitigate the effects of the Malthusian trap. This means as the families without those genetic adaptations perished and dwindled, the fledgling middlings were able to live off their savings and larders and continue having more children. This propagated the genes over many centuries across most of Northern Europe.

That doesn't explain how we lost the warrior gene, or how our IQ increased over time, but I suspect that usually happens as society becomes more complex, and those with stronger intellects are rewarded with more resources. The average IQ of a sub-Saharan African is in the mid-60s. Haiti has the same IQ as their African counterparts, and no complex society to elevate over many generations. American blacks, however, have a very high IQ compared to other Africans. Their average IQ is somewhere in the upper 80s, but even then there are lots of African Americans that are geniuses, and almost no geniuses in Africa. China for many thousands of years most rewarded those with political power and resources who have the highest IQ and conformity. Their average IQ is significantly higher than our own. Environmental pressures in the form of state policy, laws, customs, etc., have very large effects on the nature of a race over the course of many generations if those pressures remain relatively stable.

Further, it's a kind of feedback loop where you have social pressures becoming environmental pressures on sexual selection, which in turn results in genetic predispositions towards various social behaviors that reinforce social change in the general trajectory of that initial social pressure. This is why China is not likely on course to become "liberty nation". They have thousands of years of conformity bred into them that's not going to just disappear. Liberty is not just an idea. It's a genetic predisposition as well.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:56 pm

My guess is this: if we were to eliminate the gibs and counterproductive incentives for black women to recklessly reproduce with maladapted males, American blacks would exhibit an IQ equal to those of American whites within about 1.5-2 centuries. I say this because we really have to start the clock with Emancipation, and it really has not been that long. They have evolved significantly higher average IQ than blacks in Africa within a century. My suspicion in that the democratic party stunted this growth with the Great Society programs that enslaved them in cycles of welfare and familial dysfunction.

Meanwhile, simply locking up criminals over time is going to reduce the opportunities for those men to breed. Furthermore, eliminating gibs to single mothers (across the board, not just for blacks) is going to make it NOT beneficial for women anywhere to breed with maladapted (violent, thuggish) men. The warrior gene would be suppressed once again.

Just speculating here, but I don't think it's as far off as one might imagine if you look at how quickly people evolved in just a century or so.

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Post by SuburbanFarmer » Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:02 pm

Fine, so why not just drop the pseudo-scientific guessing at genetics, and accept that those are simply cultural forces?

Why try to implant DNA coding into your argument? It makes you appear racist, to the blacks, and an idiot, to the educated. I'm fully willing to accept that those cultural forces have made European whites very generally less violent and more stable than Africans.

Just leave it at that, and you've got an actual argument.
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

Formerly GrumpyCatFace

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:13 pm

Because it's genetic too. You want to obsess on culture because you want to blame whites for what other races do, and you desperately want to avoid the complications and probable unworkability of multi-culturalism and multi-racialism.

The one denying science here is you. Human evolution happens obviously even on an historic timescale.

The strangest aspect of people like you is your Orwellian use of words like diversity to mean the opposite of what they actually mean. You don't want to believe in actual diversity because actual diversity throws a bucket of cold water on your civic nationalist dreams. That's what this is about.

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Post by Penner » Fri Mar 09, 2018 7:41 pm

BjornP wrote:
Haumana wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote: Potentially. This might also just be a pony show, for both of them. Kim gets legitimacy, and Trump gets another Iranian nuclear deal.
Why would he want a deal that he already publicly rejected?
20D chess.


Trump rolls a +5 while Kim rolls a +9. Russia roll as +12 and wins everything?

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Post by Viktorthepirate » Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:21 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Fine, so why not just drop the pseudo-scientific guessing at genetics, and accept that those are simply cultural forces?

Why try to implant DNA coding into your argument? It makes you appear racist, to the blacks, and an idiot, to the educated. I'm fully willing to accept that those cultural forces have made European whites very generally less violent and more stable than Africans.

Just leave it at that, and you've got an actual argument.
Grumpy, just accept that we should follow DSL's logic and bow to the Jewish master race.

Genetics and all...

IQ has nothing to do with education prior to taking the test... we just happen to be biologically improving our intelligence by 10 points every decade...

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Post by PartyOf5 » Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:21 pm

It's a unicorn! No wait, it's just CNBC reporting good news on the economy under Trump: ... -work.html

I'm fully expect someone will claim the credit for this belongs to Obama.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:32 pm

Viktorthepirate wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Fine, so why not just drop the pseudo-scientific guessing at genetics, and accept that those are simply cultural forces?

Why try to implant DNA coding into your argument? It makes you appear racist, to the blacks, and an idiot, to the educated. I'm fully willing to accept that those cultural forces have made European whites very generally less violent and more stable than Africans.

Just leave it at that, and you've got an actual argument.
Grumpy, just accept that we should follow DSL's logic and bow to the Jewish master race.

Genetics and all...

IQ has nothing to do with education prior to taking the test... we just happen to be biologically improving our intelligence by 10 points every decade...

1. IQ does not make one race superior to any other. Can we be honest with each other and stop with the Kathy Newman tactics when we don't know how to respond to an argument?

2. Correct. IQ does not measure education.

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Post by Viktorthepirate » Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:56 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
Viktorthepirate wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Fine, so why not just drop the pseudo-scientific guessing at genetics, and accept that those are simply cultural forces?

Why try to implant DNA coding into your argument? It makes you appear racist, to the blacks, and an idiot, to the educated. I'm fully willing to accept that those cultural forces have made European whites very generally less violent and more stable than Africans.

Just leave it at that, and you've got an actual argument.
Grumpy, just accept that we should follow DSL's logic and bow to the Jewish master race.

Genetics and all...

IQ has nothing to do with education prior to taking the test... we just happen to be biologically improving our intelligence by 10 points every decade...

1. IQ does not make one race superior to any other. Can we be honest with each other and stop with the Kathy Newman tactics when we don't know how to respond to an argument?

2. Correct. IQ does not measure education.
So our brains are 10% more powerful every decade? You fucking serious?