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Post by StCapps » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:31 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:Trump is hardly representative of the merchant cunts that had a lock on the GOP since the 1980s.
You are such a rube.
Speaker to Animals wrote:Dwayne Johnson could feasibly run as a republican, and he won't have anything in common with Trump or the merchant cunts either.
Dwayne Johnson will have to eat the merchant cunts shit too, just like Trump, no matter which party he runs for, don't be naive, it's all in the game, there is no getting around it.

Speaker to Animals wrote:It's like I am talking to a brick wall with a lot of whites who are still living in the fantasy that all of the high-level politics that we enjoyed for the past few centuries remains today. It doesn't. We murdered those days forever when we opened up our borders to the entire fucking planet.
Those high-level politics never were a thing, it was all a facade for a popularity contest, don't believe the myth.

Like I said, it's not a new era of politics, it's the same-old same-old.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:40 am

StCapps wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:Trump is hardly representative of the merchant cunts that had a lock on the GOP since the 1980s.
You are such a rube.

Oh really? I seem to recall way back in time, about a month ago, when the cunts were celebrating Trump deregulating monopolies to fuck over the American consumers. Then not one week later, he said he wanted to roll out a federal broadband service to act as competition to those monopolies and those smiles turned upside down right fast.

He's not ideological. Nor was Obama.

The last ideological president was George W. Bush.

And look at your country. Your women and racial minorities elected a former substitute drama teacher because (A) the females thought he was cute and he constantly panders to women's interests, and (2) He constantly signals anti-white policies to drum up support from the massive amount of immigrants he's already trying to double (or more). Yet when it comes to actual economic and foreign policies, he's all over the place.

I don't know where you guys think you have been living these past ten years or so, but ideological politics died a while ago. Smell the fucking coffee already, Juan. :lol:

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Post by StCapps » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:42 am

They elected Trudeau because he told Canadians what they wanted to hear, while Stephen Harper wagged his finger in their face, and said, nuh-uh.
Your analysis is just off, popularity is and was more important than ideology or identity politics, that was never not the case.
Justin Trudeau is great example of that, as is Donald Trump, two peas in a pod, #sunnyways #makeamericagreatagain, two different brands of the same phenomenon to appeal to different electorates, based on what they want to hear, in order to increase their popularity relative to their political opposition.
Last edited by StCapps on Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by K@th » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:49 am

Speaker to Animals wrote: . Most of us don't like libertarians much, quite honestly.
I know... the thought of freedom, limited government and spending within our means are terrible ideas.
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Post by StCapps » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:51 am

Kath wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote: . Most of us don't like libertarians much, quite honestly.
I know... the thought of freedom, limited government and spending within our means are terrible ideas.
Wagging your finger in the face of Americans by telling them they can't have their gibs, that doesn't go over so well, who knew?

Trump did, which is why he never focused on that angle during his presidential campaign, and wisely so.
Rand Paul on the other hand didn't get it at all and attacked Trump because he refused to wag his finger in the face of Americans enough for his liking, how did that work out for him again?

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Post by K@th » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:55 am

Sigh... it's so annoying when you tell me how I wish things were is invalid. Wishing isn't reality, but yet, here I am, wishing for a more educated populace.

Deal. With. It.
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Post by StCapps » Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:57 am

Kath wrote:Sigh... it's so annoying when you tell me how I wish things were is invalid. Wishing isn't reality, but yet, here I am, wishing for a more educated populace.

Deal. With. It.
You can wish all you want, the electorate isn't going to become more educated simply because you wish they were. Be real, put down the idealist hash pipe and start smoking some realpolitik for a change, politics will disappoint you less if you lower your expectations to a bar that is more realistic. Protip.

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Post by StCapps » Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:06 pm

Like if I had expected the Avs to win last night against the Blues on the road, then that 6-1 loss would be far more disappointing, I would have been setting myself up for even more misery by expecting a victory. Instead I expected the Avs to get no points out of that game without MacKinnon in the lineup, and even though getting blown out still sucks, I was prepared for such an outcome and could properly brace for impact, because of my lack of completely unrealistic expectations. Naive Optimism just leads to more misery, I advise trying to avoid that, whether in sports, or politics.

Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and I see no point in pretending that this is the way things could be, when there is no chance of that happening.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:58 pm

Kath wrote:Sigh... it's so annoying when you tell me how I wish things were is invalid. Wishing isn't reality, but yet, here I am, wishing for a more educated populace.

Deal. With. It.

Well, good luck convincing all the Mexican, Guatemalans, Indians, fucking Africans, and God knows whoever else to adopt your obscure political ideology. I am just telling you how it is. The only thing that matters now are identity groups.


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Post by Okeefenokee » Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:55 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:Another shibboleth of our time: military parades.

The animosity towards that is very eye-opening.

I mean.. I think I get it. The same people freaking out over the military parade in this forum are the ones who get upset when I argue it's only a matter of time before the military takes over. I think they must know the American people think FAR more highly of the military than they do of the elected politicians, and the only thing that keeps this from happening is the commitment by the generals to the Constitution (which, ironically, the legislators and president have ZERO commitment to).


Gay pride parades with naked men simulating sex in the public streets: vibrant diversity.

Servicemembers from the four branches marching in formation: OMFG it's like North Korea!!!

literally hitler
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.
