I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Smitty-48 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:59 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:I work in a corporation you dumb dog fucking leaf.
The wall just got ten feet higher. Enjoy your Sikh PM after Trudeau.
You work for a corporation, down in the mill with the trailer trash, obviously we can't fast track self avowed Neo Nazis into the corner office, so cry me a river about "affirmative action", they play the corporate game, you don't, by your own free will, nobody sheds a tear for you, because you've chosen your path, you made your little bed, now lie in it, chump.

As for Jagmeet? Well he speaks four languages, he went to law school and was called to the bar, and he won the leadership of a federal political party with relative ease, so hardly affirmative action, the guy is a super star, not to mention a pretty bad assed martial artist, I kind of like him actually.

He's marrying a hot chick too, Jagmeet is kicking some serious ass these days. Unlike you, squire.
The fuck are you on about you maple syrup chugging drunk? You think I walk around and give niggers the stink eye and shit? Do you understand that posting under a pseudonym is not the same as working with coworkers in fucking Houston? How dumb are you really? I mean on a scale of 1-10, 10 being Trudeau and 1 being the Asians demographically replacing you in your best city.
So wait, you're saying you're a phony? You come here on the internet and play the raycist jew baiter, but then kiss their asses in public because you're afraid of the consequences? WTF is that? You're pathetic dude. Sad.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:02 pm

So . . . you lack the courage of your convictions?
Is that what you're conveying here?

Because if I really thought a bunch of evil orks were taking over the joint, hellbent on committing genocide against my family, I's not be too shy about calling that out and taking it to the mat before time stripped me of the ability to physically effect a change.

But I don't believe that, so I don't see the need to act like I believe that under an easily reversed-searched pseudonym.
LMAO. I don't normally bother to do this but let me explain you hyper race blind idiot. I am very polite in public. I work with every color of the rainbow. I don't hate people for their skin color, I like my own people. White Americans.

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by DBTrek » Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:15 pm

TheReal_ND wrote: LMAO. I don't normally bother to do this but let me explain you hyper race blind idiot. I am very polite in public. I work with every color of the rainbow. I don't hate people for their skin color, I like my own people. White Americans.
Well, I deleted my post because I realized I didn't really care what motivated you. I mean, it's your life, not like I have to deal with the consequences. I like my own people too, but not for being white, since all of them aren't. Plus there are a lot of white people I really don't like (see Marxists, SJW's, and 49ers fans). So my life didn't lead me down this easily dividable path where I could just pick a color and all the folk I like are on one side and all the folk I don't on the other.

I bet it makes things easier though.
Shit, downright efficient.

Can't relate tho.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Smitty-48 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:18 pm

I personally can't hide my contempt, I'm not very good at that, hence why I try to be my own boss, I could never work in the corporate world, I'd be fired on the first day for being a right wing nutjob, I couldn't be one guy at home and another guy in public, I gotta be me.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:20 pm

Well it's a case by case basis for me. I don't write someone off immediately for being of a different race. I mean hell I used to gorge on National Geographic as a kid. I simply would prefer to not see Whites go extinct in the next hundred years. And even if that's not realistic I would prefer to be in a 90% White community. You know, like it used to be. Fucking great. Something that is under attack world wide but whatever you guys say /shrug

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Smitty-48 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:26 pm

I'd say my community is close to 95% white, but they're not that great, first of all, they're mostly liberals so there's no hope in hell of electing a conservative here, and second of all, they all drive like old grannies, slowest fuckin' drivers on earth, fuck you whitey!

We live in the fuckin' snow belt, yet none of these honkeys have snow tires, so here I am with AWD and performance snow tires, stuck behind the Golden Girls & Co the moment there's a light dusting.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:00 am

DBTrek wrote:
Me waiting for this evidence that Africa "became" a shithole because "we" looted their resources and enslaved a significant enough portion of the population that there's no way Africa could've possibly developed in light of the travesty.

... anyone?
This whole debate has really got me thinkin' on the famous last words of Colonel Kurtz,
Praise God for all this mutually beneficial trade along the Ivory Coast.

Her needs America so they won't just take his shit away like in some pussy non gun totting countries can happen.

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by DrYouth » Thu Jan 18, 2018 9:27 am

Right wingers all realizing that in fact they have as little in common as Left wingers...

Truth is we are all have our own very specific collection of ideals and aspirations... and we pursue them differently.

We may seek justice differently... but we all seek it.

But if we are going to slay that dragon... we are going to have to figure out how to work together...

Alternatively it's dog eat dog... and may the biggest badest dog win.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by DrYouth » Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:03 am

Heraclius wrote:I wouldn’t really say that Africa was significantly behind Europe from the “sphinx to the Age of Sail”

You have the obvious superiority of the Egyptian civilization which extended well into the Middle Ages. Egypt was one of the most profitable provinces of the Roman Empire followed by West Turkey and North Africa. You can attribute some of the success to Roman reforms but it wasn’t like Carthage was a stagnate civilization over in Africa. Yes it was a Phoenician civilization but if they stayed around I’m sure they would have become the voice of what is considered a “North African” culture.

It was the Western Empire that needed civilizing and subsidies from the East and many consider the loss of Egypt to be one of the biggest nails in the Byzantine coffin.

During the Islamic invasions, the early caliphates centered around North Africa and Spain were a lare beacon of civilization and prosperity. It’s truly fascinating to read about because a large part of what caused their fall was their overreliance on Christian mercenaries and the refusal of their citizens to create an efficent army to fight against the heavily splintered Christian factions in the north. Again, you can argue that it is a Middle Eastern civilization rather than an African one, but the caliphate in Spain was distinct from the one in Baghdad so I don’t think it’s fair to attribute all their success solely to sticking to Arabic roots.

Then you have the several great kingdoms around the Niger River. Mainly Mali with Mansa Musa and Songhai and their rise. There is no reason to consider them “lesser” than the European civilizations around 1200-1500. They had a very similar feudal stucture. Europe was very far ahead in architecture and gunpowder, though.

Around the time West Africa got invaded by the Moroccan Sultans the Songhai ended up splintering up and suddenly it became a group of minor city-states fighting one another similar to the Italian peninsula. It was these wars that were used to fuel the slave trade in particular.

Also, the narrative that whites simply walked into a slave market and aren’t at fault is kind of inaccurate in modern historical analysis. There are sources that discuss people enslaving their own family in order to appease the Portuguese slavers demanding slaves, so it isn’t as cut and dry as people had thought when they created the counternarrative.

I also didn’t really touch on Ethiopia and the East African coastal city-states because I never really tried to learn much about them. They certainly had a functional society considering Arab traders regularly went there in order to trade. I doubt they would want to visit a bunch of stone age tribesmen to exchange goods.

The general fall of Africa can be attributed to a failure to fully adopt gunpowder like their neighbors, which was a major factor in the decline of West Africa, and the huge exponential growth that came from the discovery of the New World. Europeans end up developing risk managment tools that allowed them to create companies in the Mew World which in turn began to be utilized during periods of technological revolution to create growth. Most societies stopped economic develop with banks rather than pushing into risk management and insurance that provided a safety net for the people that would lead into cultural growth.

I would say it is also unfair to say the Europeans took “just” 300 years from Africa. Our pace of invention puts the last 300 years at a level comparable to the 2000 years prior, civilization has been on an exponential growth for centuries.

To sum it up, plenty of areas in Africa were either above or on the same tier of Europe until around the Wars of Religion that created the concept of a national identity and when the bendfits of the New World truly were fed into European development.

Societies tend to have a proclivity to advancing when they are around coastal regions, and complaining about the lack of Subsaharan civilizations is basically like complaining about the lack of Siberian civilizations. Except the Steppe people at least had the luxury of horses and so could abuse their steppe hardship to create a hard people that could harm other kingdoms.

(typed on phone excuse any typos)
Just wanted to point out that this is a great post.

Although I'm not agreeing with the idea that the West "took" 300 years form Africa... or anything like that...

The way I see it... is that the game Civilization puts this all into perspective...

If you play that game constantly worrying about the impact you are having on the competing civilizations... you are going to end up being another civilization's bitch.... but there are definitely benefits to not slaughtering the populations that you absorb into your civilization... keep them happy and your civilization will prosper.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by C-Mag » Thu Jan 18, 2018 11:15 am

Life is a Do-Ocracy.
Those t hat do succeed, they don't see road blocks, and glass ceilings, the just see constraints.

CJ Walker is a great example of this, she should not have been able to succeed according to affirmative action ideology. But she became a black female self made millionaire in the 19th C.

Ironically, few women or blacks even know who she was and she is not used as an example by the pour me crowd.


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