Weed legalization thread

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Re: Weed legalization thread

Post by Fife » Fri Jan 05, 2018 7:45 am

That's actually rather offensive to Granny, specifically, and all TBH fans in general.


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Re: Weed legalization thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jan 05, 2018 7:50 am

Yeah, Granny probably got high as a kite. What do you think they were growing back in the hills??

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Re: Weed legalization thread

Post by Haumana » Fri Jan 05, 2018 7:56 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:Yeah, Granny probably got high as a kite. What do you think they were growing back in the hills??
Rheumatisz medicine?

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Re: Weed legalization thread

Post by StCapps » Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:31 am

Boring, this is token Obama legacy repeal, talk to me when Jeff Sessions writes a new memo cracking down on it, which he could have done already, yet hasn't. He's trying to look tough on drugs without being tough on drugs, the Attorney Generals of the states where weed is legalized aren't about to crack down on it using federal law, unless they are going after illegal immigrant drug gangs the "bad hombres" if you will, going after regular folks and/or legal businesses in those states, that's career suicide and one sure fire way to not get re-elected as AG of your state. This is much ado about nothing.

I mean I get why Sessions has some of you a little worried with this move, but wait until he actually does something before you get all scurred, no use worrying about it at this point, it's just a token anti-Obama virtue signaling, he has no plans to crackdown on states who have the legalized weed trade, yet.

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Re: Weed legalization thread

Post by DBTrek » Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:44 am

The Canadian has no idea what he’s talking about again.
Alert the press.
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Re: Weed legalization thread

Post by StCapps » Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:45 am

DBTrek wrote:The Canadian has no idea what he’s talking about again.
Alert the press.
The attorney generals need to get re-elected bro, they ain't going to do shit in states where it's legal, and so far Sessions hasn't done shit to go over their heads, save the bitching for when he actually does something. Cracking down on legal weed would hurt Trump politically, something tells me he'll prevent him from jumping the shark accordingly, or fire his ass if he does. Sessions is expendable, Trump won't hesitate to throw him under the bus if it's politically prudent to do so.
Last edited by StCapps on Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Weed legalization thread

Post by DBTrek » Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:47 am

StCapps wrote:
DBTrek wrote:The Canadian has no idea what he’s talking about again.
Alert the press.
The attorney generals need to get re-elected bro, they ain't going to do shit, and so far Sessions hasn't done shit, save the bitching for when he actually does something.
He has done something.
Something that carries implications far beyond your feeble grasp apparently, even though numerous articles written at a 2nd grade reading level are available to explain.
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Re: Weed legalization thread

Post by StCapps » Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:50 am

DBTrek wrote:He has done something.
Something that carries implications far beyond your feeble grasp apparently, even though numerous articles written at a 2nd grade reading level are available to explain.
He did nothing other than punt the ball to the state AG's. Scary stuff, states rights and all lulz, boring.

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Re: Weed legalization thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:53 am

The federal government doesn't actually have the authority to criminalize drugs for the entire nation. They can criminalize drugs on federal property. That's it. I'd encourage Jeff Sessions to get serious about policing potheads in our national parks. He could set up hiking road blocks on the Appalachian trail and probably arrest 80% of the thru hikers.

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Re: Weed legalization thread

Post by StCapps » Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:54 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:The federal government doesn't actually have the authority to criminalize drugs for the entire nation. They can criminalize drugs on federal property. That's it. I'd encourage Jeff Sessions to get serious about policing potheads in our national parks. He could set up hiking road blocks on the Appalachian trail and probably arrest 80% of the thru hikers.
He'll use it to go after illegal immigrant gang members and the associated drug trade across the southern border, can't get them on harder drugs, go after them for the weed as a reason to deport their asses, kind of deal. Something tells me the states rights crowd won't bitch too loudly if that's all he's doing.

At this point Sessions hasn't done fuck all except he threw an Obama era guideline memo in the trash, whoop dee do. Sessions could have overwritten the memo and cracked down on legal weed, but instead he just threw the memo out. If Sessions was going to crackdown on legal weed in states that legalized it, scrapping the Obama memo isn't enough to get it done, he actually has re-prioritize federal resources to go after them, and he hasn't yet. If he does that, then DB should start freaking out, otherwise this is nothing burger.