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Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:14 pm

It's not about being white, it's about being Britons, the Anglo-Saxon Protestants, 1688 > 1759 > 1776, for the win.

Before 1688, Britain was a shit hole, after the Glorious Revolution; first modern state, on the way to ruling the world.
Nec Aspera Terrent

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Post by ooky » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:20 pm

StCapps wrote:Not everyone from shithole countries are shitty people

Glad we have established that as a reasonable common base of discussion for objective reality.
SJWs be reaching to attack Trump by claiming he called all hispanics and blacks shithole people, because of their skin color, just because he called some countries shitholes, it's ridiculous. Yet ooky wonders why many folks on the forum call her "fake news" all the time, lulz.
:lol: Reaching! Please recall everything this man has ever said or done. Aside from the fact that he specifically called nations with populaces of people of color (POC) shit hole countries, and then asked for Norwegians when discussing a program that never in a million years would apply to Norwegians.
the lawsuits against his properties for racial housing discrimination
his calls for the central park 5 to be executed, even after significant evidence on their innocence was known
birther nonsense for YEARS
attack Obama for not controlling the black community, actually just history of holding every POC liable for the bad actions of every other person of color
mexicans send over their rapists and criminals
lets not let muslims into the country
every time a muslim commits a terrorist act decries it, spreads actual lies about crimes committed by muslims, but doesn't even comment on white crimes against POC
judge curiel was too hispanic to be objective or rule on his case
he retweets white nationalists
he just three weeks ago said everyone from Haiti had AIDS
The people waving torches in Charlottesville saying Jews will not replace us were "very fine people"

You people dropping your monocles about how insulting calling him a racist is, are fucking gaslighting us just recognizing the truth here. Thanks, but Imma call a spade a spade, thank you.

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Post by clubgop » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:22 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:
ooky wrote:
You just equated actions of our representative, elected government to actions of these non elected criminals who are the worst examples you can come up with of El Salvadoreans.

:naughty: Poor rhetoric.
Other than invading El Salvador and annihilating MS-13 with boots on the ground, which the likes of you would probably decry as "Neo-Colonialism", what is the US supposed to do about it? Just let them flow over the border with impunity?

Offensive or defensive, pick one already.
How about feel good virtue signaling that doesn't do a bit of good? That is the ooky way.

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Post by StCapps » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:23 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:It's not about being white, it's about being Britons, the Anglo-Saxon Protestants, 1688 > 1759 > 1776, for the win.

Before 1688, Britain was a shit hole, after the Glorious Revolution; first modern state, on the way to ruling the world.

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Post by StCapps » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:25 pm

ooky wrote:
StCapps wrote:Not everyone from shithole countries are shitty people

Glad we have established that as a reasonable common base of discussion for objective reality.
SJWs be reaching to attack Trump by claiming he called all hispanics and blacks shithole people, because of their skin color, just because he called some countries shitholes, it's ridiculous. Yet ooky wonders why many folks on the forum call her "fake news" all the time, lulz.
:lol: Reaching! Please recall everything this man has ever said or done. Aside from the fact that he specifically called nations with populaces of people of color (POC) shit hole countries, and then asked for Norwegians when discussing a program that never in a million years would apply to Norwegians.
the lawsuits against his properties for racial housing discrimination
his calls for the central park 5 to be executed, even after significant evidence on their innocence was known
birther nonsense for YEARS
attack Obama for not controlling the black community, actually just history of holding every POC liable for the bad actions of every other person of color
mexicans send over their rapists and criminals
lets not let muslims into the country
every time a muslim commits a terrorist act decries it, spreads actual lies about crimes committed by muslims, but doesn't even comment on white crimes against POC
judge curiel was too hispanic to be objective or rule on his case
he retweets white nationalists
he just three weeks ago said everyone from Haiti had AIDS
The people waving torches in Charlottesville saying Jews will not replace us were "very fine people"

You people dropping your monocles about how insulting calling him a racist is, are fucking gaslighting us just recognizing the truth here. Thanks, but Imma call a spade a spade, thank you.
That's a whole lot of reaching, those calling him racist really truly have no argument whatsoever.

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Post by ooky » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:25 pm

Okeefenokee wrote:
ooky wrote: I don't even understand what you are claiming is fake.
ooky wrote:Our immigration law has traditionally had three stated primary goals: 1) reuniting families, 2) supplying employers and 3) protecting refugees.
Three stated primary goals of US immigration law. Still waiting on the citation for that claim.

You presented goals for immigration law from two private groups, the first of which explicitly stated that immigration law hasn't stated the goals of said laws.
The Elusive Goals of U.S. Immigration Policy

There is little in the way of clear goals for national immigration policy in the U.S. code where the basic statutes of modern policy are recorded the laws of 1921, 1924, 1952, 1965, 1986, and 1990.1 These statutes begin simply with definitions of terms, usually in numbing detail, then set out their substantive changes in the law. In this respect the immigration laws are quite in the mainstream of U.S. lawmaking. One can find policy goals stated explicitly at the front of some major federal statutes,

but most often both the legislation and even the more voluminous rhetoric of the legislative history have little or nothing to say about precise policy goals. Public law generally begins with definitions of terms, sets out a series of complaints about the state of the union or some part of it, then outlines regulatory or programmatic initiatives.

A rare example of a statute which begins with reasonably explicit goals is the National Environmental Protection Act of 1969, which begins with a section entitled "Purpose" followed by a two-page Title I, "Policies and Goals."2

The absence of explicit goals from U.S. immigration statutes does not mean that our nation's immigration policy lacks goals. Immigration laws, as administered by Federal bureaucracies and as interpreted by the courts, produce results. In the absence of explicit goals, these results may be taken as the operative goals of national policymakers. The economists have a useful term, when they speak of the "revealed preference" of buyers, as expressed in the goods and services actually purchased. Lacking explicit statements of national immigration policy goals, we have the revealed goals of policymakers the results their actions (and inactions) actually produced.
Do I need to explain that to you, or can you take it from here?

Don't bother. No one here thinks you're going to retract your horseshit claim.
ooky wrote:I've been marching
Stick to the marching. Thinking isn't your strong suit.
So your problem, I take it, is with the word 'stated'? :lol: Alright, I am more than fine retracting that one word. But I am not just making it up that as far as anyone can DIVINE, those are the goals of US immigration law since at least the act of 1990, and apparently some time before that given the source I cited from 1991.

And while not stated, it is true that there exist actual programs predicated on providing legal entry or legal status of some sort for: 1) people who we want to employ, both as high and low skilled workers, 2) refugees, and 3) family members. Soooo, it kind of seems to corroborate the analysis.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:28 pm

StCapps wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:It's not about being white, it's about being Britons, the Anglo-Saxon Protestants, 1688 > 1759 > 1776, for the win.

Before 1688, Britain was a shit hole, after the Glorious Revolution; first modern state, on the way to ruling the world.
Long live the House of Orange, King of the White People wot?

One King to rule them all, one King to find them, one King to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

Nec Aspera Terrent

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:30 pm

ooky wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote: The cognitive dissonance amongst normies is quite strong. For it to work, people need to be confronted with the horrors of these shit holes, and the point needs to be explicitly made that these are shit holes precisely because of the people the democrats want to flood onto our streets rather than some geographical quirk or political anomaly.
Wow, you just blatantly admitted that you think these countries are shitholes BECAUSE these people are SHIT PEOPLE. That is why all these arguments about "but but but it's not racist because the countries really are shit holes and therefore you liberals are hypocrites" are idiotic.

Again, no one has addressed my point that a huge and direct reason why these places are shit holes are from historic US intervention, and I'll add to that centuries of racism, European-driven slavery, etc.

Princess, let me break some reality down for you.

The people that the democrats want to mass immigrate into our nation from total shit holes like Haiti and El Salvador (1) are largely illiterate, (2) possess little to no skills, and (3) are often the very same people that make those shit holes such a horrific place to live. At some point, you people need to justify to the American people why you are mass immigrating millions of fucking people who have no ability to take care of themselves, become wards of the state, and bring with them massive amounts of violent crime.

We all know why you do it: votes. You want this to be a one-party state ruled over by the democrats. It's not like you give a shit about white South Africans who are now living in total squalor in some cases. We all saw your guy Obama punish Cubans for not voting for Hillary by removing their ability to receive sanctuary in the United States. Duh. You want these particular people here because you know they will vote for your preferred party and forever end the republican party as a viable political force in America. You don't want other groups here, like Cubans and white South Africans, because you for God damned well know they have seen the shit-end of your political ideology and will not be voting for your brand of crazy. Be honest. Stop screaming racist when it is YOU who are operating on racialist assumptions about how these people will become dependents of the welfare state and reliably vote for your democratic party.

Furthermore, let's just talk about the Haitians who actually have a relatively high IQ, education, or otherwise possess the drive and skills to make a good life for themselves. Of course they want to escape the shit hole that is Haiti. Of course they could benefit us. But by strip mining Haiti of what few high-functioning people live there, you condemn that entire nation to further poverty, crime, and dysfunction. You talk about blaming America for all their problems. I agree! We have been fucking with these places with our immigration policy. Well, more accurately, the democratic party is mining these countries for new chattel for their vote plantations.

Don't lecture me on racialist politics. You people are the masters of it.

If you want to help shit holes like Haiti and El Salvador, the best-possible policy would be to send back the thousands if not tens of thousands of people who have been sheltering in America for the past twenty years as "temporary" refugees, with their accumulated skills, education, and capital. If you actually gave a shit about these countries, you'd do that. But you don't. So don't fucking lecture other people you fucking racist.
Last edited by Speaker to Animals on Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by SuburbanFarmer » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:34 pm

Entertaining to watch someone else go through the field of strawmen and ad hominems for once.

SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

Formerly GrumpyCatFace

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Post by clubgop » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:38 pm

StCapps wrote:
ooky wrote:
StCapps wrote:Not everyone from shithole countries are shitty people

Glad we have established that as a reasonable common base of discussion for objective reality.
SJWs be reaching to attack Trump by claiming he called all hispanics and blacks shithole people, because of their skin color, just because he called some countries shitholes, it's ridiculous. Yet ooky wonders why many folks on the forum call her "fake news" all the time, lulz.
:lol: Reaching! Please recall everything this man has ever said or done. Aside from the fact that he specifically called nations with populaces of people of color (POC) shit hole countries, and then asked for Norwegians when discussing a program that never in a million years would apply to Norwegians.
the lawsuits against his properties for racial housing discrimination
his calls for the central park 5 to be executed, even after significant evidence on their innocence was known
birther nonsense for YEARS
attack Obama for not controlling the black community, actually just history of holding every POC liable for the bad actions of every other person of color
mexicans send over their rapists and criminals
lets not let muslims into the country
every time a muslim commits a terrorist act decries it, spreads actual lies about crimes committed by muslims, but doesn't even comment on white crimes against POC
judge curiel was too hispanic to be objective or rule on his case
he retweets white nationalists
he just three weeks ago said everyone from Haiti had AIDS
The people waving torches in Charlottesville saying Jews will not replace us were "very fine people"

You people dropping your monocles about how insulting calling him a racist is, are fucking gaslighting us just recognizing the truth here. Thanks, but Imma call a spade a spade, thank you.
That's a whole lot of reaching, those calling him racist really truly have no argument whatsoever.
Says mean things. That is about all they have. Nevermind all the shit Democrats have done.