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Martin Hash
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Post by Martin Hash » Fri Jan 12, 2018 11:55 am

DBTrek wrote:Aspiring businessman X wants to leave Zaire to build a company in America - apply for citizenship and come on in.
The UN wants to ship 100,000 war refugees with no interest in being Americans to our shores because the tribesmen are committing genocide against each other again?

No thanks.
Very nicely done.
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Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:20 pm

ooky wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:We know that Trump despises all Europeans, it's quite clearly an attempt to shore up his support with the far right, only they give a shit about "Nordic", that's their fantasy not Trumps, the Norway thing gave it away as an obvious ploy, as if Trump has any time for Norwegians, I mean, please.

Must be feeling the heat about the DACA deal with the Democrats, so he's throwing out a red herring as a smokescreen, and of course the liberal media elites can be relied upon to take the bait.
Who cares why he *thinks* he said this. I'm increasingly convinced that he's getting more and more senile every day.

But I agree with you on the actual impact. After devastating footage this week of him failing to understand what Feinstein was even saying or even seeming to know what his own party's positions on the immigration negotiation were, this does likely have the effect of soothing his racist base. He may not understand details, facts, negotiation positions, or really ANYTHING about actual government policies on immigration (among many other topics), but his emotional core is solidly racist, and his racist base can take comfort in that, that his racist feelings really come from the heart and will continue to guide him.
It seems way too calculated to be senility, he clearly was signalling in a sorry not sorry Alt-Right motiff.

And besides, even the people in WH who were saying that he was senile or whatever, said that it was being managed, it's not like he's completely out of er, it's more like tics that suggest onset of senility, they didn't say that he had no clue what was going on around him.

To wit, if senile, he's not into the Reagan second term zone yet. Mind you, Reagan did pretty well in his second term and the GOP won a third term, so senility is not a disqualifier in America per se, all they need to do is get Red Team to show up at the polls just to spite Blue Team.
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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:32 pm

Might be a good time to hijack the word "decolonization" from the left.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:36 pm

tue4t wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:Norway seems like a nod to the white supremacists, the sub set of poor whites who are obsessed with the whole Nazi/Nordic thing, because it's not like most poor whites in America actually care about Germanic Bloodlines, they just don't want to be flooded with refugees from Latin America, so it's a double entendre, two birds with one stone.

It's Trump trying to be Bannon, he's just improvising now. He ran Sloppy Steve out of town, so he's just signalling that he's still on board with the Alt-Right, Steve had to go, but Trump carries on with the tiki torches regardless.
I thought Trump had finally ejected the alt right with Bannon but it looks like you're absolutely right. So careless of him as well to make those shithole comments in a bipartisan meeting. Plays right into the left's confirmation bias - there's no defusing that unreasoning mass psychosis now. They have an anchor for it now, whereas before it was all wishy washy muh russia crap.

All of this is not going to reflect well on the GOP in the long term. Win the battle, lose the war. He may get his great wall built, but it's going to require resources to man and maintain. And you can't do that over time without congressional support. The end result being an ineffective yet expensive tourist attraction serving as an ever eternal cultural symbol of republican 'immorality, incompetence, and racism'.

I thought Trump if anything atleast had some talent for marketing, but now i'm second guessing that.
Well you gotta dance with the girl who brung yeas, Bannon wanted a rapprochement with the far left, to turn the GOP into a Workers Party, but Trump was apparently skeptical of that all along, and events have proven Trump to be right, not only is the left totally unwilling to brook any middle ground, the GOP base isn't interested in that neither.

So what's he supposed to do? He's got nothing to lose, it's all about ginning up the base for the mid tems, and so he's just going for broke, he needs the Alt-Right to show up at the polls, this year, the long term fate of the GOP is somebody elses problem.
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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:37 pm


Bannon is not alt-right.

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Post by StCapps » Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:42 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:Lol

Bannon is not alt-right.
No True Alt-Rightman

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Post by The Conservative » Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:51 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:Image

In English, a shithole.

Be very careful in Haiti, as the country is having issues with cholera. You should be safe if you stay away from contaminated water, and poorer areas. If you come across with anyone who is infected, be sure to immerse, and wash your hands and apply anything to kill germs

Sanitary conditions in Haiti are poor. Tap water should be avoided. Drink bottled water only.

Health care, while well below the standards of that in developed countries, is available in all large towns and cities. Many smaller towns and villages also have health clinics. However, medical equipment and a wide variety of medicines may be in meagre supply.

The biggest concern in Haiti for travellers is malaria, and dehydration. One should make an appointment with a travel clinic for anti-malarial prophylaxis. Hydration requirements can be fulfilled by preparing one of the many water purifying systems as if one were going camping or by buying bottled water once in Haiti, which is widely available and inexpensive by western standards. Washing oneself with water from places such as creeks or lakes is not recommended due to the risk of water-borne diseases.

Depending on your itinerary, you may have to walk a lot. Comfortable footwear is crucial for avoiding blisters. Hiking boots are recommended as well as comfortable sandals.
Last edited by The Conservative on Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by K@th » Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:51 pm

DBTrek wrote:You’re still bitching about Hillary being mentioned several posts after everyone else dropped it and moved on.
Never mind. My attempt at sarcasm failed. Carry on.
Account abandoned.

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Post by The Conservative » Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:53 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:Image
His comments were like a cannon it was like BAHDAHBLAHDA

I'm literally shaking
If he cries about a country that you've only stepped onto once in your life, then I am sure the US will pay for a first class ticket out of this country so he can live with his ancestors in a country that he cares about more than where he was born and lived in for several decades...

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Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:54 pm

Thing is, in reality, the immigration fixes Trump is looking for from congress, other than funding for the wall, are hardly anything extreme, he's really just saying he wants the Canadian/Australian merit based immigration system, rather than the current American family and lottery based system.
Nec Aspera Terrent