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Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 1:45 am

We know that Trump despises all Europeans, it's quite clearly an attempt to shore up his support with the far right, only they give a shit about "Nordic", that's their fantasy not Trumps, the Norway thing gave it away as an obvious ploy, as if Trump has any time for Norwegians, I mean, please.

Must be feeling the heat about the DACA deal with the Democrats, so he's throwing out a red herring as a smokescreen, and of course the liberal media elites can be relied upon to take the bait.
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Post by ssu » Fri Jan 12, 2018 2:13 am

Hastur wrote:The rich Americans don't have any use for Norwegians. They will never clean houses, garden or watch kids. Heck, they are so rich they can afford to hire Swedish nannies and their service industry is flooded with young Swedes. Swedes are the Mexicans of Norway.
Also Finns from Northern Finland work in Northern Norway as the wages are high there, btw.

Yep, of course the real question would be why Norwegians would immigrate to the US in the first place. Work or study for a while is something different than immigration. And especially in the Academic World people work in the US for a brief period (to get a notch in their academic CV). Doing some Post-Doc studies/work in the States is quite normal and hence it's quite typical that someone can work for a while in the US, but never will contemplate actually moving there permanently.

For professionals it's easy to work or study some time in the UK or the US (or Canada) because of the language as far fewer people can speak fluently other foreign languages. For example my wife took a course in Oxford University while working in the local National Institute for Health. Her employer gladly sent her there.

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Post by Smitty-48 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 2:28 am

Norway seems like a nod to the white supremacists, the sub set of poor whites who are obsessed with the whole Nazi/Nordic thing, because it's not like most poor whites in America actually care about Germanic Bloodlines, they just don't want to be flooded with refugees from Latin America, so it's a double entendre, two birds with one stone.

It's Trump trying to be Bannon, he's just improvising now. He ran Sloppy Steve out of town, so he's just signalling that he's still on board with the Alt-Right, Steve had to go, but Trump carries on with the tiki torches regardless.

Trump is a political plagiarist, it's a grab bag, all part of the confidence scheme, he just latches on to whatever he thinks will sell at any given moment, depending on who he thinks he needs to pander to.

In one tweet he was warning against FISA Section 702, two hours later he contradicts himself and is suddenly all for FISA Section 702, he clearly has no clue what it is, he like an MHFtard, blabbering on about shit he doesn't even understand, just to get the boob rubes all worked up into a tizzy, President Zerohedge.
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Post by Montegriffo » Fri Jan 12, 2018 3:49 am

Smitty-48 wrote: it's a double entendre, two birds with one stone.
Getting too stoned with one bird is a better double entendre.
A lot more fun than lobbing rocks at defenceless avians too.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Post by tue4t » Fri Jan 12, 2018 3:56 am

Smitty-48 wrote:Norway seems like a nod to the white supremacists, the sub set of poor whites who are obsessed with the whole Nazi/Nordic thing, because it's not like most poor whites in America actually care about Germanic Bloodlines, they just don't want to be flooded with refugees from Latin America, so it's a double entendre, two birds with one stone.

It's Trump trying to be Bannon, he's just improvising now. He ran Sloppy Steve out of town, so he's just signalling that he's still on board with the Alt-Right, Steve had to go, but Trump carries on with the tiki torches regardless.
I thought Trump had finally ejected the alt right with Bannon but it looks like you're absolutely right. So careless of him as well to make those shithole comments in a bipartisan meeting. Plays right into the left's confirmation bias - there's no defusing that unreasoning mass psychosis now. They have an anchor for it now, whereas before it was all wishy washy muh russia crap.

All of this is not going to reflect well on the GOP in the long term. Win the battle, lose the war. He may get his great wall built, but it's going to require resources to man and maintain. And you can't do that over time without congressional support. The end result being an ineffective yet expensive tourist attraction serving as an ever eternal cultural symbol of republican 'immorality, incompetence, and racism'.

I thought Trump if anything atleast had some talent for marketing, but now i'm second guessing that.

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Post by pineapplemike » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:02 am

I think it's worth pointing out that Trump had a meeting with the prime minister of Norway literally a day or two ago, it's probably more likely that he's trying to show support for Norway than the alt right, but I could be wrong

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Post by Okeefenokee » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:41 am

ssu wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:The other cool thing about Norway, even tho it's run by lefties, they're so martial, universal conscription, they can just grab their packs and rifles and ski to war on a moments notice, it's a giant military camp.

It's literally Hitler, with a smiley face on it. They're national socialist militarists, with a cradle to grave welfare state.

Everything these Alt Right weenies say they want, Norway already has it in spades.
Interesting idea of Norwegians being the proper immigrants.

Guess what party they would favour if they moved to the US?

Wouldn't Swiss be better? They have more libertarian tendencies than the socialwelfare diehards like Norwegians.

And anyway, the televised Trump DACA meeting showed well how utterly clueless Trump is (when Feinstein asked about a clean DACA bill and Trump went with it not understanding what it meant).
That would be a serious problem if the executive made laws...
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Post by K@th » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:47 am

As No One Watched, Trump Pardoned 5 Megabanks For Corruption Charges—Who He Owes Millions
While Americans celebrated the holidays, President Trump followed in the footsteps of his predecessors by acting in the interest of Wall Street and using the distraction to do something that was not in the best interest of the American people. He pardoned five megabanks for rampant fraud and corruption, which is especially notable because of the amount of money he owes them.
Account abandoned.

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Post by Speaker to Animals » Fri Jan 12, 2018 8:41 am

Lulz. Are they still upset for the poor inhabitants of shit holes, or have we moved on?

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Post by clubgop » Fri Jan 12, 2018 8:52 am

Kath wrote:As No One Watched, Trump Pardoned 5 Megabanks For Corruption Charges—Who He Owes Millions
While Americans celebrated the holidays, President Trump followed in the footsteps of his predecessors by acting in the interest of Wall Street and using the distraction to do something that was not in the best interest of the American people. He pardoned five megabanks for rampant fraud and corruption, which is especially notable because of the amount of money he owes them.
The daily liberator? Yeah, sure.