I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Heraclius » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:19 pm

DBTrek wrote:
Heraclius wrote:
The notion of a university is kind of already a western construct.
Oh, I’m sorry. Was my example of multiple European learning communities arising in the medieval times a “western construct”? Well ... that may be why I picked it as a differentiator between the two populations.

"Learning communities" existed in any "civilized" society during the Middle Ages. When you say university people tend to think of a place of higher learning with a set general curriculum and a sort of bureaucracy that runs the thing. That type of "learning community" was more Western. It's a poor way to differentiate the two populations because they both had places to advance scholarly thinking.

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Smitty-48 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:22 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:
Smitty-48 wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:
Blacks in the US statistically speaking are responsible for a much higher violent crime rate than Whites. I would be willing to wager this applies to South Africa and to an even greater degree.
Well, as in America, the whites tend to have the good jobs and the non whites are driven more prominently into the drug trade to make a living.

The highest crime rate is in the Cape, the main driver of violent crime is the methamphetamine trade, there are black gangs, but one of the most notorious gangs in the Cape is the Hard Livings Gang, I think it's the second largest gang in the city, and it's actually run by South Asians allied to the Chinese Triads and Sicilian Mafia, so it's not really a question of race, just depends on who has the jobs and who is left to the gangs to recruit.
We have laws against discriminating blacks from jobs as well as corporate fast tracks for diversity hires.

Fuck off with your soggy titty liberal rhetoric. Fuck off all the way back to Canada and tell Trudeau he's paying for the North Wall.
Fuck off with your Neo-Nazi White Supremacist cherry picking fallacies, it's not Canada's fault that you are de facto ward of the state who squats in parking lots because you can't get a job where they won't hire racists, that's on you, loser, cry me a fuckin' river.

Who is going to corporate fast track you, squire? You're too stoopid to work in the corporate world, so get real. There's no place for ignorant trailer trash in the corporate world, but there never was, so nothing's changed there.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by DBTrek » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:30 pm

Heraclius wrote:
"Learning communities" existed in any "civilized" society during the Middle Ages. When you say university people tend to think of a place of higher learning with a set general curriculum and a sort of bureaucracy that runs the thing. That type of "learning community" was more Western. It's a poor way to differentiate the two populations because they both had places to advance scholarly thinking.
You're really unfamiliar with the difference between the rise of Medieval European universities vs the existence of Madrasas? I find that difficult to believe, given the information you've already shared.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:30 pm

I work in a corporation you dumb dog fucking leaf.

The wall just got ten feet higher. Enjoy your Sikh PM after Trudeau.


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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Smitty-48 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:40 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:I work in a corporation you dumb dog fucking leaf.
The wall just got ten feet higher. Enjoy your Sikh PM after Trudeau.
You work for a corporation, down in the mill with the trailer trash, obviously we can't fast track self avowed Neo Nazis into the corner office, so cry me a river about "affirmative action", they play the corporate game, you don't, by your own free will, nobody sheds a tear for you, because you've chosen your path, you made your little bed, now lie in it, chump.

As for Jagmeet? Well he speaks four languages, he went to law school and was called to the bar, and he won the leadership of a federal political party with relative ease, so hardly affirmative action, the guy is a super star, not to mention a pretty bad assed martial artist, I kind of like him actually.

He's marrying a hot chick too, Jagmeet is kicking some serious ass these days. Unlike you, squire.
Nec Aspera Terrent

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:43 pm

Sikhs are actually really cool people.

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by Smitty-48 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:43 pm

Jagmeet is actually bad assed enough, that I could park my vote with the Kneedippers next time actually, fuck Andrew Sheer, that's about as cuck as you can get, Jagmeet at least, has the courage of his convictions.
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:46 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:Sikhs are actually really cool people.
Oh yeah but this one is a liberal basically and since he's kind of sort of a Muslim to dumbasses that don't know the difference they are going to vote for him because muh reycist Trump. Canada will virtue signal their way into an early grave just to spite Americans. Laughable stock of people if I've ever seen one.

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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by DBTrek » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:46 pm

Montegriffo wrote:Could be because our countries grew rich and prosperous of the backs of African slaves and looted resources while their countries became shitholes due to what we did to them.

Me waiting for this evidence that Africa "became" a shithole because "we" looted their resources and enslaved a significant enough portion of the population that there's no way Africa could've possibly developed in light of the travesty.

... anyone?
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Re: I Am the Least Racist Person You Know

Post by TheReal_ND » Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:49 pm

Smitty-48 wrote:
TheReal_ND wrote:I work in a corporation you dumb dog fucking leaf.
The wall just got ten feet higher. Enjoy your Sikh PM after Trudeau.
You work for a corporation, down in the mill with the trailer trash, obviously we can't fast track self avowed Neo Nazis into the corner office, so cry me a river about "affirmative action", they play the corporate game, you don't, by your own free will, nobody sheds a tear for you, because you've chosen your path, you made your little bed, now lie in it, chump.

As for Jagmeet? Well he speaks four languages, he went to law school and was called to the bar, and he won the leadership of a federal political party with relative ease, so hardly affirmative action, the guy is a super star, not to mention a pretty bad assed martial artist, I kind of like him actually.

He's marrying a hot chick too, Jagmeet is kicking some serious ass these days. Unlike you, squire.
The fuck are you on about you maple syrup chugging drunk? You think I walk around and give niggers the stink eye and shit? Do you understand that posting under a pseudonym is not the same as working with coworkers in fucking Houston? How dumb are you really? I mean on a scale of 1-10, 10 being Trudeau and 1 being the Asians demographically replacing you in your best city.