Montegriffo wrote:Well I'm not going to defend the Left on their handling of the economy or over powerful Unions. However cut public spending to the point where you have to bring in the Army because there aren't enough police in London is not the way to go either. Cuts which lead to regulations not being properly enforced and people die in tower block fires. Even the current chancellor accepts austerity has gone too far.... May of course disagrees but she's a dead man walking at this point.
This is what you Lefties always say, but the bulk of the public spending is siphoned off to politically connected entrenched interests, make work, and boondoggle, so it never gets to where it is needed, doesn't matter which party you elect, they're all bad, some are just worse than others.
The problem with you Lefties is that you think that there's some way to get the money to where it is needed, by just electing some Lefty who promises a public spending workers paradise, when in fact, it will never work, no matter who you elect. I don't like the UK Tories, they're fucking useless, problem is, the Left is simply worse, they'll make an even bigger hash of it, and there will be more riots not less, and more buildings burnt down not less.
At first there will be money for everybody, they'll go around spending, spending, spending, just like they always do, but as always, there will come a crash, and then things will be even worse, all that money spent, debt and deficits abound, but you'll end up worse off not better, after the crash. Been there done that, so many times already, but Lefties never learn, because it's a secular religion, all based on feelz.
I'm not saying, hey, elect the Tories, they'll give you a workers paradise, nor even hey, elect the Tories, they'll give me a right wing paradise, not at all, what I'm saying is, government cannot be fixed, it is inherently dysfunctional, corrupt and corrupted, as an institution. So when it comes to government; less is more. I could increase spending exponentially, but the Left would never be satisfied, there would always be another sob story requiring another handout, and ever more expansion of this dysfuntional corrupted public sector leviathan.
I don't vote for the Right thinking oh they're gonna fix things, not at all, merely the lesser of two evils, the greater evil, being the runaway public sector leviathan consuming everything in its path. Am I prepared to ultmately sacrifice people who are totally dependent on it? Yes, because this is war.
If you cannot live without this public sector leviathan upon our throats, then you leave me no choice, I'm not after you, I'm after the leviathan, but if you insist on throwing yourself in front of it, don't cry to me, I am absolutely impervious to sob stories, make no mistake.
There was plenty of money to replace Grenfell Towers, there's enough money to build those people a luxury tower, several times over, but it will never get to them, doesn't matter who you elect, they didn't die for lack of money, they died for lack of entrenched interest political connections, which they will never get, they will never have acess to that, because they are not an entrenched interest and never will be.
I didn't kill them, the government did, but if those who survived this government attrocity then say that the answer is even more of the same, stockholm syndrome for the government? Then they are the enemy, and so I shed not one tear for them, they got what they vote for, so let them burn in it. If they haven't learned their lesson after that, then yes, they are ultimately expendable.