How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by StCapps » Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:16 am

Martin Hash wrote:What can I say, most people here support aristocracies.
Noblesse oblige, mhmmm. You can't make aristocracies a thing of the past anymore than you can make war or poverty a thing of the past. Reality does not comport to your wishful thinking, better to deal with it's existence in a productive manner, instead of pretending you can get rid of it with the right government policies, that's a fool's errand.

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Martin Hash » Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:27 am

Don’t worry, I’ll never get elected.
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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by StCapps » Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:30 am

Martin Hash wrote:Don’t worry, I’ll never get elected.
I know, you refuse to ignore the truth when it doesn't help you, nor will you embellish the truth for your own benefit. With that strategy, it's like you are trying to lose, because you know that your political opponents obviously won't hold themselves to that standard and will have a lot more campaign flexibility as a result. The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but if you tell the voters that, they'll vote for the guy who tells them that it is all sunshine and rainbows.

Don't focus on what hurts you, focus on what helps you, if you can't do that, you won't even get elected dog catcher. Whoever has the best story wins, how true that story is, inconsequential.
Last edited by StCapps on Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Martin Hash
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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Martin Hash » Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:33 am

I await The Collapse.
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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by StCapps » Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:35 am

Martin Hash wrote:I await The Collapse.
The world has always been this way, you're just being a SIFCLIF. It's not like there is some historical era where the truth always wins the election, the best story always wins in such contests, how true the story is, that doesn't matter.

That's the way of the world, I suggest that you get used to it.

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Martin Hash » Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:42 am

StCapps wrote:
Martin Hash wrote:I await The Collapse.
The world has always been this way, you're just being a SIFCLIF. It's not like there is some historical era where the truth always wins the election, the best story always wins in such contests, how true the story is, that doesn't matter.

That's the way of the world, I suggest that you get used to it.
Like I said, I'll live the good life until The Collapse, then I'll be around to help get out of the hole if anyone wants to listen? If not, it's not because I didn't try and do something about it.
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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by StCapps » Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:43 am

Martin Hash wrote:Like I said, I'll live the good life until The Collapse, then I'll be around to help get out of the hole if anyone wants to listen? If not, it's not because I didn't try and do something about it.
If you won't lie, at least frame the truth in a way that benefits you and hurts your opponent. At least leave one hand not tied behind your back to defend yourself with, there is no need to tie both hands behind your back, so not sure why you insist on doing so.

If the truth helps your opponent and hurts you, don't mention it, and deflect to a topic that makes you look better if your opponent brings it up, it's that simple. You don't even have to lie, but at least try.

You don't go up to women and tell them about all your worst qualities and none of your best qualities when trying to pick them up, nope you frame yourself in the best light possible. You don't have to lie, but you focus on what helps you, not what hurts you. Why would you treat politics any differently? The goal is to get enough people to like you, to the point that they will elect you, focusing on what hurts you and acting like that makes you morally superior to other politicians, what good is that doing you?

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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Martin Hash » Sun Oct 22, 2017 11:01 am

I'm one of those crazy idealistic Old School Americans who still believes in the fantasy. Hey, it worked for me, I can make it work for other people.
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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by StCapps » Sun Oct 22, 2017 11:10 am

Martin Hash wrote:I'm one of those crazy idealistic Old School Americans who still believes in the fantasy. Hey, it worked for me, I can make it work for other people.
Not if you won't tell them what they want to hear while someone else does. Apparently that fantasy doesn't sell as well as you think it does, or you would have already been elected. You need a more enticing sounding fantasy, and focusing on what hurts you isn't helpful, so don't do it, pro tip.

You don't even need to change your core message, you just need to tweak it emphasize what helps you and minimize what hurts you. Focusing on confiscatory inheritance taxes isn't helpful, protip. Most people like being able to pass their stuff down to their families after they die, you can't make nepotism a thing of the past anymore than you can make aristocracy a thing of the past, telling these folks that they'll all be better off if they just hand all their shit over to the government when they die, that doesn't help. Your opponent will paint you as anti-family, anti-widow, anti-personal financial freedom and pro-big government if you focus on that shit, and their pitch will resonate with the electorate because they have a better story about your inheritance tax than you do. If you want to losing elections, then keep pimping that confiscatory inheritance tax, that's a guaranteed non-starter, in America especially

That's just a dumb idea that will always hold you back from getting elected, it is very poorly thought through, there are much better ways to show that you are anti-aristocracy, that will not only work better than this inheritance tax, but won't piss of the electorate anywhere near as much. You've got to learn to pick your battles better if you ever want to be a successful politician.
Last edited by StCapps on Sun Oct 22, 2017 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Martin Hash
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Re: How's that Obamacare Repeal Working Out For You?

Post by Martin Hash » Sun Oct 22, 2017 11:23 am

Taxes are the core of the solution. Without them, we will be an aristocracy, which I'm not interested in help create. I'd rather let the flawed system collapse. I'll yell the answers into the wind but if people want to be turned into pillars of salt, let them. Perversity feels as good to me as it does anyone else.

p.s. I'm working on my "Politics" book as I write this. It includes my platform. I've got planks that will infuriate both sides. I'll let you know when it's done.
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