Social Justice Warriors Thread

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Viktorthepirate » Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:36 pm

You see, Christians are the rational followers of a way of life with no supporting evidence. The Muslims are just crazy.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Okeefenokee » Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:38 pm

Viktorthepirate wrote:You see, Christians are the rational followers of a way of life with no supporting evidence. The Muslims are just crazy.
People are all the same, the post.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Hanarchy Montanarchy » Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:40 am

pineapplemike wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:Religions haven't actually caused that much death and mayhem, really. Most of the wars have been political, and some economic. If you look at the ideologies that drove nations to war, you will see religion as the primary driver up until the Enlightenment. But there weren't that many people before the Enlightenment. But as soon as you get to the Enlightenment, you encounter radical atheistic governments like the France's first republic, the Soviet Union, or the Khmer Rouge. I am pretty sure that, even if you normalize the differing population totals in the different times, it doesn't even match up.
This is interesting, duly noted. I'm not a history buff so that's why I like to browse a history forum.
Steven Pinker tried to do this comparison normalizing for population in 'Better Angels.' It wasn't related to religion or communism, or anything, just trying to make a case that, counter intuitively, the world is actually getting progressively less violent.

I imagine StA might disagree with Pinker's conclusions, but it is an interesting point of contention. I didn't really spend a lot of time trying to contest Pinker's math because math is gay and also for nerds... so I would actually be interested in what any gay nerds around here who read the book thought.

Her needs America so they won't just take his shit away like in some pussy non gun totting countries can happen.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Montegriffo » Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:54 am

Speaker to Animals wrote:
For that matter, are the Muslims Monty wants imported into his nation by the millions "homophobes" because more than half of them were surveyed as saying they would prefer to imprison or kill off the homosexuals in England?

Can you imagine the fucking contradictions these people operate under every day without even grasping the fact?
Ok strawman, show me where I've said I want to import Muslims by the millions or you are full of shit.
I'll save you the time searching, I have never said I want to import Muslims by the millions. You are full of shit and are incapable of honest debate.
What I have repeatedly said is that I approve of letting in genuine refugees fleeing violence from the likes of ISIS. You would just let them get murdered because of your irrational fear of Muslims. You equate being Muslim to being a terrorist despite the fact that the vast majority of the worlds 1.2 billion Muslims are not terrorists.
You equate criticism of Christianity with hate because you are a thin skinned whiney bitch who is so insecure that you cannot accept any criticism of your outdated dogma.
You attack forum members like Kath with the sort of vitriol which would cause you to meltdown if it was aimed at you.
You hate women, gays, anyone on the left, Muslims, over weight people, Mexicans and anyone who disagrees with your warped dogma.... yet I'm a bigot because I dare to challenge your hate.
In short you are a sad, hateful, forum killing bigot......
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by brewster » Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:14 am

Montegriffo wrote: In short you are a sad, hateful, forum killing bigot......
We are only accustomed to dealing with like twenty online personas at a time so when we only have about ten people some people have to be strawmanned in order to advance our same relative go nowhere nonsense positions. -TheReal_ND

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:31 am

Montegriffo wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:
For that matter, are the Muslims Monty wants imported into his nation by the millions "homophobes" because more than half of them were surveyed as saying they would prefer to imprison or kill off the homosexuals in England?

Can you imagine the fucking contradictions these people operate under every day without even grasping the fact?
Ok strawman, show me where I've said I want to import Muslims by the millions or you are full of shit.
I'll save you the time searching, I have never said I want to import Muslims by the millions. You are full of shit and are incapable of honest debate.
What I have repeatedly said is that I approve of letting in genuine refugees fleeing violence from the likes of ISIS. You would just let them get murdered because of your irrational fear of Muslims. You equate being Muslim to being a terrorist despite the fact that the vast majority of the worlds 1.2 billion Muslims are not terrorists.
You equate criticism of Christianity with hate because you are a thin skinned whiney bitch who is so insecure that you cannot accept any criticism of your outdated dogma.
You attack forum members like Kath with the sort of vitriol which would cause you to meltdown if it was aimed at you.
You hate women, gays, anyone on the left, Muslims, over weight people, Mexicans and anyone who disagrees with your warped dogma.... yet I'm a bigot because I dare to challenge your hate.
In short you are a sad, hateful, forum killing bigot......

You really can't help yourself but to virtue signal, can you. :roll:

It's not a straw man. You came in here insinuating that some of us were bigots for criticizing Islam or not agreeing that homosexuality is morally appropriate. It was pointed out to you that you constantly express hate speech towards Christians. You proceeded to exemplify that assertion with more hate speech directed towards us. Again: I don't really care that you hate Christians. What annoys me is your flagrant hypocrisy. If I am a "bigot" because I don't like all the human suffering and death caused by Islam in our societies today, then what in the holy fuck are you for openly hating Christians??

Then you present this asinine definition of these Orwellian labels as having an irrational fear towards something. So I pointed out that it's not irrational in the least to not want more Muslims in our countries. We don't want more terror attacks. Indeed, I can't imagine why gay people would want to live in a majority Muslim nation, since they would just end up murdered. What does that make you, wanting to import millions of people, half of whom in your country indicated that homosexuals should be punished? I am a homophobe because I don't think homosexuality is morally appropriate, even though I am perfectly willing to tolerate it, but you are some example of secular virtue for wanting to import millions of people, half of whom want to imprison or murder gay people!?

Do you ever stop to think about the contradictions, Monty? This is not a straw man. You literally are behaving like a huge, hypocritical ass who expressed logically inconsistent opinions in an attempt to buff up his own ego on an anonymous forum.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by TheReal_ND » Tue Jul 18, 2017 1:30 pm


Adverts that express gender stereotypes banned in the UK
Advertisements that show men failing at simple household tasks and women left to clean up are set to be BANNED by the UK advertising watchdog

Ads that mock people for not conforming to gender types or reinforce gender roles had "costs for individuals, the economy and society", the ASA said.

The ASA said it had decided to conduct a review following the public's reaction to the "beach body ready" advertising campaign in 2015. It prompted a wave of complaints for showing a bikini-clad model in an advertisement for a slimming product, which critics said was socially irresponsible.

In the past the ASA has banned ads on grounds of objectification, inappropriate sexualisation, and for suggesting it is desirable for young women to be unhealthily thin.

The ASA also said ads suggesting specific activities were suitable only for boys or girls were problematic.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Fife » Tue Jul 18, 2017 1:57 pm

Not Enough ‘Women’, ‘People of Color’ in ‘Dunkirk,’ USA Today Complains

The trio of timelines can be jarring as you figure out how they all fit, and the fact that there are only a couple of women and no lead actors of color may rub some the wrong way.

Fucking white male cis privilege.


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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Tue Jul 18, 2017 2:02 pm


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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Fife » Tue Jul 18, 2017 2:12 pm

I'm going with my kiddo to see that at the IMAX 70MM this weekend. Pretty stoked. $20 a head, it better be as good as they are saying.