Another School Shooting

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:40 pm

BjornP wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:Think small, homogeneous community and you will start to get the picture.

I possibly might. So, it could be volunteer work for whoever's got the time to guard a school for 8+ hours, or half if they're taking turns? Well, one can hope there are enough grandparents and/or unemployed people who have the time for that. That's certainly cheap and non-controlling enough to qualify as a less government solution.
Okee wrote:"guarenteeing the safety of children."

Yeah, I was referencing this: "These school shootings are a failure of government to protect the children" - part of Carlus' post.

Fun fact: we didn't need to guard schools before the immigration reform act of 1965..

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by BjornP » Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:45 pm

Okeefenokee wrote:
BjornP wrote:
Okee wrote:"guarenteeing the safety of children."

Yeah, I was referencing this: "These school shootings are a failure of government to protect the children" - part of Carlus' post.
Responding to a critique of a failure by challenging the critic to present a guarantee against future failure isn't a valid response.

This patient died because the doctor fucked up.

Okay, let's hear your plan to guarantee no one ever dies again.
Another day, another imaginary thing for you to get triggered by. Seriously, just stop going to college, man... it's clearly making you hypersensitive to getting "offended". I'm not looking for Carlus' to provide a 100% foolproof system. He complained about "big government", so I want to hear what his "little government" solution would be. That ok with you?
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by pineapplemike » Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:49 pm

man screw david hogg i've had it up to here with that guy. i'm willing to bite my tongue for awhile out of respect for a bunch of his classmates being killed but at a certain point you've extended past my line of sympathy into the realm of get fucked

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Okeefenokee » Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:52 pm

BjornP wrote:
Okeefenokee wrote:
BjornP wrote:
Yeah, I was referencing this: "These school shootings are a failure of government to protect the children" - part of Carlus' post.
Responding to a critique of a failure by challenging the critic to present a guarantee against future failure isn't a valid response.

This patient died because the doctor fucked up.

Okay, let's hear your plan to guarantee no one ever dies again.
Another day, another imaginary thing for you to get triggered by. Seriously, just stop going to college, man... it's clearly making you hypersensitive to getting "offended". I'm not looking for Carlus' to provide a 100% foolproof system. He complained about "big government", so I want to hear what his "little government" solution would be. That ok with you?
Look who keeps crying every time his nonsense gets called out.

The thought that anyone would believe you have any interest in entertaining any idea related to small government, mister unionized fucking army.

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:54 pm

But can the union rep get you out of weekend duty?

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by BjornP » Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:59 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:

Fun fact: we didn't need to guard schools before the immigration reform act of 1965..
Are most school shooters members of those immigrant groups that entered the country post 1965? In any case, my point is that if the solution to school shooters is to turn schools into something resembling prison complexes or military bases, with the kids being subject to police control all day, that's more government, obviously. All that does is give kids the impression that more government is a valid response to not simply real and immideate threat, but simply potential threat. Imagined threats. That big government is a valid response to the threat that something may, potentially, possibly, one day, happen. Think of how rare those shootings actually are, statistically speaking, after all.
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by BjornP » Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:18 pm

Okeefenokee wrote:
Look who keeps crying every time his nonsense gets called out.

The thought that anyone would believe you have any interest in entertaining any idea related to small government, mister unionized fucking army.

Always funny to hear a guy who wouldn't have gotten a college education if not for government largesse.

Right, so favoring unionizing = big government = as in wanting government to dictate and control the minutae of our lives? Right, if the right of citizens to unionize against the interest of the government is all you can think when you think "Big Government", then yeah, I'm totally that. Hey, if that's what most Americans think when they hear "Big Government", fair enough, I'm a big government kinda guy. :D
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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by C-Mag » Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:21 pm

BjornP wrote:
C-Mag wrote:We've gotta stop letting the Hoggs of the world control the narrative on these Civil Rights issues.

Liberty minded folks need to take the initiative and frame the argument correctly. These school shootings are a failure of government to protect the children they are charged with protecting. It's not different from the government being responsible for kids on a bus. Kids are not allowed to wander around a bus because they might harm themselves or others. Troublemakers and kids that make threats are not allowed on busses.

The government has created the environment where they control everything about security of teachers, children and staff at schools. They have made them gun free zones, prevented dangerous kids like Cruz to be controlled and prevented teachers, parents and staff from having personal tools to defend the kids in their charge.

Everyone of these incidents is a failure of government, but we are letting people that favor big government to control the narrative and go after individual rights while giving government a complete pass on their Number One responsibility to keep these children safe.
How excatly would a small government, emphasis on the small, solution to government guarenteeing the safety of children from shooters at public schools look like? For the sake of argument, I am assuming you're not imagining government security personnel securing kids at private schools. We talking installing sensors in the school busses, so no one can bring guns aboard, barbed wire fences and towers with sharpshooters and multiple checkpoints with metal detectors? Monthly psych eval to see if anyone's turned psycho?
I don't think it's necessary to go dystopian prison schools. I didn't promote small government as a solution.
What I am saying is schools take responsibility for children at school, and we are not holding them responsible for shootings......... They don't get a pass with me. We should be shoving a mike in the Principal and Superintendants faces asking them why, why when they knew Cruz was dangerous why they allowed him on school property. We should be asking them what their active shooter response plan was, if it worked. We should ask why Law Enforcement failed.

Instead, the teachers support students walking out of class, pointing fingers at Constitutional Rights while the school never looks inward at themselves and their own failures.


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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:42 pm

BjornP wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:

Fun fact: we didn't need to guard schools before the immigration reform act of 1965..
Are most school shooters members of those immigrant groups that entered the country post 1965? In any case, my point is that if the solution to school shooters is to turn schools into something resembling prison complexes or military bases, with the kids being subject to police control all day, that's more government, obviously. All that does is give kids the impression that more government is a valid response to not simply real and immideate threat, but simply potential threat. Imagined threats. That big government is a valid response to the threat that something may, potentially, possibly, one day, happen. Think of how rare those shootings actually are, statistically speaking, after all.

You are missing half of the problem. "Multiculturalism" leads to alienation, isolation, and a low-trust society. The alienation and loneliness part is where mass shooters tend to come into play. It's not the only factor, but before we fucked up American society, the other factors by themselves were not enough.

The other factor that we ramped up since then was single-motherhood.

Then there is the feminist / conservative false-chivalry factor.

Take a boy who is raised without his father by a single mother, in a society that alienates him and provides him with zero group identity, and then thrust him into a feminist-run school system that demonizes him for being a male..

Another example of this was that failed PUA killer. He had no group identity. He was raised by a Left Coast culture that taught him his only value came from female approval. He couldn't get it. So he latched on in desperation to that PUA cult. Then, when that failed, he just lost it.

This is why liberals and leftists and general obsess over guns. Deep down they know they caused this. The gun control tantrums are a smokescreen.

Why do you think American male veterans have fraternity that the rest of American society doesn't grasp? The unit provides the group identity. Multiculturalism, historically, seems to lead to a situation where males gravitate towards arms because it's the only way they can be who they are. The legion, or whatever passes for it in that society, becomes the group identity. It's the gang that we all crave. As the multicultural society implodes, as they all must do, the legion assumes command. It's the way of things. The historical counterpart to "leftists" can be kept contained with violence and throwing them bread and circuses. Eventually they just get made peasants by the warrior class.

Group identity is the glue that holds a society together long term. Masculine virtues are what sustain it. As you take those things away from males, lots of males will try to create perversions of them because the alternative is not acceptable.

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Re: Another School Shooting

Post by Speaker to Animals » Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:57 pm

The other alternative is a balkanization like we saw across Europe in the 20th century starting with the disintegration of the first huge multicultural empires like Austria-Hungary.

Men crave group identity. Yet a multicultural society attempts to destroy them in favor of a civic nationalist identity, but that identity is so vacuous and meaningless that it can't really work. Men abandon it for their old cultural and racial identities. They break up into groups and sectarian violence follows.

If the army is not strong enough to lock it all down, then it has to break up. Even then, it can break up into smaller pieces ruled over by some warrior class as did most of Western Europe after the classical collapse.

In any case, one of the reason you see this dysfunction on display with school shooters is the extreme social isolation even in the midst of a high population density. Perhaps even because of that very density combined with multiculturalism you get these kinds of problems.

Put these boys in a smaller community in classrooms with similar boys of the same race and culture, and this doesn't seem to happen. At least, it didn't happen until the 1980s. The mass shooters in the 1950s were pretty rare, and the famous one in Texas was due to a brain tumor rather than any kind of isolation.

Still, you can see the effect of isolation on people like Oswald in the 1960s. This isn't some novel concept. Men need the gang. We are a patrilocal species built around ganglike structures. The closer society matches that the better. We can still have very complex societies as long as we organize them around this.