Social Justice Warriors Thread

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:59 pm

brewster wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:LOTS of the infected in Africa are women, especially sex workers, and they got it from men who had sex with other men.
Show proof of this theory of yours or it's just bullshit.

It's in your own link!

Holy fuck, man. This Africa nonsense has nothing to do with what was argued and it doesn't even support your case in the first place.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by brewster » Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:08 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
brewster wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:LOTS of the infected in Africa are women, especially sex workers, and they got it from men who had sex with other men.
Show proof of this theory of yours or it's just bullshit.

It's in your own link!

Holy fuck, man. This Africa nonsense has nothing to do with what was argued and it doesn't even support your case in the first place.
Quote where it says gay men are the primary transmission of African aids, which is overwhelmingly the majority of world aids cases. That is my point, that your case only holds for the US.

If you were honest, you would admit aids simply gave haters another reason to hate, gays were vilified, particularly by believers, long before aids. It's what drove gay men into the priesthood.
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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:14 pm

Well AIDS is almost the least of the worries concerning gay sex. I mean they are making new forms of life on the viral and bacterial level. Turns out rooting an anal capillary sack is a great std vector.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by pineapplemike » Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:23 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:
brewster wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:There exists less rational basis to hate religions than there does to hate homosexuality .

Yes, religions have ended the lives of many millions and caused others untold misery, even in just the last few decades. Gays make you feel icky. Yes, of course... Gays are far worse!!!

This is a good thread and all but, AIDS is worse than religion? I hate Islam way more than I hate AIDS. I'm ambivalent towards the religions, but didn't the Catholic church diddle a lot of little kids? I don't remember AIDS lying about diddling any kids, or suicide bombing anyone. AIDS is good folk

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by TheReal_ND » Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:28 pm

Christianity is pro homo now so idk what you're bitching about. The entire Christians hate homos thing is a red herring. Like you have one group and suddenly all Christians hate gays where stoning gays is pretty normal for Muslims. I'm not pro gay because while I'd prefer to leave people alone in the bedroom they keep pushing the gay agenda in our face and it's becoming really unhinged and weird. So yeah I'm anti gay now but it has about absolutely nothing to do with the fact I'm Christian. Like at one time I even supported gay marriage like whatever dude but now I want it gone and I want to force everyone to go to their gay friendly church instead.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:33 pm

pineapplemike wrote:
Speaker to Animals wrote:
brewster wrote:

Yes, religions have ended the lives of many millions and caused others untold misery, even in just the last few decades. Gays make you feel icky. Yes, of course... Gays are far worse!!!

This is a good thread and all but, AIDS is worse than religion? I hate Islam way more than I hate AIDS. I'm ambivalent towards the religions, but didn't the Catholic church diddle a lot of little kids? I don't remember AIDS lying about diddling any kids, or suicide bombing anyone. AIDS is good folk

I responded to the asinine quote that religions are worse than homosexuality because they "ended the lives of many millions and caused others untold misery".

These people are utterly blind to the contradictions in what they are posting. Anybody can show that homosexuality has inflicted more death and suffering than all the religions put together. Anybody can show that atheism is the top killer too.

It's just fucking stupid.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:35 pm

TheReal_ND wrote:Christianity is pro homo now so idk what you're bitching about. The entire Christians hate homos thing is a red herring. Like you have one group and suddenly all Christians hate gays where stoning gays is pretty normal for Muslims. I'm not pro gay because while I'd prefer to leave people alone in the bedroom they keep pushing the gay agenda in our face and it's becoming really unhinged and weird. So yeah I'm anti gay now but it has about absolutely nothing to do with the fact I'm Christian. Like at one time I even supported gay marriage like whatever dude but now I want it gone and I want to force everyone to go to their gay friendly church instead.

They are utterly blind to it, man. They spew out hate and vitriol towards Christians nonstop, and then they complain about other people being bigots. They accuse Christians of wanting to murder homosexuals, and then when we criticize Muslims for literally encouraging the murder of homosexuals, including the Pulse nightclub shooting which was drummed up by a radical mosque in Florida, they accuse us critics of being "Islamaphobic" and hating Muslims.

Dude, you can't wrap your mind around the extent of their cognitive biases. These people are utterly brainwashed if they can't see this.

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by pineapplemike » Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:49 pm

I don't know death totals or numbers, but taken at face value the statement seems pretty ballsy. Religions have fucked with culture and civilization, great figures, great men. AIDS has killed a lot of people in Africa. Not to trash Africa or anything, but the difference in quality of life should probably be considered in this debate. Do you send your extra nickel to Africa after the late night commercials? I don't. Fuck Africa

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by Speaker to Animals » Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:56 pm

pineapplemike wrote:I don't know death totals or numbers, but taken at face value the statement seems pretty ballsy. Religions have fucked with culture and Western civilization, great figures, great men. AIDS has killed a lot of people in Africa. Not to trash Africa or anything, but the difference in value of life should probably be considered in this debate. Do you send your extra nickel to Africa after the late night commercials? I don't. Fuck Africa

Religions haven't actually caused that much death and mayhem, really. Most of the wars have been political, and some economic. If you look at the ideologies that drove nations to war, you will see religion as the primary driver up until the Enlightenment. But there weren't that many people before the Enlightenment. But as soon as you get to the Enlightenment, you encounter radical atheistic governments like the France's first republic, the Soviet Union, or the Khmer Rouge. I am pretty sure that, even if you normalize the differing population totals in the different times, it doesn't even match up.

And remember this goes back to that bullshit label that actual bigots like Monty throw about at anybody who disagrees with their radical ideology. They claim that an aversion to something like homosexuality or Islam is irrational. First, if that's irrational, then what is their aversion to Christianity? Second, I wouldn't say many of us have an aversion to homosexuals. We simply don't agree with the assertion that their lifestyle is moral. Third, though I would claim many of us are averse to Islam, there exists good reason to be critical of both Islam and the gay lifestyle ideology as it is expressed by "LGBT". These two ideologies have inflicted much pain and suffering on western civilization in recent generations. I have a rational reason to not want more Muslims in my country: I don't want more terror attacks.

And if I were gay, I would definitely feel a rational aversion towards Islam, since those people would then want to murder me. Does that make homosexuals who oppose further immigration by Muslims "Islamaphobes"? Because they don't want to be gunned down like the people at Pulse Nightclub, or thrown off the tops of buildings? Am I an Islamaphobe because I don't want anybody I care about to be murdered by yet another Muslim terrorist?

I don't think so. I think people like Monty are totally full of shit.


For that matter, are the Muslims Monty wants imported into his nation by the millions "homophobes" because more than half of them were surveyed as saying they would prefer to imprison or kill off the homosexuals in England?

Can you imagine the fucking contradictions these people operate under every day without even grasping the fact?

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Re: Social Justice Warriors Thread

Post by pineapplemike » Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:09 pm

Speaker to Animals wrote:Religions haven't actually caused that much death and mayhem, really. Most of the wars have been political, and some economic. If you look at the ideologies that drove nations to war, you will see religion as the primary driver up until the Enlightenment. But there weren't that many people before the Enlightenment. But as soon as you get to the Enlightenment, you encounter radical atheistic governments like the France's first republic, the Soviet Union, or the Khmer Rouge. I am pretty sure that, even if you normalize the differing population totals in the different times, it doesn't even match up.
This is interesting, duly noted. I'm not a history buff so that's why I like to browse a history forum.
Speaker to Animals wrote:First, if that's irrational, then what is their aversion to Christianity?
They probably hate those God Hates Fags guys. Those guys leave a bad taste in your mouth. Not comparable to throwing gays off rooftops in 2017 or any of that but enough to have an aversion.