Well the other thing here in Canada is that we have the French, and we have the Natives, and we never did actually subjugate them under our bootheels, it's a confederation not a republic, so we have to be more careful about stirring shit up like you Americans do, because there's not the same sort of "supremacy clause" here, if the French and Natives get riled up, all heck would break loose, and not just a handful of white supremacists, so we just leave well enough alone, in the name of the Queen's Peace.GrumpyCatFace wrote:I envy that. Still a prospective Canadian, in my mind, even though I won't be emigrating for a few more decades.Smitty-48 wrote:Well, the point was indeed to take the edge off of everything, nationalism, militarism, sectarianism, all that sort of thing, and it has turned Canada into a Beta country. On the other hand, it's nice and quiet, which, I'm not really looking for anybody to stir up a ruckus, that's a pain in the ass.GrumpyCatFace wrote:
And it's made Canada a lovely pet. It's like a happy dog that chews on our slippers once in a while.
This really is the confederacy which won the war and lived to tell the tale, but confederacy means "gentleman's agreement", so you don't go poking that with a stick to stir up a hornets nest, or a least, we don't.