Hanarchy Montanarchy wrote:As part of the pedantry patrol, I feel I should point out that 'value to society' and 'intrinsic value' are not exactly the same thing.
No need to play semantic games. You can call this whatever you want. I think you know where I am getting at.
For all of human history until very recently, women held value simply by being fertile women whereas men had to prove their worth, and men's lives were always disposable.
But now fertility is a surplus commodity. We have almost eradicated infant mortality. We have extended the human lifespan a little. While I am sure some of you will instinctively (and instinct is exactly what it is) oppose the idea that fertility no longer makes women intrinsically worthy (no matter what they do or fail to do), the evidence of it is all over our society. Women themselves have rebelled against their own fertility, They understand this at some deep level.
On the other hand, because men are the ones who built this technological civilization and continue to build it, men are becoming inherently valuable due to the inverting demographic pyramid. STEM educated men in their thirties and forties, in about thirty years, are going to be the most valuable members of society hands down. That's where all the innovation comes from and there won't be very many of them. Our lives are quickly becoming non-disposable on a utilitarian basis whereas the opposite is becoming true for women.
This is what I think women are inherently rebelling against through feminism. They realize that their traditional value to society is removed from a pedestal by the advent of technological civilization. So they want to somehow make women just as intrinsically valuable as men by pushing more and more women away from their roles as mothers and wives and into STEM and other positions that make technological civilization possible. It's why they push so hard the idea that women are just like men and the only reason they don't ever perform to the same standards as men -- anywhere and throughout all of history -- is because of a vast global conspiracy perpetrated by men called the patriarchy.
Think about what happens at the height of the global demographic winter when we lost most of our human capital. If we get hit with something like peak oil unprepared for it, our ability to overcome and mitigate the effects will be contingent upon the number of men in their thirties and forties with a solid education and experience. But there won't be many of those guys at all. We could have a legion of single mothers and middle-manager females and not be able to do a damned thing about it.
This doesn't mean that I think some people are worth more than others in principle or before the law or especially before God. I am just looking at it through a practical lens of survival of the group. That special role women held for so long is no longer so special, and yet as a group they generally don't carry their own water.