Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by clubgop » Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:42 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
clubgop wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
So, in summary, you have no alternative ideas, not even a vague conception of how things could be run differently, but you're absolutely convinced that Democrat are responsible.
This why you are a partisan hack bitch. You know how this game is played. But you get all Casablanca when you discover Republicans are playing the same game. Also I do have ideas and alternatives but why offer when I know you and other hack bitches wont consider them and call them racist, sexist, bigot, homophobic, transphobic. So let me get this straight if you run something for 40-50 years and it is now a vacuous hell hole you bear no responsibility because an outside observer calls a spade a spade? Exactly what we would expect from a millenial SJW bitch.
You're just here to rant against your selected SJW boogyman then. Nothing to do with me, so carry on.

BTW, one does have to question a person's motivation for sitting here and just blasting anger into a message board day after day. I suppose it's fine, so long as you don't transition to shooting kids in a clock tower...
You talking about me or you?

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by clubgop » Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:12 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
clubgop wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
Good post. Sadly, it's wasted rhetoric against True Believers.
Because it is ridiculous that is why. When we look back at the Old Testament you criticize that God for being angry and vengeful but when he isnt angry or vengeful enough to your liking suddenly he is not fair and just. It wasted rhetoric because we know no matter the circumstance when those with political differences from you lay supine begging for mercy that makes you happy. But when you are cowardly bitch and prayer offers no solace what more can be expected?
I don't need God to rain down hellfire on suffering children. Assuming that your God is all-powerful, benign, and seems to watch you masturbating in your room, it's pretty amazing that he'd allow all of those kids to suffer and die every day.. Either he's ridiculously pre-occupied with YOU over the other 7 billion of us, or he's not doing shit for anybody in the first place.

Show us on the doll where the liberals hurt you.
Not hurting me, want to know why you and they are losing? Why Labour can't get elected in the UK? Why France will choose between their Bush/Cheney or LePen? Why the Dutch alt-right is winning? Why Western civilization is outright rejecting you? Because Syria is your fault, you did nothing and these are the consequences. Take a good look, because that is what doing nothing looks like. In that regard your mistakes are understandable even acceptable under the circumstances. What is not acceptable is a move to assuage your personal guilt by exposing, the people you said you were keeping safe in the first by doing nothing, to a danger you admit you can't vet and as examplied by attacks in France, Germany, Sweeden, US, etc. You have no idea how to stop, except maybe to disarm the people you admitted you can't protect. But keep on not taking any responsibility, questioning motives, mocking people's beliefs, and name calling cause you sure as hell cant do anything else. This time however you'll have to do it from the sidelines because no one is listening or coddling your cowardly SJW bitch ass anymore.

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:18 pm

clubgop wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
clubgop wrote:
Because it is ridiculous that is why. When we look back at the Old Testament you criticize that God for being angry and vengeful but when he isnt angry or vengeful enough to your liking suddenly he is not fair and just. It wasted rhetoric because we know no matter the circumstance when those with political differences from you lay supine begging for mercy that makes you happy. But when you are cowardly bitch and prayer offers no solace what more can be expected?
I don't need God to rain down hellfire on suffering children. Assuming that your God is all-powerful, benign, and seems to watch you masturbating in your room, it's pretty amazing that he'd allow all of those kids to suffer and die every day.. Either he's ridiculously pre-occupied with YOU over the other 7 billion of us, or he's not doing shit for anybody in the first place.

Show us on the doll where the liberals hurt you.
Not hurting me, want to know why you and they are losing? Why Labour can't get elected in the UK? Why France will choose between their Bush/Cheney or LePen? Why the Dutch alt-right is winning? Why Western civilization is outright rejecting you? Because Syria is your fault, you did nothing and these are the consequences. Take a good look, because that is what doing nothing looks like. In that regard your mistakes are understandable even acceptable under the circumstances. What is not acceptable is a move to assuage your personal guilt by exposing, the people you said you were keeping safe in the first by doing nothing, to a danger you admit you can't vet and as examplied by attacks in France, Germany, Sweeden, US, etc. You have no idea how to stop, except maybe to disarm the people you admitted you can't protect. But keep on not taking any responsibility, questioning motives, mocking people's beliefs, and name calling cause you sure as hell cant do anything else. This time however you'll have to do it from the sidelines because no one is listening or coddling your cowardly SJW bitch ass anymore.
Again, clearly not talking about me anymore, just railing against the monsters in your head. Poor, lost soul.. struggling through the darkness...
SJWs are a natural consequence of corporatism.

Formerly GrumpyCatFace

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by clubgop » Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:32 pm

GrumpyCatFace wrote:
clubgop wrote:
GrumpyCatFace wrote:
I don't need God to rain down hellfire on suffering children. Assuming that your God is all-powerful, benign, and seems to watch you masturbating in your room, it's pretty amazing that he'd allow all of those kids to suffer and die every day.. Either he's ridiculously pre-occupied with YOU over the other 7 billion of us, or he's not doing shit for anybody in the first place.

Show us on the doll where the liberals hurt you.
Not hurting me, want to know why you and they are losing? Why Labour can't get elected in the UK? Why France will choose between their Bush/Cheney or LePen? Why the Dutch alt-right is winning? Why Western civilization is outright rejecting you? Because Syria is your fault, you did nothing and these are the consequences. Take a good look, because that is what doing nothing looks like. In that regard your mistakes are understandable even acceptable under the circumstances. What is not acceptable is a move to assuage your personal guilt by exposing, the people you said you were keeping safe in the first by doing nothing, to a danger you admit you can't vet and as examplied by attacks in France, Germany, Sweeden, US, etc. You have no idea how to stop, except maybe to disarm the people you admitted you can't protect. But keep on not taking any responsibility, questioning motives, mocking people's beliefs, and name calling cause you sure as hell cant do anything else. This time however you'll have to do it from the sidelines because no one is listening or coddling your cowardly SJW bitch ass anymore.
Again, clearly not talking about me anymore, just railing against the monsters in your head. Poor, lost soul.. struggling through the darkness...
Not taking any responsibilty, mocking beliefs you dont even have a rudimentary understanding of, I got you and Monty pegged. Some good ol cross thread sniping.

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by Montegriffo » Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:33 pm

Just remind me who destabilised the region and created a power vacuum which led to the rise of ISIS? Oh yeah I remember George W fucking Bush.
Oh and where were most of the terrorists in France born? In France that's where. Who would have thought that raving anti-Islamic fucktards like Le Pen would turn French nationals into terrorists.
Good luck with that policy in the US clubby, how many Muslims do you have as natural born citizens?
Lots, that's how many, see how much you can piss them off why don't you.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:38 pm

I think you're assigning motives to terrorists that may not be due to internal bias. And Bush didn't destabalize Syria. You could argue, perhaps successfully to a degree, that he was a contributor but the released intelligence reports exist which warn Obama he was going to create a group like ISIS if he kept up his teajectory. I've linked them more than a few times. If you would like to see them again lmk.

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by clubgop » Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:42 pm

Montegriffo wrote: Oh and where were most of the terrorists in France born? In France that's where. Who would have thought that raving anti-Islamic fucktards like Le Pen would turn French nationals into terrorists.
Good luck with that policy in the US clubby, how many Muslims do you have as natural born citizens?
Lots, that's how many, see how much you can piss them off why don't you.
There we are. So the liberal answer is to lay supine create no go zones, sharia law, and let these people do whatever they want all the while policing other citizens means of self defense, thermostat, and gender pronouns cause we all tried that policy. Yeah it aint working.

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by Okeefenokee » Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:43 pm

Montegriffo wrote:Just remind me who destabilised the region and created a power vacuum which led to the rise of ISIS? Oh yeah I remember George W fucking Bush.
Oh and where were most of the terrorists in France born? In France that's where. Who would have thought that raving anti-Islamic fucktards like Le Pen would turn French nationals into terrorists.
Good luck with that policy in the US clubby, how many Muslims do you have as natural born citizens?
Lots, that's how many, see how much you can piss them off why don't you.

Obama created ISIS when he bailed on Iraq, knowing what would happen, and then armed rebels that became ISIS. One of the weapons in the Paris attack was sold to Mexican drug cartels by Obama. Muslims in Paris were rioting more than ten years ago under a leftist government, a decade before anyone knew who Le Pen was.

Never ceases to amaze how liberals can blame the consequences of the actions of their leaders on people who haven't been in office for nearly a decade.
GrumpyCatFace wrote:Dumb slut partied too hard and woke up in a weird house. Ran out the door, weeping for her failed life choices, concerned townsfolk notes her appearance and alerted the fuzz.


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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by Montegriffo » Sun Dec 18, 2016 9:02 pm

Le Pen and her father before her have been stirring up hatred for Muslim nationals for decades. We have been aware of the Front National for a long long time in Europe. Just because you never heard the name Le Pen till recently doesn't mean we didn't know all about their hateful shit stirring.
When you are treated as a second class citizen and can't get a job or decent housing you are going to get angry and when getting angry does you no good it leads to violent protests.
Add to that the invasion and destabilising of the region and you have perfect conditions for creating terrorists.
For legal reasons, we are not threatening to destroy U.S. government property with our glorious medieval siege engine. But if we wanted to, we could. But we won’t. But we could.

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Re: Does anyone on this forum actually care about Syria?

Post by TheReal_ND » Sun Dec 18, 2016 9:07 pm

Meanwhile those second class citizens are kidnapping the first class ones in Italy and threatening to behead them if they don't get more money. Fuck those parasitic protestors in France. It's not their country they are free to go back before they get run out like the Italian citizens are about to do to their eternal enemies.