That's all the Dan Carlin thing was about, a bunch of Lefties and Lolbergs who were outraged about Bush, that was like 90% of the show.Hastur wrote: I'm getting flashbacks to the constant stream of vile hate that was poured upon him from the left during his 8! years in office.
The exact same Lefty-Loller hysterical cry whiners are cry whining hysterically about Trump now? Shocking.
Obviously when a bunch of cry blubbering America bashing Lefty-Lollers say "outsider", they don't mean an authoritian nationalist, the Carlinite Lefty-Loller dream ticket is Sanders-Paul, which is exactly why they never stop cry blubbering, because they want kumbaya, where it could never happen.
This is the thing about Left-Libertarianism, it advocates for two diametrically opposed positions, so it's never happy, eventually, the rest of the world just moves on without them, picks a side, one side went with Obama, the other side went with Trump, and then Dan Carlin was left with no constituency, and everybody simply left to go to their respective camps.
Once they all left, the Dan Carlin empire was ripe to be overrun with the new paradigm, and since the lefties simply flee when they don't have control, the righties chased all the lefties away, including Dan Carlin himself.
Marty Hash is more fun anyways, Carlin was always too uptight, he's too precious about shit, and you can't call him on shit without him taking it personally, cause he takes himself too seriously.
Whatever claims Carlin ever made about wanting a wide open Hurly Burly, it was all bullshit, he wanted an echo chamber, he just wanted a Lefty-Loller echo chamber, and now on Twitter, he has what he always wanted, a bunch o' sycophants all nodding and agreeing with him, which, more power too him, who cares? Moving on.