Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by Penner » Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:46 pm

DBTrek wrote:
Penner wrote: Well, Trump is in the White House so of course, everything politics becomes Trump. Dude is going to shape our nation's future and you think that Dan's political show won't cover Trump?

It's like Pavlov's dog in here.

Well, maybe you'll luck out and Dan Carlin can serve up some warm leftovers of whatever the MSM served you all last month.
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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by DBTrek » Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:54 pm

I would defy anyone to listen to Common Sense 111 - Truth or Consequences
"What if scientific research uncovers information we don't want to find? Dan examines the controversial comments by a geneticist and asks: If it's true, don't you want to know?"
(My brief summation: PC culture shuts down legitimate research and discussion with accusations of racism)

. . . and then try to square that guy, the old DC, with the clown currently posting this in his Twitter feed:
  • * I simply don't comprehend (&don't really know how 2 analyze) how we got to a point where any1,anywhere wasn't just reflexively anti-Nazi

    * @levidiki @KillerTruthCell ...or when you say "all sides are bad" or equal. That's both politically dumb AND morally bankrupt.

    * Antifa is worse than Nazis or the KKK?! This is exactly what I'm talking about.Baffling.

    * @CatoTheAncient think of the huge irony here.White males are reacting to prejudice?Maybe we begin to understand how other races have felt.
For a guy who could see the dangers of allowing leftist dogma to straightjacket public discourse in 2007 he sure turned into kool-aid drinker #1 a decade later. Everything that isn't liberal Anarchist Eugene Oregon standards is Nazi. Equating leftist political violence with right wing political violence? - baffling!!!! But hey, white males are sure getting their comeuppance now ho-ho-ho~!

Fucking sad.
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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by Penner » Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:03 pm

DBTrek wrote:I would defy anyone to listen to Common Sense 111 - Truth or Consequences
"What if scientific research uncovers information we don't want to find? Dan examines the controversial comments by a geneticist and asks: If it's true, don't you want to know?"
(My brief summation: PC culture shuts down legitimate research and discussion with accusations of racism)

. . . and then try to square that guy, the old DC, with the clown currently posting this in his Twitter feed:
  • * I simply don't comprehend (&don't really know how 2 analyze) how we got to a point where any1,anywhere wasn't just reflexively anti-Nazi

    * Antifa is worse than Nazis or the KKK?! This is exactly what I'm talking about.Baffling.

    * @CatoTheAncient think of the huge irony here.White males are reacting to prejudice?Maybe we begin to understand how other races have felt.
For a guy who could see the dangers of allowing leftist dogma to straightjacket public discourse in 2007 he sure turned into kool-aid drinker #1 a decade later. Everything that isn't liberal Anarchist Eugene Oregon standards is Nazi. Equating leftist political violence with right wing political violence? - baffling!!!! But hey, white males are sure getting their comeuppance now ho-ho-ho~!

Fucking sad.

Oh, so some dude might have changed his belief/outlook in life from 10 years prior but he is the one "drinking the "kooky kool-aide" when no one here can actually be bothered to criticize Trump. I mean hell, really hasn't done anything and (going back to the topic of NK and I think this is what Dan was originally talking in this episode) Trump is having a Twitter shout match with a country with nuclear weapons and no one bats an eye?

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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by DBTrek » Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:07 pm

Again, I'm talking Dan Carlin, and you're fixating on Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.

It really is a derangement with you, and a good portion of the nation.
I look at people like you, and pray to God that I never get whatever mind virus you guys have that transforms otherwise normal looking people into single-note, horse beating, script repeating, automatons.

I. pray. to. God. I. never. catch. that. mental. illness.

And I'm agnostic, so you know it's freaking me out if I'm turning to the divine to spare me from that plague.
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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by C-Mag » Mon Sep 11, 2017 10:53 pm

Look at the last couple weeks of Dan's comments on Twitter, he's talking about what a shame it is we can't get along, and it's too bad reform won't happen now. Can't we all just get along, it's too much us against them.

Maybe Dan has conviently forgotten that the day after America rejected the establishment candidate and elected Trump, the establishment started.


I say, Well F! You. Subverting a legally elected President because you believe all the Corporate Establishment biased reporting is bullshit.


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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by SuburbanFarmer » Mon Sep 11, 2017 10:56 pm

Still, it's hard to imagine a more repulsive human being ever gaining that office. Regardless of his politics, or lack thereof.
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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:39 pm

Carlin is simply a Left-Libertarian and always was, why anybody would be shocked that Carlin would not be inclined to support an authoritarian nationalist is beyond me, we're talking about a dude who indicted Jimmy Stewart & Co as war criminals for bombing the Nazis into the stone age, which, probably deserves a little taste of the Nazis for saying that, how you like them now, Danny boy? Ready to green light those B-17s yet? No? Yeah, didn't think so, y'asshippie pansy waist.
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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by Haumana » Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:50 pm

DBTrek wrote:Just perused his Twitter feed and can't say that I care whether he ever does another Common Sense again or not.
What's he saying that Rachel Maddow isn't?

He can't sell Maddow-lite when the real deal is free - and the same message echoed by 90% of the MSM.

Some alien.

(Yes, I'm talking about the multiple "whaddaya mean two sides?!?! NO! THERE'S ONLY NAZI!!!" garbage)

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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by Smitty-48 » Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:59 pm

Unless it was geopolitical/war related, which most of the time it wasn't, CS was super boring anyways, so, no loss really.

Marty Hash is the new news, Dan Carlin is so 2007.
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Re: Common Sense 316 - The Day of the Dove

Post by Hastur » Tue Sep 12, 2017 12:08 am

GrumpyCatFace wrote:Still, it's hard to imagine a more repulsive human being ever gaining that office. Regardless of his politics, or lack thereof.
When did this start? The vilification of the POTUS when he's not from your own camp. It was the same with GWB. I'm getting flashbacks to the constant stream of vile hate that was poured upon him from the left during his 8! years in office. ... h%20Hatred

Then BHO came into office and more or less continued the exact same politics and the criticism died down. I think a lot of Americans are starting to catch on to these dynamics. Others like GCF are still being led by the nose by the liberal media outrage machine.

Dan Carlin hesitated a lot before he gave in and went into the twittersphere. He should have remained on the outside to maintain his integrity and independence of thought. There is no third way on Twitter. You have to pick a side or remain forever silent.

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