CS315 - War on a Whim?

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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by apeman » Wed May 10, 2017 6:47 am

Fife wrote:
de officiis wrote:
DrYouth wrote:Do y'all agree with Dan's hopelessness about the political divide?

I keep waffling between taking it seriously and seeing at some freakish phase related to the dawn of social media that will blow over in good time.

I think it's overkill to see it as some kind of sign of national Armaggedon.

A few bloody noses posted to Twitter and Instagram... A few people threatening to defect or secede.

Is this really the death knell of a society?
No, we're just going to muddle along.
Muddling along. Till we're not.
Some decades nothing happens, some weeks decades happens. (credit to some commie)

We are due for one or two of those weeks.

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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by apeman » Wed May 10, 2017 7:07 am

This was Dan's first good CS in a long while (didn't listen to the end on North Korea yet).

I respect him more for his introspection, admitting he must re-evaluate, admitting he lacks answers.

While it sounds hyperbolic, Dan may very well be correct re: the hate hypothesis. What does democracy look like when you believe the other side is motivated by evil?

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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by Martin Hash » Wed May 10, 2017 7:16 am

apeman wrote:What does democracy look like when you believe the other side is motivated by evil?
Look around you.
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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed May 10, 2017 7:18 am

apeman wrote:What does democracy look like when you believe the other side is motivated by evil?


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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by apeman » Wed May 10, 2017 8:08 am

Martin Hash wrote:
apeman wrote:What does democracy look like when you believe the other side is motivated by evil?
Look around you.
Was it always this way?

I'm 34, I have no perspective on how the climate differs compared to decades past. Dan mentioned the 60's as much worse, what do you think?

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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by Speaker to Animals » Wed May 10, 2017 8:12 am

apeman wrote:
Martin Hash wrote:
apeman wrote:What does democracy look like when you believe the other side is motivated by evil?
Look around you.
Was it always this way?

I'm 34, I have no perspective on how the climate differs compared to decades past. Dan mentioned the 60's as much worse, what do you think?

It was worse in a different way. The 1960s was mostly a generational strife with the racial stuff being limited to cities, whereas more people lived outside of cities than inside in those days.

What we see now is not so much generational, but ethnic and cultural conflict. It's more like the years leading up the Civil War, with one cultural group (Yankees) trying to culturally colonize the others, while their own bankrupt ideology breeds race wars in their cities.

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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by Martin Hash » Wed May 10, 2017 8:40 am

apeman wrote:
Martin Hash wrote:
apeman wrote:What does democracy look like when you believe the other side is motivated by evil?
Look around you.
Was it always this way?

I'm 34, I have no perspective on how the climate differs compared to decades past. Dan mentioned the 60's as much worse, what do you think?
I blame it on Social Media. Democracy can be easily leveraged because everyone is NOT equal at the Voting booth if the other side doesn't show up. With Social Media, crackpots can coalesce enough to exploit democracy because other folks are living their lives, not constantly watching their backs.

The 60s were different in that an entire mindset was being overturned by the majority. This is much more insidious: you can't identify with people who cut their dicks off yet they, for all intents & purposes, are talking for you. If you don't do something, it's your dick next...
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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by apeman » Wed May 10, 2017 9:22 am

Martin Hash wrote:The 60s were different in that an entire mindset was being overturned by the majority. This is much more insidious: you can't identify with people who cut their dicks off yet they, for all intents & purposes, are talking for you. If you don't do something, it's your dick next...
Can you elaborate on your thoughts here re: much more insidious?

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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by Martin Hash » Wed May 10, 2017 9:27 am

The SJWs purport to speak for you, but I'm of the opinion that the majority of young people are NOT socialists, yet the minority has established the narrative otherwise.

p.s. I could be wrong on young people not being socialists?
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Re: CS315 - War on a Whim?

Post by Smitty-48 » Wed May 10, 2017 9:57 am

The epoch you are living in now, was born of Watergate, Watergate was the event which created the media as you know it, everything is before Watergate and after Watergate, after Watergate; the media has been trying to recreate it ever since, it's a constant search for the next Watergate, as Watergate was the thing that made the media into the leviathan you see now, it went 24hr, it spread through the internet, but the driving force behind all media flappery, is the search for another Watergate moment. The closer they feel themselves getting to it, the more aroused they become.

Watergate is the event, wherein for the first time in American history, everyone was tuned in, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, must watch media, all the time, it is the model upon which the contemporary media has been built, it is the "ah-ha" moment that they are ceaselessly trying to get back to.

Politically, Watergate was the breach in the Truce at Pearl Harbor, the event which cracked the Bipartisan Consensus, for the Left, it was the downing of a Right Wing Tyrant, for the Right, it was a Leftist Coup de Tat, and for the media, it was pure extasy, which they became addicted to, on the spot.

"What did the President know and when did he know it?!", "Is this another Saturday Night Massacre?!", "Where are the tapes and who has them?!" over and over and over, etcetra, etcetera, ad nausem.
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